WK 2005 te Amsterdam

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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Wed Apr 27, 2005 16:39

1)Please remember me about WK 2005 :

-How many players qualified from AFRICA and AMERICA continents ?

-There will be 40 players divided in four groups. When is scheduled THIS tournament ? After this tournament ,the three first players of each group will play the final tourney.

2)I think it would be better to organize ZONAL TOURNAMENT of AFRICA in the NETHERLANDS where best of them usually play : it would be more easy to have results and games quickly !!

3) See :

Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Apr 27, 2005 19:07

Jacques PERMAL wrote:1)Please remember me about WK 2005 :

-How many players qualified from AFRICA and AMERICA continents ?
http://fmjd.org/bb/viewtopic.php?p=2477 ... ght=#24771
A.Presman on January 17th 2005 wrote:Gisteren vond in Maarsbergen een vergadering van de FMJD bestuur plaats.

Officiele notulen komen er pas later.
Ik heb vandaag met Dhr. Pawlicki contact gehad en heb hem gevraagd over de WK kwalificatie.
Volgens hem (informatie is nog niet officiel maar wel betrouwbaar) ziet de kwalificatie schema nu als volgt uit.

WCh: 40 players
6 places - from last WCh
1 sponsor place
1 oraganizing federation
5 America
3 Asia
1 Oceania
7 Africa
16 Europe:
8 - from countries most active with regulary good relationship (fees in full amount) last few year: Russia, Holland, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraina, Poland, Italy, France
8 - via qualification tournament for Europa for ALL countries.
Some additional conditions : maximum 5 players from countries. America, Asia, Africa - number of countries should be equeal to number of places or maximum diference of one - it means minimum 6 african countries.
In qualifacation tournament for Europe - 8 places for ... 8 players from 8 different countries. Each federation can play (also Russia, Holland, ..)

Met dank aan Jacek Pawlicki die ons tijdens zijn zakelijke reis via mobile Internet van deze informatie voorzag.
Jacques PERMAL wrote:1)Please remember me about WK 2005 :

-There will be 40 players divided in four groups. When is scheduled THIS tournament ? After this tournament ,the three first players of each group will play the final tourney.

Read this carefully:
A.Presman wrote:Zojuist ontvangen van H. Fokkink

Information about WC 2005

In the CD-meeting of April 23/24 is decided:

1. Playing time will be: 50 moves in 2 hours, after that one hour per player to the end.
2. Dividing players: 40 players divided in 4 groups of 10 players. Three of them to the final.
3. Final will be played with 12 players.
4. Schedule:
a. Preliminaries: October 6 (Opening+ Round 1)
October 7 (Round 2 + 3)
October 8 (Round 4)
October 9 (Round 5 + 6)
October 10 (Round 7)
October 11 (Round 8)
October 12 (Round 9)
b. Day of rest: October 13
c. Final: October 14 (Round 1)
October 15 (Round 2)
October 16 (Round 3)
October 17 (Round 4 + 5)
October 18 (Round 6)
October 19 (Round 7)
October 20 (Round 8)
October 21 (Round 9)
October 22 (Round 10)
October 23 (Round 11 and closing)
5. Main-referee: Heinar Jahu (Estonia)
Assistants: Henk Fokkink (The Netherlands)
Ndongo Fall (Senegal)
Cor Verdel (The Netherlands)
Daniël Mullier (Belgium) or Mackowiak (Poland)
6. In the final the two Dutch referees will be assistants of Jahu.
7. About selection players there will come informations within short time.

Gniezno, 24 april 2005/HF

Ben Anoniem
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Post by Ben Anoniem » Wed Apr 27, 2005 19:40

Who divides the players? / How are the players divided?

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Apr 27, 2005 19:51

Ben Anoniem wrote:Who divides the players? / How are the players divided?
De indeling zal wel op rating gaan Ben. Vanzelfsprekend zal Fokkink zich de eer iedereen op de juiste plaats te mogen zetten niet laten ontglippen.

Piet Bouma
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Post by Piet Bouma » Wed Apr 27, 2005 23:23

Hanco Elenbaas wrote:

Read this carefully:
A.Presman wrote:Zojuist ontvangen van H. Fokkink

Information about WC 2005

In the CD-meeting of April 23/24 is decided:

