Financial situation FMJD. FMJD Bankrupt??

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Financial situation FMJD. FMJD Bankrupt??

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Jun 03, 2003 07:02

Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reported May 22nd that Pieter
Hildering, the sponsor from Hiltex, multiple Draughts Club Champion of
The Netherlands, decided to quit sponsoring the worlds of Draughts.
"The KNDB shows an ambiguous policy towards recently pushed off
FMJD-president Van Beek. Like 'it's good that he pushed off', but it's
also good that he stays to defend the Dutch interests."
De Telegraaf: According to Hildering the top -as well national as
international- is not exactly pleased with the character of the FMJD.
After eleven years Van Beek an actual bankruptcy is hardly to be stopped.


Alexander Presman answers a question on the FMJD-Forum about travelexpenses from FMJD-board:
"According to the Bye-Laws of the FMJD :
Article XL Expenses
The various functions of the Board Members are non-paid.
Yet, their costs may be reimbursed as far as incurred by their work
for the FMJD, such as travels and duties assigned to them.

So FMJD MAY reimburse expenses for trips. But there is no doubt that
a part of trips are paid by other means."


Alexander, do you know where we can get more exact information about
the financial situation of the FMJD?
And do you also know how much money from subsidies the KNDB is
handing over these days to the FMJD??
And, in August all these FMJD-people go to Stettin, Poland.
Is the FMJD reimbursing their expenses?
And how much money did FMJD reimburse for Congress in Zwartsluis??

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Post by shadow » Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:07


I am Eleonora Radin Bubbi, Director Tournament Seniores 100 cases of FMJD.

Italian Draughts Federation has charged me to represent Italian federation and also has given my name for the election of Director Tournament and of course paid my expenses for the G.A. of Zwartsluis.



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Re: Financial situation FMJD. FMJD Bankrupt??

Post by A.Presman » Tue Jun 03, 2003 13:02

Hanco Elenbaas wrote: Alexander, do you know where we can get more exact information about
the financial situation of the FMJD?
And do you also know how much money from subsidies the KNDB is
handing over these days to the FMJD??
And, in August all these FMJD-people go to Stettin, Poland.
Is the FMJD reimbursing their expenses?
And how much money did FMJD reimburse for Congress in Zwartsluis??
No. I don't. Despite to multiple appeals of several federation there were no independent or from the side of members-federations control of the financial activities of the FMJD.
The only what happened sometime is that it was announced that there was an accountant' control.
If I remember it well last one was done by the treasurer of the KNDB who reported that everything is alright.
But any accountant checks only how correct incomes and expenses registered in the books but not HOW and WHY money are being received and spent.
This is something what should be done by some control structure within FMJD (control commission or something like that).
In the Statutes of the FMJD there is "The Finance Committee".
I never heard that someone except President, Treasurer and accountant had a possibility to look with one eye into financial papers of the FMJD.

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Jun 03, 2003 16:16

Thank you Alexander!
The situation is even more serious than I thought...
I mailed Johan Bastiaannet for more information.
Hope he can give it, but I doubt it.
Let's think what to do about it. So far I can repeat:
The FMJD seems to be a very secretive organisation.
There is no open-minded information, especially concerning
the financial affairs.


People from countries like Belgium, Wales, Italy seem to give
their votes to the KNDB-point of view without asking questions,
in exchange they get the less important functions in the board of the FMJD.

The KNDB is Mastering the FMJD and the KNDB to any price wants
to stay Master. Only in the interest of Draughts Sports??
I don't believe so! What kind of monster did we create?

Jacques PERMAL
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As I said

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Tue Jun 03, 2003 17:07

As I said in this forum, Crisis is sometimes necessary to clarify the past.
FMJD will be an real International association like counterparts. Be sure.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Financial situation FMJD. FMJD Bankrupt??

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Jun 03, 2003 18:21

I tend to believe so Jacques!
But it might be necessary that in France
some people must help doing some serious thinking
before your dream can come true! Image
In the meantime take care of yourself!

George Miller CDC

In reply to to quote

Post by George Miller CDC » Tue Jun 03, 2003 20:25

People from countries like Belgium, Wales, Italy seem to give
their votes to the KNDB-point of view without asking questions,
in exchange they get the less important functions in the board of the FMJD.
1) Wales has no position on the FMJD board and I believe it disrespectful to my Belgian and Italian colleagues that they are branded with the charge of somehow "buying" their positions, if any, they hold.

2) I stand on my own merits and abilities and do not rely on such political manoeuver. I will not support those that try to "buy" positions. This was the clear intention of the Ukraine candidate in the GA Presidential election.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Financial situation FMJD. FMJD Bankrupt??

