A new magazine was born on 3rd of january 2020.
"Le jeu de dames"
32 pages. Color. A4 format.
More than 110 technical diagrams
Article about paintings, poestry, litterature and of course technical analyses and fragment.
available only on www.scopalto.com
Price : 4€
Instructions for reading the new magazine "Le jeu de dames" on scopalto. (vidéo : https://youtu.be/dGSorm_ISDo)
1) create an account on scopalto.com
2) on the home page of scopalto.com, look for the magazine "Le jeu de dames"
3) Click on the image of the magazine (cover)
4) pay for the magazine
5) Go back to the home page and click on the cover of the magazine and CONSULT.
6) after a disconnection go back to scopalto.com, log in and idem point 5.
Impossible to read the magazine if not connected to scopalto.
A new magazine. "Le jeu de dames"
Re: A new magazine. "Le jeu de dames" now downloadable
Hi everybody,
the new magazine is now downloadable on https://www.scopalto.com
Font for diagrams has been improved for a better printing, ever on inkjet or Laser.
N°1 is available for 4€.
the new magazine is now downloadable on https://www.scopalto.com
Font for diagrams has been improved for a better printing, ever on inkjet or Laser.
N°1 is available for 4€.