Wojciech Hubert passed away

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Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Wojciech Hubert passed away

Post by A.Presman » Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:38

Received from J. Pawlicki:

I've just received very sad news - Wojciech Hubert from Warszawa died on
He was one of our draughts fanatic - never played draughts in
tournaments but create one of most beautifull draughts pages in web

<img src="http://www.shashki.com/img/mixt/hubert1.jpg" border=5>

From the site www.warcaby.beep.pl:
Z przykroscia informujemy, iz w dniu 11stym czerwca 2006 roku, po przebyciu bardzo ciezkej choroby, zmarl autor serwisu, Pan Wojciech Hubert. :-(((((

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Re: Wojciech Hubert passed away

Post by steenslag » Sun Oct 15, 2006 01:00

A.Presman wrote:Received from J. Pawlicki:

I've just received very sad news - Wojciech Hubert from Warszawa died on
He was one of our draughts fanatic - never played draughts in
tournaments but create one of most beautifull draughts pages in web

<img src="http://www.shashki.com/img/mixt/hubert1.jpg" border=5>

From the site www.warcaby.beep.pl:
Z przykroscia informujemy, iz w dniu 11stym czerwca 2006 roku, po przebyciu bardzo ciezkej choroby, zmarl autor serwisu, Pan Wojciech Hubert. :-(((((
On http://www.warcaby.beep.pl I found an old endgame by J. Metz. Toying with it, I found this one:


Black threatens to draw by getting rid of 13, so white avoids it.
1. 24-20 13-19
2. 20-15

If black plays 27-32 we get in an endgame by Metz:
2. ...27-32
3. 11-7 27-38 (or 19-24)
and wins by 7-2-7-11-16 (32-37) 16x43 (37-42) 43-48 (42-47) 48-30

Let's play something else for black:
2. ... 19-24
3. 11-7 24-30 (black tries to avoid Metz)
4. 7-2 30-34 ( 27-32 ends just like in in Metz)
5. 2-16 27-31 And now not the tempting 6. 46-41? 31-37!=
6. 15-10! 43-40
7. 16-11 31-37
8. 46-41 37x46
9. 10-5 40-45
10. 11-50

Thank you, Wojciech Hubert.

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