W.: Ka7.Kb8.c5.d2 [4]
B.: e7.g5.h2.h4.h6 [5]

N. Vergeychik
e3(f6 A) c7(f6) f4(g3) c7(f4, f4) a5(f2 B) e1(e3) h4(d2) e1(c1) d2, g1 +
B (e3) e1(g1, h2) b8(g1) f2(d2) a7, c1 +
A (f4) g5(f4) g3(f2 C) d6, g1 +
C (f4) d6, h6, e3, g1 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
W.: a3.a7.b2.c5.d2.e3.f2.h2.h6 [9]
B.: b4.b8.c7.d6.e5.e7.f4.f6.f8.g5 [10]

N. Vergeychik
b2-c3(b6) c7, c5, h2-g3, d6, g3, e7, b8(e5) g3(d4) f2(dc3) e1(b2) c3(d4) a5(e3) e1 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
W.: a7.b6.c1.d4.e5.f4.f6.g5 [8]
B.: a3.c5.d2.d8.e3.f2.f8.h4 [8]

V. Shul’ga
h6, g1, f6, d2(b2) c3, c7, e3(g3) Id4(e7) c5(h2) b6(d6) a7(e5) b8(f4 A) g3, f2 +
A (d4) f4(c3) c1 +
Ih2?(f2, e7) g3(d6) f4(c5) e5(b4) =
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
05.K08. [9] – K04. [5]

A. Nikolayev
15-10(22 AB) 27, 13, 6 +
A (18/13) 6, 39, 13 +
B (9) 4:35:6, 39, 49 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 06-10-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
25.K26.28.33.35.K38.39.42.44 [9] – K01. [9]

V. Shul’ga
34(40 A) 18-12, 1:23:32:30(34) 40 +
A (45) 40, 1:23:32:30 [A.-J. de Jong, 1983] (34 B) 40, 39 +
B (24) 20, 44 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [6] – [7]

A. Vlasenko
41, 37, 39(43) [M. Lepsic, 2000] 9 [J. Scheijen, 01-11-1942] (22) 4(23) 27(33) 43(21) 16(39) 49 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – [7]

A. Vlasenko
9, 19, 33, 2 [Cor Blankenaar, 1895] (25) 24(15-20) 15(30) 10(35) 23(10) 5(40) 28(45) 50 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [9] – [9]

V. Kryuchkov
20, 3, 46(14) 5 [J. van den Boogaard, 1955] (10) 8, 43 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [9] – [9]

V. Kryuchkov
1, 45, 12, 48(12) [S. Yushkevich, 1973] 36-31, 5 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [6] – [6]

V. Bieliauskas + V. Kryuchkov
12, 3(48) 34(30 A) 17, 47 +
A (14) 25, 47 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [10] – [9]

I. Navrotskiy
28, 33, 40(44 a) 40, 3, 15 +
a (34) 3, 15 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – [7]

A. Sapegin
8, 2(19 A) 13, 24, 14(20, 10) 20(15) 14, 25 +
A (47) 30, 24, 14(20, 10) 20(15) 14, 25 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [10] – [9]

A. Sapegin
11, 15, 2, 20(14) 24, 24 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
K01. [10] – [6]

A. Nikolayev
7(43 A) 6, 40(34) 28-22, 48(40) 39, 50 +
A (38) 6 [V. Bieliauskas, 2023] (22 B) 39 +
B (39) 11, 50 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – K05. [5]

A. Nikolayev
33(30 A) 11(17 VP1) 12(48 B) 34, 24, 35 +
A (48) 11(30 a) 26, 29 +
VP1 (48) 26, 34, 24, 35 +
B (7) 24 [A. Dijkstra, 1947] (12) 19(30) 39(18 C) 14(23) 9(28) 3(32) 20(37) 47(35) 34 +
C (35) 14(40) 34, 9(17) 3(22) 9(28) 14(28-33) 20(34) 38(40) 33 +
a (17) 3, 24 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – K03.17.31.37 [4]

A. Nikolayev
20(46 A) 25, 48, 5 +
A (21) 25(41) 14, 47 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – 15.30.K41.48 [4]

A. Nikolayev
24(20) 2(42 A) 10, 36(15) 10-4(20) 42, 15 +
A (43) 10, 43(5 B) 46 +
B (46) 5 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [12] – 20.22.K25.34.40 [5]

A. Nikolayev
15(30) 25:43:8(34 A) 4(27 B) 24, 16(39) 49 +
A (13) 4(27) 6, 44(40) 35(34 A1) 44 +
A1 (33) 30(38) 48 +
B (13) 15, 46 +
Legality: (43-48) 21(16:38)...
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [9] – [8]

V. Shul’ga
9, 11, 3, 3:21:30 [A.-J. de Jong, 1983] (34 A) 40, 39 +
A (24) 20, 44 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [10] – [10]

