4de Internationaal Open Damtoernooi van Curaçao

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Hanco Elenbaas
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4de Internationaal Open Damtoernooi van Curaç ao

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Mar 25, 2004 19:31

4th International Open Draughts Tournament in Curaçao
october 3 – october 10, 2004

We invite you to particpate in our 4th international open draughts

tournament in Curaçao that will be played from

Sunday, October 3 untill Sunday, October 10, 2004.

The tournament will be played in the Swiss System with 9 rounds.

The participation fee for this tournament is $ 80 .

The money-prices for this tournament are:
$ 1.000 - $ 700 - $ 500 - $ 300 and $200.

Accomodation possibility from the organization is:
$ 20 per night per person (incl. breakfast).
Here you will be staying in a modern air-conditioned sports-accomodation where they have a bedroom with 15 beds and only
3 bedrooms with 2 beds. From this place you can take a public transport that will take you to the playing-room in 10 minutes.

The Cheapest Hotel possibility in Willemstad is :
San Marco Hotel & Casino
Columbusstraat/Passaatstraat-Willemstad Curaçao N.A.
Single-rooms :$ 56 per night (incl. Continental Breakfast)
Double-rooms:$ 67 per night/per room(incl. Continental Breakfast)
Triple-rooms :$ 87 per night/per room(incl. Continental Breakfast)

Contact person: Raoul Alias: email: serasi@interneeds.net
Tel: 005999-7375724 / 4614233

Dolly's brother
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Post by Dolly's brother » Tue Mar 30, 2004 16:04

DamClub IJmuiden
Vz. Wim Winter
Julianakade 40
1972 PN IJmuiden
tel. 0255-520931

IJmuiden, 22 maart 2004

Beste damvriend(in),

Damclub IJmuiden DCIJ organiseert

Zondag 18 april 2004

het Lentejeugddamtoernooi IJmuiden

Aanvang: 10.30 uur
Ontvangst: 10.00 uur – 10.30 uur
Plaats: Gebouw ‘ Jan Ligthart’, Eksterlaan 8 te IJmuiden

Maandelijks wordt in IJmuiden een jeugdtoernooi georganiseerd voor de jeugd en in het kader van de Noord-Holland Cup is deze keer het toernooi open voor beginnende jonge dammers en ervaren jeugdspelers in alle leeftijdsklassen. De resultaten van het toernooi tellen dus mee voor de Noord-Holland Cup.

Het inschrijfgeld bedraagt € 1,00 per speler, te voldoen voor aanvang van het toernooi.

Voor iedereen is er een prijs, chips en drinken.

Inschrijven is mogelijk tot uiterlijk 16 april bij:

Wim Winter tfn 0255-520931
Of via email: w.winter@quicknet.nl

Bij de opgave graag aangeven wat de leeftijd en de sterkte van de speler is.

Met vriendelijke groet,

namens de toernooicommissie

Wim Winter

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Re: 4de Internationaal Open Damtoernooi van Curaç ao

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:11

Raoul Alias wrote: 4th International Open Draughts Tournament in Curaçao
october 3 – october 10, 2004

We invite you to particpate in our 4th international open draughts

tournament in Curaçao that will be played from

Sunday, October 3 untill Sunday, October 10, 2004.

The tournament will be played in the Swiss System with 9 rounds.

The participation fee for this tournament is $ 80 .

The money-prices for this tournament are:
$ 1.000 - $ 700 - $ 500 - $ 300 and $200.

Accomodation possibility from the organization is:
$ 20 per night per person (incl. breakfast).
Here you will be staying in a modern air-conditioned sports-accomodation where they have a bedroom with 15 beds and only
3 bedrooms with 2 beds. From this place you can take a public transport that will take you to the playing-room in 10 minutes.

