New voting system and consequences.
Since the GA asked for a new system, making it possible to countries with different (section)-federations to vote, the board proposes next changes in the statutes, bye-laws and financial regulations :
1.6. Every national federation that meets the above standards will be admitted to the FMJD. This admission has to be approved by the General Assembly. In every section, only one federation, recognised by her country, can be admitted. This admission will be confirmed by the General Assembly
4.4. Voting rights.
Only those national member federations who have fulfilled their financial obligations and are correctly represented at the General Assembly may vote. Votes per delegation are possible in that one Federation present can be mandated by one absent federation to vote on behalf and in delegation of that absent federation. This mandate has to be in writing, by letter or by fax. Each member federation, whatever its importance, through its proper representative(s), has six votes. A national federation can consist of one or more sectional federations, its representatives have 6 (one sectional federation), 3 (2 sectional federations) or 2 (3 sectional federations) votes. The General Secretary organises the voting, counts the votes, ascertains the results, which are publicly announced by the President.
Financial regulations
2.2. The yearly subscription
The yearly subscription for each federation member can be revised every two years at the regular General Assembly, in accordance with Article 7 of the Statutes. The General Assembly can fix a differentiation in subscriptions on behalf of federations with few or none participants in world tournaments. Federations are free to choose out of the fixed possibilities for a lower or higher subscription. This has consequences for the obliged enrolment fees (see article 2.4).
A lower subscription is also possible for sectional federations.
The General Secretary,
Rik Devroe.