V. Shul’ga
31, 32, 38, 24:33, 21, 2, 47(40) 33(45) 50, 6, 49-44 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
03.K23.27.K28. [9] – K01.K06.08.12.43 [5]

V. Shul’ga
38(7 A) 45(42 B) 47, 7(38 C) 33(41) 22, 46 +
A (42) 35, 31, 40, 48(31) 9/3 +
B (12) 7(43) 29, 30/35 +
C (31) 16(36) 43/49(37-41 DE) 32, 5 +
D (42) 15, 32 +
E (36-41, 42) 38, 27(39) 49 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – [5]

V. Shul’ga
21, 21(12 A) 47, 35(39) 49 +
A (27) 20, 3(17 B) 21(40) 17(45) 50 +
B (18) 9(23) 14(29) 20(33) 38(39) 49 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
04.K05. [8] – K02.K06. [7]

V. Shul’ga
9, 30(34 A) 46, 44(17) 30, 48 +
A (24) 30, 46, 44, 48(40) 39(45) 50 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – K11.K12.17.48 [4]

V. Shul’ga
VP: 43(38 A) 6, 47(37 BC) 23(32 D) 5(36-41) 36(38) 46(43 E) 31, 49 +
A) (32) 6, 46(15) 19(20) 12-23Z. (37) 46(26-31) 46-28/23(25) 28-23/28Z1. (30) 35(32) 26(41) 37, 24(37) 47 +
B) (41) 36(37) 15(41) 23 +
C) (32) 23(31-37) 5(38) 46(43) 38 +
D) (42) 31(37) 46 +
E) (42) 37, 27/4, 36 +
Z. 29? (37) 46(32) 25(41) =
Z1. 24? (32? Y.) 26(41) =
Y. (30) 35(32) 26(41) 37, 24(37) 47 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
19-13, 14-9, 3, 3:48:3 [the Mill-capture] (32) 13-9(38) 4(21) 26(8) 3(43) 12, 49 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
4, 34, 42, 41, 22-18, 48 [A. Gorin, 1989] (23 A) 25(28) 3(13) 20(32) 15(18) 4(23) 15(37) 10 +
A (35) 34(23) 2(40) 17 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
10.14.36 [3] – 16.37 [2]

V. Bieliauskas
VP: 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(15) 31, 24 +
A) (28) 16 [M. Lepsic, 2005] (33) 31, 4 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 06-10-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
38-33, 42, 33, 34, 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(15) 31, 24 +
A (28) 16 [M. Lepsic, 2005] (33) 31, 4 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 06-10-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [8] – [8]

V. Bieliauskas
40, 19, 37, 37(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(15) 31, 24 +
A (28) 16 [M. Lepsic, 2005] (33) 31, 4 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 06-10-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
27, 40, 34, 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(15) 31, 24 +
A (28) 16 [M. Lepsic, 2005] (33) 31, 4 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 06-10-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
27, 40, 34, 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(15) 31, 24 +
A) (28) 16 [M. Lepsic, 2005] (33) 31, 4 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
38-32, 1(45) 40, 29, 19, 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(15) 31, 24 +
A) (28) 16 [M. Lepsic, 2005] (33) 31, 4 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko”
14.15.36 [3] – 16.37 [2]

V. Bieliauskas
VP: 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(20) 31, 15 +
A) (28) 16 [A. Nyrov, 2009] (20) 31, 25 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
38-33, 42, 33, 34, 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(20) 31, 15 +
A (28) 16 [A. Nyrov, 2009] (20) 31, 25 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [8] – [8]

V. Bieliauskas
40, 19, 37, 37(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(20) 31, 15 +
A (28) 16 [A. Nyrov, 2009] (20) 31, 25 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
27, 40, 34, 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(20) 31, 15 +
A (28) 16 [A. Nyrov, 2009] (20) 31, 25 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [8] – [8]

V. Bieliauskas
34-29, 28, 11, 37(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(20) 31, 15 +
A (28) 16 [A. Nyrov, 2009] (20) 31, 25 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas
25-20, 40, 29, 19, 11(19) 7(23) 2(29 A) 16(20) 31, 15 +
A (28) 16 [A. Nyrov, 2009] (20) 31, 25 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko”
Remarks by V. Bieliauskas:
W.: b4.c1.d2.f2.g3.g7.h6 [7]
B.: a5.c7.d4.d6.e5.f4.g5.h2 [8]

V. Shul’ga
f8, e3, b8, g3 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 15-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
Сopy: N. Toropov, "Vechernyaya Perm’" 06.11.1973 [4] – [4]