The Cheapest Hotel possibility in Willemstad is :
San Marco Hotel & Casino
Columbusstraat/Passaatstraat-Willemstad Curaçao N.A.
Single-rooms :$ 56 per night (incl. Continental Breakfast)
Double-rooms:$ 67 per night/per room(incl. Continental Breakfast)
Triple-rooms :$ 87 per night/per room(incl. Continental Breakfast)

Contact person: Raoul Alias: email: serasi@interneeds.net
Tel: 005999-7375724 / 4614233

Nieuwe info van Raoul:
Speciaal voor het toenooi goedkope verblijfmogelijkheid in het Pelikaan Hotel & Casino te Otrobanda.
$ 45 per persoon per dag inclusief ontbijt, lunch en dinner.
Als ik terug ben uit Montreal-Canada ( ik ben daar van 19 - 26 juli) zal ik een deelnemerslijst opsturen.
Voorlopig is er interesse van Jean Marc N'Djofang, N'Diaga Samb, Kees Thijssen met zijn Russische vriendin,
Lou Pietershove en echtgenote, Bé Eggens, Richard Mooser en Glenn Dumfries.
Last edited by Hanco Elenbaas on Mon Aug 23, 2004 13:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Aug 17, 2004 15:45

From Raoul Alias:

Dear Friends, this is the list with the names of the players
who are planning to play in the 4th Open Curaçao
greetings, Raoul Alias


4th Open International Draughts Tournament of Curaçao
October 3 – october 10, 2004.

Name: Country:
Louis Pietershove Holland
Glenn Dumfries Holland
Kees Thijssen Holland
Richard Mooser Holland
Bé Eggens Holland
Anco Baksoellah Holland
Tatiana Faikova Russia
Jean-Marc N’Djofang Cameroun
Léopold Sekongo Ivory Coast
N’Diaga Samb Senegal
Abdoulaye Der Senegal
Anthony Alexandre Haiti
Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti
Iser Kouperman USA
Stanley Moetoer Suriname
Guno Burleson Suriname
Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe
Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe
Norwin Lau Bonaire
Serapio Pop Bonaire
Adam Andall Grenada
Bernard Willock Antigua
Suky King Barbados
Rigaud Canada
Paulvin Simon Canada
Henry Bernadina Curaçao
Nelsen Angela Curaçao
Siegfried Panneflek Curaçao
Gabriel White Curaçao
Carlos Lorevil Curaçao
Clifton Agata Curaçao
Raoul Alias Curaçao
Anton Busropan Curaçao
Randy Leuteria Curaçao
Franklin Maduro Curaçao
Vladimir Neuman Curaçao
Glenn Monk Curaçao
Raimy Willems Curaçao
Hermano Henriquez Curaçao
Mario Wilson Curaçao
Modesto Cordilia Curaçao
Lionel Cordilia Curaçao
Last edited by Hanco Elenbaas on Wed Oct 06, 2004 06:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Oct 06, 2004 06:25

Organisator Raoul Alias schreef een uurtje geleden:

Dit jaar hebben we veel pech met het toernooi, veel afzeggingen op het laatste moment, niet genoeg sponsors, enz.
Daarbij komt nog het overlijden van mijn vader vorige week donderdag. Morgenochtend hebben wij de begrafenis.

In ieder geval slechts 18 deelnemers aan het toernooi.
Haïti: Shang Wong en Alexandre
Suriname: Burleson
Guadeloupe : Forbin en Sonor
Holland: Thijssen, Tigchelaar en Heusdens
Trinidad & Tobago : Aqui
Kameroen: N'Djofang
Curaçao: Alias(gedwongen), Angela, Bernadina, Cadeau, Lorevil, Panneflek, Wilson en Maduro.
Wij hebben vandaag de derde ronde gespeeld. Ik weet slechts mijn resultaten:
Alias - Sonor 1-1; Aqui - Alias 1-1; Alias - Heusdens 1-1.

