I have a request and a question - how to log in to the website https://toernooibase.kndb.nl/. Thank you in advance for any information.

- Posts: 1368
- Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2013 17:16
- Real name: Krzysztof Grzelak
Re: https://toernooibase.kndb.nl/
You mail Piet Bouma for an account.
Lasst die Maschinen verhungern, Ihr Narren...
Lasst sie verrecken!
Schlagt sie tot -- die Maschinen!
Lasst sie verrecken!
Schlagt sie tot -- die Maschinen!
Re: https://toernooibase.kndb.nl/
See the email address in Toernooibase (english): Home > Left > Administration, top of the page.
- Posts: 1368
- Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2013 17:16
- Real name: Krzysztof Grzelak
Re: https://toernooibase.kndb.nl/
I understand and thank you for the answers.