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Jun 03, 2003 22:31

  • 2) I stand on my own merits and abilities and do not rely on such political
    manoeuver. I will not support those that try to "buy" positions. This was
    the clear intention of the Ukraine candidate in the GA Presidential election.
Excuse me Sir,
When you say that you will not support those that try to "buy" positions,
do you exclude those that "bought" positions??


Post by Guest » Thu Jun 05, 2003 11:06

I'd like ask somedody from FMJD board about using of entry fee receives from players. Are you use this money what for?
For example, in last World championship in 64 board in Brazil every player paid entry fee. How FMJD used this money?

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Financial situation FMJD. FMJD Bankrupt??

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Jun 05, 2003 13:04

Yes it's really strange that there is no information at all about the financial affairs of the FMJD.
In the Netherlands the KNDB every year -according to the Statutes (the basic rules), article 13-
has the OBLIGATION to present the ciphres to the representatives of the provinces.
Every member (everyone of all 8000 members!!) of the KNDB has the RIGHT to claim and see
these ciphres.
It is very funny, it's almost UNBELIEVABLE that all the officials of all the countries
that were members of the FMJD all these years took for granted that there was never any
kind of independent control of the financial activities.
Of course it's big fun to be a member of GAISF and IOC, especially for all the officials,
but a not unimportant question is then: what did that cost us?
How come that De Telegraaf, one of Hollands best-selling papers is writing that a bankruptcy
of the FMJD might be near??
And that there was no reaction at all on that article from the FMJD!?

  • Alexander Presman, former member of the FMJD-board wrote:
    Despite to multiple appeals of several federation there were no
    independent or from the side of members-federations control of the
    financial activities of the FMJD.
    The only what happened sometime is that it was announced that
    there was an accountant' control.
    If I remember it well last one was done by the treasurer of the KNDB
    who reported that everything is alright.
    But any accountant checks only how correct incomes and expenses
    registered in the books but not HOW and WHY money are being
    received and spent.
    This is something what should be done by some control structure within
    FMJD (control commission or something like that).
    In the Statutes of the FMJD there is "The Finance Committee".
    I never heard that someone except President, Treasurer and accountant
    had a possibility to look with one eye into financial papers of the FMJD.

Alexander, is there a Finance Committee in the FMJD at the moment?

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Post by A.Presman » Thu Jun 05, 2003 22:47

Well, let's be exact.
There are some "financial reports" being introduced to the GA's.
A piece of A4. With some numbers against very common topics of the budget like:
"Travelling-expenses" or "General cost of Committee Directors"
And Debit and Credit forms some balance. What else can they form?

All numbers are law. (still for federation of the country where 390 Euro of yearly contribution is a lot of money would be interesting how general are the costs and where are we travelling).
And it is being vaguely talked that Dutch government helps financing some expenses. Which and how much was never announced.

By this way all federations must feel that the FMJD is financially dependant from Holland and KNDB and actually exists thanks to them.
And that is just what Mr. van Beek likes so much.

Jacques PERMAL
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Origin of money

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Thu Jun 05, 2003 23:14

What is the real origin of money promised by Mr SHOVKOPLYAS of UKRAINE ?
I question about it because he hasn't ever talk with us in this forum. Is there anything to be be hidden ?

As we know a second International federation of chess has been created. And we know all about origin of money of the tycoon of this 2nd federation.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Re: Origin of money

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Jun 06, 2003 05:05

Jacques PERMAL wrote:What is the real origin of money promised by Mr SHOVKOPLYAS of UKRAINE ?
I question about it because he hasn't ever talk with us in this forum.
Is there anything to be be hidden ?

As we know a second International federation of chess has been created.
And we know all about origin of money of the tycoon of this 2nd federation

So, instead of being embarrassed while questioning yourself why the French Federation
never took a look into the FMJD-books, you start wondering where the Ukrainian government is
having their money from??
Is this a new way for French diplomacy to express itself? Image

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Fri Jun 06, 2003 08:49

Dear Hanco,

There is misunderstanding. I am just surprised because the first protagonist -Mr SHOVKOPALYAS- hasn't ever list his proposals for FMJD in this forum. This forum belong to all Draughts players. We want to have a lot of guarantees. We have legitimally a lot of questions -firstly about origin of money-. And we are waiting for responses from him.

But I agree when you say that running CD must account for all expenses.

Best regards.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Financial situation FMJD. FMJD Bankrupt??

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Jun 06, 2003 11:58

My dear Jacques!Image

I agree with you that it would be an excellent idea if Mister Shovkoplias Image
is willing to present himself in this Forum!
Alexander, is it possible to arrange here that Mister Shovkoplias answers
our questions here?
I think it's a very good idea from Jacques!
Pakka, Hanco
