Die afbeelding ben ik vaker tegengekomen, maar nooit met die jaartallen eronder. Wie heeft die erbijbedacht Eric?Eric van Dusseldorp wrote:
Is dit iets bijzonders?
Het oudste dambord met honderd velden dateert van 1696 en bevindt zich in een museum in Enkhuizen.
Sergey Yushkevitch wrote:In my archives I have found two enough rare documents, they both are concerned with the damproblematiek concours organized in 2004
in the honorary of celebration of 90-th anniversary of famous Soviet problemist, Nikolai Nikolaevitch PUSTYNNIKOV (he composed problems,
mostly, in specific russian genre "Zadachi").
So, I took part in that concours, I was awarded by 2 place, and that's why I have got from organizers these two documents;
the first one it is the diploma for my 2 place
the second one it is small book with compositions and author's names of those problemists, which took part in that concours (there was nine problemists in whole).
That small book, in the size of A6 formaat and with 24 pages of A6 formaat, is issued by Draughts Federation of Donetsk-region (Ukraine), with the tirage (opgave)
of 12 exemplars, what itself is enough rare, I think.
I think also these two documents are merit of take its place in your collection, which you do present in Internet.
Beste brenod, ben jij Hans van Berkel of ben je Peter van Gils ?brenod wrote:originele gravure , afkomstig collectie Pierre Lucot