Internal regulations
1.1. As part of the FMJD, the COMMITTEE OF INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMISM (CPI) is composed of members appointed in agreement with the FMJD statutes. However, in view of the specific essence of the problemism and of the absence of highly qualified specialists in many countries, the CPI has a right to present its own candidate either for election to the post of CPI President or for election as the CPI member according to the FMJD statutes, or for acceptation by the CD a new the CPI member between the GA.
1.2. The CPI was created 19.08.2001 by GA FMJD with the aim of continuing the work of the Section of International Problemism (SPI), founded in 1987. The CPI works for the problemism on the 100-square board. The areas of activity of CPI are the following:
a) to promote the cause of the problemism on an international level, having contacts with problemists and solvers in all countries;
b) to organize under Rules International (RI), created in September 2002, at least once every two years a personal world championship, or a world championship for national teams, or both these competitions, or an international competition. The title of “World Champion for the year….� will be awarded to the winners in accordance with the FMJD regulations. Each competition may have its own specific rules, apart from the general regulations for competitions (RI, part 2). The composition of the jury will be confirmed by CPI before the judgement begins.
c) to award International Master Points to participants of those competitions , according to the regulations laid down in part 2 of these statutes, and to present them to the GA as candidates for the titles of Master FMJD of the Problemism (MFP), Master International of the Problemism (MIP) and Grandmaster International of the Problemism (GMIP).
d) to organize a competition for solvers or to help to organise such competition out of the CPI.
1.3. The CPI can recognize the competitions of the problemism, organized by National federations, regional, local or other associations, or private persons, if these competitions satisfy the RI. The CPI has the right to organize a cycle of competitions. It will not recognize a competition which is part of a cycle organized out of the CPI.
1.4. Decisions of an administrative nature are taken by the president, who can charge any member of the committee with their execution. Decisions on technical matters will be obtained by the votes of the committee members, by e-mail or letter, after discussion. If the votes are equally divided, the president will decide. Each CPI member can vote “Yes�, “No�, or “Abstention�.
1.5. The CPI will consist of a president, a secretary, and at most five members. The president has the right to appoint a member of CPI as vice-president (if that member agrees).Whenever the president cannot perform his task, the vice-president, or in his absence the secretary, will replace him until the president resumes his function, c.q. until a successor has been appointed The president has the right to give the mandate, by post or e-mail letter, for the representation of CPI at CD or GA if he cannot attend their meetings.
1.6. If the president is not active during three months without indication of a sufficient reason, or if his work fails to produce results, the secretary (or vice-president) can inform the president of FMJD. The FMJD president will study the situation, and if necessary submit the problem to the CD. The CD can appoint any member of the CPI, with his agreement, to replace the president until the next GA FMJD. In this case the CD removes the president.
1.7. Every candidate proposed by a National Organization or Federation, in the period between two GA, may be accepted by the CD FMJD, in agreement with the CPI, if he has a working knowledge of French or English, these being the working languages of the CPI; also he must have e-mail address. CPI may propose its own candidate as CPI member in period between GA for acceptation that candidate by CD. The announcement of competitions should be published in at least one of these two languages; French or English, and also be translated into Russian as an official language.
1.8. Decisions of the CPI, and reports on its activities, are sent in writing (or by e-mail) to the FMJD Office and to the CPI members, and if necessary and desirable to National or local Organizations or Federations. The Grandmasters can be consulted by CPI for the discussion of technical questions, their answers being awaited within a fixed time.
1.9. If a Committee member does not react within a reasonable time to letters and consultations, he may be discharged after suitable investigation, and replaced.
1.10. With the agreement of the CD, decisions of the CPI can be in force before their confirmation by the GA.
1.11. The CPI has its own emblem. The CPI issues its own official issue: CPI-INFO.
Regulation of the attribution of titles
2.1. The titles of Master FMJD of the Problemism (MFP), Master International of the Problemism (MIP) and Grandmaster International of the Problemism will be awarded on the basis of the results achieved during the following composition competitions:
a) those organized by the FMJD;
b) those organized by National, Regional or Local Organisations or Federations, or other organisations, or the private person if their regulations are agreed with the FMJD, represented by the CPI.
2.2. The regulations of any competition must specify the technical requirements. The International Rules of Problemism are in force from October 2002, they are the point of reference for all agreed competitions.
2.3. International Master Points (IMP) will be given to those problemists who take the highest places in the final classification of a category:
Without participation of GMIP: With participation of at least two GMIP:
1 place: 30 points. 1 place: 30 points.
2 place: 20 points. 2 place: 25 points.
3 place: 15 points. 3 place: 20 points.
4 place: 10 points. 4 place: 15 points.
5 place: 5 points. 5 place: 10 points.
6 place: 5 points.
If several participants share a series of places, all of them will receive the IMP associated with the highest of these places. Master points are not awarded in a category of a competition, in which Combinational problems corresponded to Basic level only are accepted.
2.4. The requirements for the several titles are as follows:
For the title of Master FMJD of the Problemism (MFP) 50 IMP, for the title of Master International of the Problemism (MIP) 100 IMP; for the title of Grandmaster International of the Problemism (GMIP) either 300 IMP, or 200 IMP if the results comprise two first prizes.
Further the FMJD may attribute the title of Master International of the Problemism (MIP HC) or Grandmaster International of the Problemism Honoris Causa (GMIP HC) to any problemist for exceptional merits in the widest sense in the domain of problemism. A proposal for the attribution of a title honoris causa is to be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a survey of the candidate's achievements. The FMJD will send a diploma to all title holders.
2.5. These regulations are in force from October 2002 onward. The validity of all results obtained under the 1987 version of the SPI regulations of these rules is maintained.
2.6. Any modification of, or addition to this CPI Statutes requires the consultation and the vote of the Committee members. They will not be valid until they have been confirmed by the CD and the GA of the FMJD.
S.Yushkevitch, President of CPI Bruijn, Secretary of CPI
9 of February 2002