Nee ik weet ook dat N'Djofang en Thijssen aan kop staan met 6 uit 3 en dat zij morgen tegen elkaar uitkomen.
Morgenmiddag zal ik de complete uitslagen, partijen en stand toesturen.
groetjes, Raoul.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Oct 07, 2004 16:24

Ronde 4 06-10-2004

W:28 T:1 Kees Thijssen - Marc N'Djofang 1-1
W:29 T:2 Nelsen Angela - Frantz Forbin 1-1
W:30 T:3 Mario Wilson - Louiceus Shang Wong 0-2
W:31 T:4 Guno Burleson - Carlos Lorevil 2-0
W:32 T:5 Anthony Alexandre - Raoul Alias 2-0
W:33 T:6 Gerrit Tigchelaar - Ron Heusdens 1-1
W:34 T:7 Anthony Aqui - Siegfried Panneflek 1-1
W:35 T:8 Leonardo Cadeau - Henry Bernadina 1-1
W:36 T:9 Raymond Sonor - Franklin Maduro 2-0

Ronde 5 07-10-2004

W:37 T:1 Marc N'Djofang - Guno Burleson -
W:38 T:2 Louiceus Shang Wong - Kees Thijssen -
W:39 T:3 Frantz Forbin - Anthony Alexandre -
W:40 T:4 Siegfried Panneflek - Gerrit Tigchelaar -
W:41 T:5 Carlos Lorevil - Mario Wilson -
W:42 T:6 Ron Heusdens - Nelsen Angela -
W:43 T:7 Raoul Alias - Leonardo Cadeau -
W:44 T:8 Anthony Aqui - Raymond Sonor -
W:45 T:9 Henry Bernadina - Franklin Maduro -


Land AW + = - Pt WP SB Klr
1 Marc N'Djofang Cameroun 4 3 - 1 - 0 7 20 33 0
2 Kees Thijssen Netherlands 4 3 - 1 - 0 7 18 29 0
3 Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 4 2 - 2 - 0 6 18 25 0
4 Guno Burleson Suriname 4 2 - 2 - 0 6 16 22 0
5 Anthony Alexandre Haiti 4 2 - 1 - 1 5 20 20 0
6 Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 4 2 - 1 - 1 5 18 18 0
7 Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 4 1 - 2 - 1 4 18 12 0
8 Mario Wilson Curacau 4 2 - 0 - 2 4 17 8 0
9 Nelsen Angela Curacao 4 1 - 2 - 1 4 16 14 2
10 Ron Heusdens Netherlands 4 1 - 2 - 1 4 15 9 0
11 Carlos Lorevil Curacao 4 2 - 0 - 2 4 15 8 -2
12 Raoul Alias Curacao 4 0 - 3 - 1 3 15 10 0
13 Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 4 0 - 3 - 1 3 14 10 0
14 Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 4 1 - 1 - 2 3 14 5 0
15 Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 4 1 - 1 - 2 3 13 5 0
16 Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 4 0 - 2 - 2 2 15 2 0
17 Franklin Maduro Curacao 4 0 - 1 - 3 1 13 2 0
Henry Bernadina Curacao 4 0 - 1 - 3 1 13 2 0

Wedstrijden: 36 Winstpartijen: 23 63.9%


Ronde 3 04-10-2004

Gedion van Eiken - Rhazul Sebelon 0-2
Devendra Dindial - Mijail Eisden 2-0
Rajesh Dipai - Quincy Lopez 2-0
Rodney Lion - Nicholas Ramsundar 2-0

Ronde 4 07-10-2004

Mijail Eisden - Nicholas Ramsundar -
Devendra Dindial - Rajesh Dipai -
Gedion van Eiken - Rodney Lion -
Rhazul Sebelon - Quincy Lopez -


AW + = - Pt Klr
1 Rajesh Dipai 3 2 - 1 - 0 5 1
2 Rhazul Sebelon 3 2 - 0 - 1 4 -1
Devendra Dindial 3 1 - 2 - 0 4 1
Gedion van Eiken 3 2 - 0 - 1 4 1
5 Rodney Lion 3 1 - 1 - 1 3 -1
6 Mijail Eisden 3 1 - 0 - 2 2 1
7 Quincy Lopez 3 0 - 1 - 2 1 -1
Nicholas Ramsundar 3 0 - 1 - 2 1 -1

