MINSK 2006
International Draughts Festival - Minsk 2006
Belarusian Draughts Federation is inviting to take part in International Draughts Festival “Minsk 2006”.
It will take place in National Draughts and Chess Center in Minsk, K.Marx str. 10.
The program of the International Draughts Festival “Minsk 2006” will consist of 4 tournaments:
1. GMI men group (10 participants, with norm of GMI)
2. GMI women group (10 participants, with norm of GMI).
3 MI men group (10 participants) (if there is sufficient interest)
4. Open-tournament (Swiss system, 9 rounds)
Organisers cover hospitality costs (hotel and meal) for all participants GMI groups (01.07.06 - 09.07.06). Foreign participants will be placed in families. Participants of the open-tournament, MI men group and accompanying persons paying all hospitality cost by themselves. An approximate cost of the room is Euro 10-20 per person per day.
The following tournament fees are established for the prize fund formation:
GMI groups: GMI rating 2300 and more - without fee
MI rating 2250 and more - Euro 50
The rest - Euro 100
MI men group GMI, MI rating 2250 and more - without fee
MI, The rest - Euro 25
1946 y.b. and older, 1987 y.b. and younger - Euro 5
The rest - Euro 10
Tournament fees should be paid before beginning of the tournament in the belarusian rubles according official rate of the National bank of Belarus.
30 of June - arrival day.
Opening ceremony – on July, 1 at 15-00
1-8 rounds – on July, 1 – 8 at 16-00
9 round – on July, 9 at 10-00
Closing ceremony - on July, 9 at 16-00
GMI groups are forming before 1 of June 2006.
Would you kindly inform us about your date of birth and passport number for invitation.
Belarusian Draughts Federation
Tel/fax +375 (0) 17 2272258 E-mail: bfig@brm.