1. Playing time will be: 50 moves in 2 hours, after that one hour per player to the end.
2. Dividing players: 40 players divided in 4 groups of 10 players. Three of them to the final.
3. Final will be played with 12 players.
4. Schedule:
a. Preliminaries: October 6 (Opening+ Round 1)
October 7 (Round 2 + 3)
October 8 (Round 4)
October 9 (Round 5 + 6)
October 10 (Round 7)
October 11 (Round [img]images/smilies/icon_cool.gif[/img]
October 12 (Round 9)
b. Day of rest: October 13
c. Final: October 14 (Round 1)
October 15 (Round 2)
October 16 (Round 3)
October 17 (Round 4 + 5)
October 18 (Round 6)
October 19 (Round 7)
October 20 (Round [img]images/smilies/icon_cool.gif[/img]
October 21 (Round 9)
October 22 (Round 10)
October 23 (Round 11 and closing)
5. Main-referee: Heinar Jahu (Estonia)
Assistants: Henk Fokkink (The Netherlands)
Ndongo Fall (Senegal)
Cor Verdel (The Netherlands)
Daniël Mullier (Belgium) or Mackowiak (Poland)
6. In the final the two Dutch referees will be assistants of Jahu.
7. About selection players there will come informations within short time.

Gniezno, 24 april 2005/HF
Ik mis het verhaal van de plusjes.....?
Is het idee van Pieter Hildering inmiddels in de mottenballen.....?
Of gaan we op de rustdag allemaal (sneldam)barrages spelen?

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 28, 2005 00:04

Piet Bouma wrote:
Ik mis het verhaal van de plusjes.....?
Is het idee van Pieter Hildering inmiddels in de mottenballen.....?
Of gaan we op de rustdag allemaal (sneldam)barrages spelen?
Speciaal voor jou heeft Fokkink er ook nog wat minnetjes bij gestopt:
Eric van Dusseldorp (22 januari 2005) wrote:Inmiddels is er uitsluitsel over het wedstrijdreglement van het komende WK dat in onze hoofdstad zal worden gehouden.
Henk Fokkink deelde in de bondsraadsvergadering van vandaag het volgende mee.

1. Geen sneldamproloog aan het begin van het toernooi.

2. Er wordt gespeeld met de 2-0. Bij ex aequo in de eindstand beslist in eerste instantie het aantal winstpartijen. Is het dan nog gelijk, dan beslist het saldo van de voor- en nadeelremises die in 'plusjes' en 'minnetjes' worden uitgedrukt. Bij drie schijven meer (waarbij een dam voor twee schijven telt) in de slotstand is er sprake van een voordeelremise. Niet onbelangrijk: de plussen en minnen worden in de uitslagen, voor de kijkers thuis, niet zichtbaar verwerkt.

3. Er wordt in een hoger speeltempo gespeeld. Welk speeltempo, daar is nog geen overeenstemming over. Er zijn vier opties:
a. vijftig zetten in twee uur per persoon, daarna derest van de partij in één uur per persoon;
b. vijftig zetten in twee uur per persoon, daarna derest van de partij in een half uur per persoon;
c. veertig zetten in anderhalf uur per persoon. Dan een uur per persoon voor derest van de partij;
d. veertig zetten in anderhalf uur, of één uur en twintig minuten, per persoon. Per zet -vanaf het begin van de partij welteverstaan- krijgen de spelers er een minuut bij.
Er zou voorzichtig in de richting van optie d worden gedacht.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Re: Short information about WC 2005.

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 28, 2005 00:08

A.Presman wrote:
Trouwens een opmerkelijke en na zoveel tijd positieve nieuws van de FMJD volgt vanavond.
Mocht je het nieuws nog niet vrijgeven Alexander?
Wordt de FMJD eindelijk lid van het IOC?

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Re: Short information about WC 2005.

Post by Michele_Borghetti » Thu Apr 28, 2005 00:27

[quote="A.Presman"]Zojuist ontvangen van H. Fokkink

Information about WC 2005

In the CD-meeting of April 23/24 is decided:

1. Playing time will be: 50 moves in 2 hours, after that one hour per player to the end.


I think is a bad idea don't use fischer sistem.
1 hour (or different time) and than you lose on time, is a very very dangerous system.

Michele Borghetti

Wieger Wesselink
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Re: Short information about WC 2005.

Post by Wieger Wesselink » Thu Apr 28, 2005 09:54

Michele_Borghetti wrote:
A.Presman wrote:Zojuist ontvangen van H. Fokkink

Information about WC 2005

In the CD-meeting of April 23/24 is decided:

1. Playing time will be: 50 moves in 2 hours, after that one hour per player to the end.

I think is a bad idea don't use fischer sistem.
1 hour (or different time) and than you lose on time, is a very very dangerous system.

Michele Borghetti
I completely agree with you, Michele. Without extra regulations this is asking for trouble. It is perfectly conceivable that a player will be pushed through the time limit in a long and complicated draw-endgame.

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Re: Short information about WC 2005.