Wedstrijden: 12 Winstpartijen: 9 75.0%

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:00

Ronde 5

Jean-Marc N'Djofang - Guno Burleson 2 - 0
Louiceus Shang Wong - Kees Thijssen 0 - 2
Frantz Forbin - Anthony Alexandre 0 - 2
Siegfried Panneflek - Gerrit Tigchelaar 2 - 0
Carlos Lorevil - Mario Wilson 2 - 0
Ron Heusdens - Nelsen Angela 2 - 0
Raoul Alias - Leonardo Cadeau 2 - 0
Anthony Aqui - Raymond Sonor 2 - 0
Henry Bernadina - Franklin Maduro 0 - 2

Stand bovenaan:
1. N'Djofang en Thijssen 5 - 9
3. Alexandre 5 - 7
4. Shang Wong, Burleson, Heusdens en Lorevil 5 - 6


6de ronde:
Lorevil - N'Djofang
Thijssen - Alexandre
Aqui - Shang Wong
Burleson - Heusdens

Ron Heusdens - Jean-Marc N'Djofang 0 - 2 [1:54-2:10]
Curaçao Open 2004, 2de ronde, 4 oktober 2004

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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Oct 11, 2004 17:17

Jean-Marc Ndjofang wint 4de Curaçao Open

Devendra Dindial (Trinidad & Tobago) winnaar van het 4de Panamerikaans Jeugdkampioenschap

Jean-Marc Ndjofang pakte zijn derde toernooizege in 2004
na het Amsterdams Paastoernooi en Brunssum.
Foto: Jan Pieter Drost


3 – 10 OCTOBER 2004


1. Raoul Alias Curacao 2151 MF
2. Leonardo Cadeau Curacao ------
3. Franklin Maduro Curacao ------
4. Nelsen Angela Curacao 2076
5. Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 2062
6. Henry Bernadina Curacao 2022 B Lijst
7. Carlos Lorevil Curacao 2196 B Lijst
8. Mario Wilson Curacao ------
9. Kees Thijssen Netherlands 2413 GMI
10. Ron Heusdens Netherlands 2322 GMI
11. Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands ------
12. Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 2215 MF
13. Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 1959 B Lijst
14. Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago ------
15. Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2326 GMI
16. Guno Burleson Suriname 2300 MI
17. Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 2191 B Lijst
18.. Anthony Alexandre Haiti 2206 B.Lijst

Main arbiter Hensley Rondei Curacao
Ass. Arbiter Cor verdel Netherland

ROUND 1 20.45 hr
3 October 2004

White : Kees Thijssen Netherlands Time 1.19 hr
Black : Leonardo Cadeau Curacao Time 1.18 hr

01. 33-29 17-21 02. 39-33 11-17 03. 44-39 06-11 04. 31-26 01-06 05. 36-31 20-24 06. 29x20 15x24 07. 31-27 18-22 08. 27x18 13x22 09. 50-44 08-13 10. 41-36 02-08 11. 32-28 10-15 12. 38-32 05-10 13. 43-38 15-20 14. 37-31 10-15 15. 42-37 20-25 16. 47-42 24-30 17. 35x24 19x30 18. 31-27 22x31 19. 36x27 30-35 20. 46-41 14-19 21. 48-43 09-14 22. 33-29 04-10 23. 38-33 03-09 24. 29-23 15-20 25. 42-38 10-15 26. 41-36 20-24 27. 34-30 25x34 28. 40x20 15x24 29. 27-22 21-27 30. 22x31 17-22 31. 28x17 11x22 32. 45-40 19x28 33. 32x23 13-19 34. 38-32 19x28 35. 32x23 14-20 36. 33-29 24x33 37. 39x17 12x21 38. 26x17 09-13 39. 37-32 20-24 40. 43-39 24-30 41. 32-28

White : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun Time 1.32 hr
Black : Mario Wilson Curacao Time 1.42 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 11x22 03. 37-32 19-23 04. 41-37 14-19 05. 46-41 10-14 06. 31-26 07-11 07. 35-30 20-25 08. 33-29 01-07 09. 40-35 11-17 10. 44-40 07-11 11. 38-33 14-20 12. 30-24 19x30 13. 35x24 09-14 14. 50-44 13-19 15. 24x13 08x19 16. 42-38 05-10 17. 48-42 03-08 18. 36-31 08-13 19. 32-28 23x32 20. 37x28 02-08 21. 29-23 18x29 22. 34x23 04-09 23. 41-36 20-24 24. 42-37 15-20 25. 37-32 10-15 26. 32-27 25-30 27. 27x07 11x02 28. 31-27 02-07 29. 26-21 17x26 30. 36-31 26x37 31. 28-22 19x17 32. 38-32 37x28 33. 33x02 14-19 34. 43-38 20-25 35. 02-07 09-14 36. 40-35 06-11 37. 07-01 11-17 38. 27-22 17x28 39. 38-32 28x37 40. 47-42 37x48 41. 44-40 48x34 42. 40x18 19-24 43. 01-06 16-21 44. 49-43 21-26 45. 43-39 15-20 46. 18-12 08x17 47. 06x22

White : Ron Heusdens Netherlands Time 1.40 hr
Black : Franklin Maduro Curacao Time 1.32 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 11-16 03. 37-32 07-11 04. 36-31 18-22 05. 41-36 20-24 06. 42-37 15-20 07. 47-42 02-07 08. 34-29 10-15 09. 40-34 05-10 10. 45-40 20-25 11. 29x20 15x24 12. 34-29 10-15 13. 29x20 15x24 14. 40-34 24-30 15. 35x24 19x30 16. 31-27 22x31 17. 36x27 04-10 18. 37-31 12-18 19. 46-41 07-12 20. 42-37 01-07 21. 41-36 10-15 22. 44-40 30-35 23. 50-45 35x44 24. 49x40 14-20 25. 48-42 20-24 26. 40-35 15-20 27. 34-30 25x34 28. 39x19 13x24 29. 43-39 09-13 30. 28-22 17x28 31. 26x17 11x22 32. 32x23 18x29 33. 27x09 03x14 34. 35-30 24x35 35. 33x15 12-18 36. 37-32 07-12 37. 31-27 08-13 38. 38-33 06-11 39. 36-31 12-17 40. 32-28 14-20 41. 15x24 17-21 42. 31-26 21x23 43. 24-20 13-19 44. 20-15 19-24 45. 15-10 23-29 46. 42-38 11-17 47. 10-04 24-30 48. 04x06 29-34 49. 06-01 34x32 50. 33-28

White : Guno Burleson Suriname Time 1.20 hr
Black : Gerrit Tigchelaar Nertherlands Time 1.20 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 14-19 05. 46-41 05-10 06. 32-28 23x32 07. 37x28 09-14 08. 42-37 17-22 09. 28x17 12x21 10. 31-27 21x32 11. 38x27 07-12 12. 43-38 11-17 13. 49-43 01-07 14. 37-32 04-09 15. 41-37 19-23 16. 47-42 17-21 17. 33-28 06-11 18. 28x19 14x23 19. 39-33 11-17 20. 37-31 17-22 21. 31-26 22x31 22. 36x27 10-14 23. 26x17 12x21

White : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe Time 1.49 hr
Black : Carlos Lorevil Curacao Time 1.15 hr

01. 34-29 17-22 02. 40-34 11-17 03. 45-40 06-11 04. 50-45 01-06 05. 31-26 19-23 06. 32-28 23x32 07. 37x28 16-21 08. 41-37 11-16 09. 37-32 20-24 10. 29x20 15x24 11. 34-30 21-27 12. 30x19 13x24 13. 32x21 16x27 14. 40-34 10-15 15. 46-41 07-11 16. 44-40 09-13 17. 34-29 03-09 18. 29x20 15x24 19. 39-34 05-10 20. 33-29 22x33 21. 29x20 14x25 22. 38x29 13-19 23. 43-39 19-23 24. 41-37 09-13 25. 37-31 10-15 26. 31x22 17x28 27. 29-24 12-17 28. 42-38 17-21 29. 26x17 11x22 30. 36-31 06-11 31. 47-42 11-17 32. 42-37 08-12 33. 38-32 17-21 34. 31-26 02-08 35. 26x17 22x11 36. 48-43 11-17 37. 34-29 23x34 38. 39x30 25x34 39. 40x29 18-22 40. 32x23 22-27 41. 43-38 17-21 42. 49-43 12-17 43. 43-39 21-26 44. 39-33 17-21 45. 35-30 27-31 46. 30-25 31x42 47. 38x47 21-27 48. 25-20 04-09 49. 23-19 27-32 50. 19-14 32-38 51. 14x12 38-43 52. 12-07 43-49 53. 07-01 26-31 54. 01-06 31-37 55. 45-40 49x19 56. 33-28 15x22 57. 06x05