H. Spanjer
1. 39-33 15-20 2. 33-28 04-09 3. 28-22 20-24 4. 22-18 02-07 5. 32-27 07-11 6. 27-21 05-10 7. 40-34 10-14 8. 21-16 11-17 9. 18-12 17x08 10. 16-11 08-12 11. 11-06 12-18 12. 06-01 18-22 13. 01-12 22-27 14. 12-26 14-19 15. 26-03 09-13 16. 03-26 19-23 17. 49-43 27-32 18. 26-48 24-29 19. 34-30 13-19 20. 30-24 19x30 21. 43-38 32x43 22. 48x25 29-33 23. 25-14 23-29 24. 14-20 29-34 25. 20x38 34-40 26. 38-33 40-45 27. 33-50 +
"Facebook DamComposities Herman Spanjer"
Сopy: Blog Bus 2016.03.18
Remarks by A. Vlasenko: [6] – [6]

V. Bieliauskas + V. Shul’ga
[42-37/1, 1/37(33) 32, 34-29, 3 +] 32, 2(27 A) 39, 48 +
A (30) 35(39) 49(26) 27 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 15-09-2024, “Mini-endings in compositions by V. Bieliauskas, A. Vlasenko”
04.K10. [8] – 09.K15. [7]

V. Shul’ga
33, 47(24 AB) 15(38 CD) 47
[42, 15, 31(38) 48 +] 36
[15 +] 15(37) 47 +
C (27) 15-38
[47 +] 47, 31(38) 48 +
D (13) 38, 16(38) 43/49 +
A (13) 36(24 EF) 27(38) 43/49, 21/16 +
E (27) 15(38 G) 42/47, 15/20(37) 47 +
G (24) 16(38) 43/49 +
F (38) 42/47(27 F1) 15, 42 +
if F (38) 47(27) 15 / 41, 30/35 +
F1 (24) 15/20, 42 +
B (27) 15(13) 36(38) 47, 15/20(37) 47 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 15-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – [7]

V. Shul’ga + A. Nikolayev
32, 21(32 A) 13, 4(14) 15
[36 +] 20(37) 47 +
A (27) 13, 4(32) 24, 42(19) 15(37 B) 10 +
B (23) 20(37) 14 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 15-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – 15.21.23.K36.43 [5]

V. Shul’ga
18(38 A) 10(14 B) 47, 48, 42(31, 38) 48 +
A (13) 4
/9(27 B1) 20, 42 +
If 9, then B1 is not (38), since it is possible 4/13/18 or 25 +
B (13) 4(14 C) 15
[36 +] 20(37) 47 +
B1(38) 15-10… +
C (27) 15, 42(19) 15(37 D) 10(41) 46 +
D (23) 20(37) 14(42 E) 48 +
E (28) 42 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 15-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – [5]

V. Shul’ga
18(14) 40(44 A) 36
[46, 43 +] 20, 42(31, 38) 48 +
A (13) 21-17, 20(37) 47 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 15-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – [7]

A. Nikolayev
32, 31, 10, 4(49) 18, 8, 7, 7 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 15-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
Kingsrow's version:
1. 15-10 26-31 2. 37x26 19-24 3. 44-39 43x34 4. 12-7 38-43 5. 7-1 34-39 6. 18-12 43-49 7. 12-8 13x2 8. 1x48 +
Corrections: [6] – [6]

V. Bieliauskas + V. Shul’ga
33, 32, 2(27 A) 39, 48 +
A (30) 35(39) 49(26) 27 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – 15.21.23.K36.43 [5]

V. Shul’ga
Correction of the solution:
18(38) 10(14 A) 47, 48, 42(31) 26(38) 48 +
A (13) 4(27) 15, 42(19 B) 15(37 C) 10 +
B (20) 15(37) 47 +
C (23) 20(37) 14 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [10] – [9]

V. Bieliauskas + V. Shul’ga
3, 13-8(2:24 a) 40, 20(14 A) 36, 15, 42(31, 38) 48 +
A (13) 21-17, 15(37) 47 +
a (22:24) 10, 4, 17, 15 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – [7]

V. Shul’ga + A. Nikolayev
Correction of the solution:
32, 21(27) 13, 4(32) 24, 42(19) 15(37 A) 10 +
A (23) 20(37) 14 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [7] – [7]

V. Bieliauskas + A. Nikolayev + V. Shul’ga
17, 13, 4(14 A) 9 [I. Navrotskiy, 2017] (27) 47 +
A (27) 24 [E. Sklyar, 2010] (14) 42(20 B) 15(37) 47 +
B (19) 15(37 C) 10 +
C (23) 20(37) 14 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022” [8] – [9]

A. Nikolayev
41(26) 32, 31, 10, 4(49) 18(35) 8, 7, 7 +
het Nieuwe Forum, 29-09-2024, “V. Bieliauskas. My compositions from 27-10-2022”
V. Bieliauskas