On web – site Mr. A.Kandaurov there was message Mr. V.Matus, that the number of members CPI has replenished Mr. V.Shulga (Belarus). As after the last EB FMJD in Dutch draughts web – site anywhere did not see the information that the number of members CPI has replenished Mr. V.Shulga, it would like to learn from what number is member CPI. That the nobility from what date it too bears the responsibility for a state of affairs in world draughts compositions, for decisions (or their absence) CPI FMJD. As yet has not received the answer from Mr. V.Matus, this question I address Mr. J.Bus.
Allow to notice, that CPI does not support contacts to the national organizations draughts composers (legally independent them in the world only 3: KvD – Holland, APF – France, LSKMS – Lithuania. The commissions on a composition at national federations still are in Russia, ð. Belarus, Ukraine), with national federations – especially (it is clear, much of their heads a composition – not so pressing question). For example, I from the middle of September, 2006 (after me have excluded from CPI) have not received any letter, the information from members CPI. In a chess composition (PCCC FIDE) – absolutely on the contrary.
There, for example, the national organizations of chess composers spends competitions on separate themes of team championship of the world. In PCCC FIDE enters representatives of ALL national the organizations (and them not 6 as in draughts compositions, and 40), the truth, how much I I remember, it is temporary not representatives of 2 or 3 countries. Certainly, not on all questions the opinion of everything is asked, in PCCC there are commissions, etc., within the limits of the power operate the president, âèöå presidents, etc. In CPI are the representative only Russia and republics Belarus (from KvD the message, that Mr. J.Bus has acted, Germany, does not represent KvD).
I wish the big success the future second world championship on ïðîáëåìèçìó (PWCP – 2), but secret and long preparation for it (2 people spent only – Mr. J.Bus and) directs V.Matus at a certain scepticism.
Algimantas Kaciuska
CPI, questions
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