White : Raoul Alias Curacao Time 1.15 hr
Black : Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe Time 1.15 hr

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 32-28 25x34 03. 39x30 18-23 04. 30-25 23x32 05. 37x28 12-18 06. 41-37 07-12 07. 37-32 01-07 08. 46-41 17-21 09. 41-37 19-24 10. 44-39 14-20 11. 25x14 10x19 12. 50-44 18-23 13. 31-27 12-18 14. 37-31 07-12 15. 31-26 05-10 16. 26x17 11x31 17. 36x27 10-14 18. 42-37 04-10 19. 47-42 15-20 20. 40-34 10-15 21. 44-40 02-07 22. 34-30 20-25 23. 49-44 25x34 24. 40x20 15x24 25. 44-40 06-11 26. 39-34 11-17 27. 37-31 17-21 28. 31-26 14-20 29. 26x17 12x21 30. 34-30 07-12 31. 43-39 21-26 32. 30-25 09-14 33. 42-37 12-17 34. 39-34 17-21 35. 34-29 23x34 36. 40x29 03-09 37. 29-23 18x29 38. 35-30 24x35 39. 33x15 19-24 40. 38-33 13-18

White : Nelsen Angela Netherlands 1 Time 2.17 hr
Black : Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.43 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 20-25 04. 29-24 19x30 05. 35x24 12-18 06. 41-37 07-12 07. 37-32 01-07 08. 38-33 17-21 09. 43-38 21-26 10. 49-43 26x37 11. 32x41 11-17 12. 41-37 16-21 13. 46-41 21-26 14. 37-32 17-21 15. 41-37 21-27 16. 32x21 26x17 17. 37-32 06-11 18. 42-37 17-21 19. 36-31 21-26 20. 47-41 11-17 21. 41-36 14-19 22. 34-29 19x30 23. 29-23 18x29 24. 33x35 13-18 25. 39-33 08-13 26. 44-39 10-14 27. 35-30 25x34 28. 40x29 05-10 29. 50-44 03-08 30. 44-40 18-22 31. 48-42 14-19 32. 31-27 22x31 33. 36x27 19-24 34. 29x20 15x24 35. 39-34 10-14 36. 34-29 14-20 37. 43-39 20-25 38. 29x20 25x14 39. 40-34 13-18 40. 27-22 18x27 41. 32x21 08-13 42. 38-32 13-18 43. 42-38 07-11 44. 34-29 09-13 45. 45-40 02-08 46. 40-35 11-16 47. 35-30 16x27 48. 32x21 04-10 49. 30-25 10-15 50. 29-23 18x29 51. 33x24 13-18 52. 39-33 08-13

White : Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 2 Time 1.05 hr
Black : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 1.52 hr

