For GA 17/18-5-2003
Proposal for FMJD title and norm attribution
As has been shown at the GA of Tallinn (1998) and Huissen (2001), the proportion of GMI between the MI and MF (either active or not) is not correct. We should have a pyramid, with a lot of MF, somewhat less MI and just a few GMI, i.e. a normal pyramid. This is not the case in 100 sq. : we have a large number of GMI, about the same number of MI and very few MF.
In order to arrive at a normal pyramid, the number of MF has to increase and we shall have to be reluctant with the attribution of MI and GMI titles.
One large problem is that titles are socially and politically important in many countries in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. From those countries a strong plea towards attribution of automatic titles in important FMJD tournaments is heard.
Though the GA of Tallinn decided to stop with automatic titles, at least for the time being, Huissen 2001 decided to have some titles after all. In this proposal the CT and CD try to meet the demands of the above mentioned countries.
The current situation
A player can attain a norm in a tournament, on the basis of a pre-drawn table which decides what number of points will meet what precise norm. Thus, a player without title, can attain a GMI, a MI or a MF norm. Dependent on the genre of tournament that is either a TIT or a TIH norm.
A TIT norm can only result from a round robin tournament.
Swiss tournaments only result in TIH norms. This GA decision should stand. The pairing within Swiss tournaments is too much decided by chance to distinguish between TIH and TIT norms. For the attribution of a title a certain number of norms are needed:
MF title
An MF title is for a player who has
- attained two MF norms (or more) in a TIT tournament
- played at least 24 games
- has a rating of at least 2210 (or attains that rating within 5 years)
Or to a player who has
- attained three MF norms (or more) in TIH tournaments
- attained one norm in a TIT tournament
- played at least 30 games.
MI title
An MI title is for a player who has
- attained the MF title
- scored wo MI norms in TIT tournaments
- played at least 24 games
- a rating of at least 2250 (or attains that rating within 5 years)
or to a player who has
- three MI norms in TIH
- one MI norm in TIT
- played at least 30 games.
GMI title
A GMI title is for an MF or MI who has
- attained two (or more) GI norms in TIT tournaments
- played at least 24 games
- a rating of 2300 (or attains that rating within 5 years)
Or to a player who has
- scored three GMI norms in TIH
- one GMI norm in TIT
- played at least 30 games.
In the present system one norm (for a GMI e.g.) may count three times for title attribution. The reason is that a GMI norm, once attained, stayed in force even when used for a lower title.
Thus, a player who attained one GMI norm, one MI norm and two MF norms, one of which in a TIT tournament, became MF (if his rating was OK). But both the GMI and MI norms stayed on his credit list,
If he attained another GMI or three MI norms (one in a TIT) he became MI (of his rating was OK). The same way, the one GMI norm could help him become GMI. Thus the GMI norm counted three times, for each consecutive title. The same way an MI norm could count more than once.
The new system
In order to attain a more balanced title system and structure, the following is proposed:
A. All time limits will be eliminated
B. The MF title is attributed to each player that has played at least 30 games and has scored three or four norms (of whatever level). The demand for a minimum rating may not be needed (or a 2100 rating, the start rating).
After the attribution of this title, all norms and the needed number of games are annulled.
The MI title is only for an MF who has
– a rating of at least 2250
- has played at least 30 games (new games!)
- attained three or four (depending on the number of games) MI or GMI norms, one of which in a TIT tournament
After the attribution of this title, all norms and the needed number of games are annulled.
For both the following proviso is valid: when norms of a higher caliber than strictly needed are used for the title, a later performed norm at title level can be switched with the higher norm, liberating the latter for a future higher title. For example: A player has four MI norms, and becomes MF. He then attains four MF norms: these are switched with the MI norms, and he becomes MI.
C. The GMI title is only for an MI who has
- a rating of 2300
- played at least 40 games
- attained at least three (or more depending on the number of games) GMI norms of which one in a TIT tournament.
Automatic titles
The titles can also be obtained in the following ways:
1. The Junior World Champion (boys/girls) will become MF/MFF
2. Two such titles will be an MI/MIF norm, with TIH label.
3. The World Champion will be GMI. The Women World Champion will be GMIF
4. A player ending twice in a WC as two or three, and has no MI/MIF title as yet, will become MI/MIF. If already MI/MIF, the result will count as a GMI/GMIF norm, TIH label.
5. A result among the top five, will count as an MI/MIF norm (TIT label). With the restriction that in a small tournament, the norm is attributed only if the player in question ends in the first quartile of the field.
6. A result in the top half of a WC counts as an MF/MFF norm (TIT label) for any player without a title.
7. The winner of a Continental Championship that conform to FMJD standards (i.e. at least the half-plus-one of the participants having an FMJD rating) will get the MI title, if at least a score of 70% is attained. For the women, this is the MIF title.
8. For a continental Junior Championship, which usually uses the Swiss system, the winner become MF if he/she has at least 75% of the points.
9. A player who wins three Continental Youth Championships as well as three MF norms will become MI.
In this automatic system the norms can be attained as well.
On behalf of the CT and CD
Henk Fokkink & Alexander Leman
New title proposal
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