Post by Vengaboy » Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:02

Wieger Wesselink wrote:
Michele_Borghetti wrote:
A.Presman wrote:Zojuist ontvangen van H. Fokkink

Information about WC 2005

In the CD-meeting of April 23/24 is decided:

1. Playing time will be: 50 moves in 2 hours, after that one hour per player to the end.

I think is a bad idea don't use fischer sistem.
1 hour (or different time) and than you lose on time, is a very very dangerous system.

Michele Borghetti
I completely agree with you, Michele. Without extra regulations this is asking for trouble. It is perfectly conceivable that a player will be pushed through the time limit in a long and complicated draw-endgame.

So no draw !
......door politie en dominee geweerd.....

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Re: Short information about WC 2005.

Post by Michele_Borghetti » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:29

Vengaboy wrote:
Wieger Wesselink wrote:
Michele_Borghetti wrote: I think is a bad idea don't use fischer sistem.
1 hour (or different time) and than you lose on time, is a very very dangerous system.

Michele Borghetti
I completely agree with you, Michele. Without extra regulations this is asking for trouble. It is perfectly conceivable that a player will be pushed through the time limit in a long and complicated draw-endgame.

So no draw !


I asck if it is interesting to see players who play 80 moves endgame, 2 kings and 1 piece against 2 kings and 1 piece?(or something like that)

I played many times whituout fischer system, and i can say; it is very dangerous system and it is very unspectacular.

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Post by Michele_Borghetti » Thu Apr 28, 2005 13:31

Ratingrunner wrote:
steenslag wrote:
Michele_Borghetti wrote:Pity, there is not the Italian flag
Huh? The little checkered flag they use when Ferrari wins Formula I is NOT the Italian flag?
A.Presman wrote:Who will decode all flags?
From above clockwise:
Holland, Cameroon, France, Lithuania, Germany, Senegal, Mongolia, Latvia, USA.

I hope they will put also the Italian's flag (and the others nations that will play the Wc, but they aren't in the Logo)
Michele Borghetti

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Post by Groeneveld » Fri Apr 29, 2005 02:19

welke van de 40 spelers zijn nu al zeker van het WK

heeft iemand een lijstje bijdehand

F Groeneveld

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Apr 29, 2005 03:08

A.Presman on January 17th 2005 wrote:Gisteren vond in Maarsbergen een vergadering van de FMJD bestuur plaats.

Officiele notulen komen er pas later.
Ik heb vandaag met Dhr. Pawlicki contact gehad en heb hem gevraagd over de WK kwalificatie.
Volgens hem (informatie is nog niet officiel maar wel betrouwbaar) ziet de kwalificatie schema nu als volgt uit.

WCh: 40 players
6 places - from last WCh
1 sponsor place
1 oraganizing federation
5 America
3 Asia
1 Oceania
7 Africa
16 Europe:
8 - from countries most active with regulary good relationship (fees in full amount) last few year: Russia, Holland, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraina, Poland, Italy, France
8 - via qualification tournament for Europa for ALL countries.
Some additional conditions : maximum 5 players from countries. America, Asia, Africa - number of countries should be equeal to number of places or maximum diference of one - it means minimum 6 african countries.
In qualifacation tournament for Europe - 8 places for ... 8 players from 8 different countries. Each federation can play (also Russia, Holland, ..)
6 last WC: Aleksander Georgiev, Aleksej Tsjizjov, Guntis Valneris, Ton Sijbrands, Gérard Jansen, Kees Thijssen
Sponsorplace: Rob Clerc
Organizing federation: Alexander Baljakin
America: Anthony Alexandre, Louicéus Shang Wong and first three others from 13th PanAm in Montreal, july 2005
Asia: 3 (Dul Erdenebileg and two others)
Oceania: 1 (winner match Eran Binenbaum - Dominique de Rooij)
Africa: 7 (???????)
Europe: 16
(8) Direct places for the federations: Belarus (Anatoli Gantwarg), France (Gilles Delmotte), Holland (Hans Jansen), Italy (Michele Borghetti), Lithuania (Aleksej Domchev), Poland (?), Russia (Aleksander Schwarzman), Ukraine (Joeri Anikejev)
(8) Places from qualification tournament Poland: Mark Podolski, Aleksander Getmanski, Ron Heusdens, Roberts Misans, Edward Boezjinski, Iger Kirzner, Farhad Huseinov, Laurent Nicault

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Post by Ajax-fan » Fri Apr 29, 2005 07:35

Hanco Elenbaas wrote: Oceania: 1 (winner match Eran Binenbaum - Dominique de Rooij)
Daarom gaat Dominique dus emigreren [img]images/smilies/icon_wink.gif[/img] Slim hoor, maar zet hem op he, zou mooi zijn als je het WK kon halen [img]images/smilies/icon_lol.gif[/img]

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