01. 34-30 19-23 02. 31-27 14-19 03. 30-25 19-24 04. 25x14 10x19 05. 36-31 17-22 06. 40-34 04-10 07. 34-29 23x34 08. 39x30 10-14 09. 44-39 05-10 10. 50-44 24-29 11. 33x24 22-28 12. 32x23 18x20 13. 30-25 12-18 14. 39-33 11-17 15. 44-39 17-22 16. 37-32 07-12 17. 31-26 22x31 18. 26x37 02-07 19. 45-40 06-11 20. 40-34 11-17 21. 41-36 17-21 22. 36-31 01-06 23. 46-41 21-26 24. 31-27 20-24 25. 34-30 18-23 26. 41-36 12-18 27. 33-28 15-20 28. 39-33 10-15 29. 37-31 26x37 30. 42x31 07-12 31. 47-41 24-29 32. 33x24 20x29 33. 31-26 06-11 34. 38-33 29x38 35. 30-24 19x30 36. 28x10 15x04 37. 25x34 11-17 38. 43-39 04-10 39. 32x43 10-15 40. 48-42 17-21 41. 26x17 12x32 42. 42-37 16-21 43. 37x28 21-26 44. 43-38 15-20 45. 41-37 20-24 46. 39-33 13-19 47. 34-29 09-13 48. 29x20 19-23 49. 28x19 13x15 50. 33-29 15-20 51. 35-30 20-25 52. 30-24 08-13 53. 38-33 18-22 54. 29-23 22-27 55. 23-19 26-31 56. 37x26 27-32 57. 19x08 03x12 58. 36-31 12-17 59. 49-44

White : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 1
Black : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 1

ROUND 2 16.00 hr
4 October 2004

White : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 0 Time 1.40 hr
Black : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 2 Time 1.50 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 18-22 03. 37-32 11-16 04. 41-37 07-11 05. 46-41 01-07 06. 28-23 19x28 07. 32x23 13-18 08. 35-30 18x29 09. 34x23 20-25 10. 33-29 25x34 11. 39x30 09-13 12. 40-34 13-18 13. 44-39 08-13 14. 45-40 03-08 15. 50-44 14-20 16. 39-33 20-25 17. 43-39 10-14 18. 48-43 21-27 19. 37-31 27-32 20. 38x27 13-19 21. 42-37 19x28 22. 47-42 14-19 23. 42-38 19-23 24. 40-35 05-10 25. 29-24 17-21 26. 26x17 12x32 27. 38x27 07-12 28. 43-38 08-13 29. 31-26 22x42 30. 33x22 18x27 31. 38x47

White : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 0 Time 1.54 hr
Black : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2 Time 2.10 hr

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 31-26 19-23 03. 26x17 12x21 04. 28x19 14x23 05. 34-29 23x34 06. 39x30 10-14 07. 44-39 07-12 08. 37-32 04-10 09. 41-37 11-17 10. 40-34 06-11 11. 45-40 21-27 12. 32x21 16x27 13. 46-41 02-07 14. 50-45 18-23 15. 30-25 12-18 16. 34-29 23x34 17. 40x29 20-24 18. 29x20 15x24 19. 39-34 07-12 20. 43-39 01-07 21. 49-44 10-15 22. 45-40 14-20 23. 25x14 09x20 24. 34-30 03-09 25. 30x19 13x24 26. 40-34 09-13 27. 34-30 05-10 28. 30x19 13x24 29. 39-34 08-13 30. 34-30 13-19 31. 30-25 10-14 32. 44-39 19-23 33. 37-31 17-22 34. 41-37 23-28 35. 31-26 18-23 36. 37-32 28x37 37. 42x31 12-17 38. 47-42 23-28 39. 39-34 28x30 40. 25x34 20-25 41. 42-37 07-12 42. 37-32 11-16 43. 32x21 16x27 44. 48-42 14-20 45. 42-37 24-30 46. 35x24 20x40 47. 38-33 40-44 48. 33-28 22x33 49. 31x11 44-50 50. 11-06 12-17 51. 37-32 33-39 52. 06-01 39-43

White : Siegfried Pannevlek Curacao 0 Time 1.24 hr
Black : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 2 Time 1.12 hr

01. 34-30 17-22 02. 30-25 11-17 03. 40-34 06-11 04. 45-40 19-23 05. 50-45 14-19 06. 25x14 09x20 07. 32-28 23x32 08. 38x27 10-14 09. 37-32 22-28 10. 32x23 18x38 11. 43x32 12-18 12. 49-43 04-09 13. 42-38 07-12 14. 47-42 05-10 15. 31-26 19-23 16. 39-33 14-19 17. 44-39 01-06 18. 41-37 10-14 19. 34-30 20-24 20. 46-41 14-20 21. 39-34 02-07 22. 37-31 09-14 23. 41-37 03-09 24. 33-29 24x33 25. 38x29 20-24 26. 29x20 14x25 27. 43-38 17-22 28. 27-21 16x27 29. 32x21 11-17 30. 31-27 22x31 31. 36x27 06-11 32. 37-32 11-16 33. 42-37 19-24 34. 30x28 18-22 35. 27x18 13x31 36. 26x37 16x38 37. 37-31 17-22 38. 34-30 25x34 39. 40x29 12-17 40. 35-30 17-21 41. 30-25 09-14 42. 31-26 21-27 43. 29-24 08-13 44. 45-40 07-12 45. 40-34 12-18

White : Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 0 Time 1.10 hr
Black : Guno Burleson Suriname 2 Time 1.31 hr

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 40-34 15-20 03. 44-40 17-22 04. 49-44 10-15 05. 31-27 22x31 06. 36x27 20-24 07. 41-36 05-10 08. 47-41 11-17 09. 33-29 24x33 10. 39x28 19-23 11. 28x19 14x23 12. 44-39 10-14 13. 39-33 14-20 14. 37-31 06-11 15. 41-37 04-10 16. 46-41 10-14 17. 33-28 23-29 18. 34x23 25x34 19. 40x29 18-22 20. 27x18 13x24 21. 43-39 24-30 22. 35x24 20x18 23. 38-33 14-19 24. 42-38 08-13 25. 48-43 02-08 26. 45-40 17-21 27. 32-27 21x32 28. 37x28 11-17 29. 40-35 19-24 30. 50-45 09-14 31. 41-37 17-21 32. 45-40 21-27 33. 31x22 18x27 34. 40-34 14-20 35. 37-31 12-18 36. 31x22 18x27 37. 34-30 03-09 38. 30x19 13x24 39. 39-34 20-25 40. 43-39 16-21 41. 34-29 21-26 42. 29x20 15x24 43. 39-34 08-13 44. 34-29 26-31 45. 29x20 25x14 46. 33-29 31-37 47. 29-24 27-31 48. 36x27 37-41

White : Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.07 hr
Black : Raoul Alias Curacao 1 Time 0.59 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 11x22 03. 31-27 22x31 04. 36x27 06-11 05. 38-32 11-17 06. 43-38 17-21 07. 33-28 12-17 08. 39-33 08-12 09. 44-39 18-22 10. 27x18 13x22 11. 49-43 07-11 12. 50-44 02-07 13. 34-30 21-27 14. 32x21 16x27 15. 40-34 19-23 16. 28x19 14x23 17. 33-28 23x32 18. 37x28 22x33 19. 39x28 11-16 20. 44-40 20-25 21. 30-24 17-21 22. 34-30 25x34 23. 40x29 10-14 24. 43-39 09-13 25. 38-33 14-20 26. 45-40 12-17 27. 40-34 20-25 28. 29-23 07-12 29. 23-19 03-09 30. 19x08 12x03 31. 34-29 09-13 32. 42-38 04-09 33. 48-43 05-10 34. 28-23 13-18 35. 23x12 17x08 36. 29-23 10-14 37. 35-30 25x34 38. 39x30 08-13 39. 33-29 01-07 40. 41-37 07-12 41. 38-33 12-17 42. 30-25 14-20 43. 25x14 09x20 44. 43-38 13-18 45. 23x12 17x08 46. 24-19 08-13 47. 19x08 03x12 48. 29-24 20x29 49. 33x24 12-18

White : Raymond Sonor 0 Guadeloupe Time 0.47 hr
Black : Louiceus Shang Wong 2 Haiti Time 1.10 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 37-32 11-16 03. 41-37 07-11 04. 31-26 18-22 05. 47-41 01-07 06. 34-29 20-24 07. 29x20 15x24 08. 40-34 21-27 09. 32x21 16x27 10. 37-32 11-16 11. 32x21 16x27 12. 41-37 27-31 13. 36x18 12x41 14. 46x37 14-20 15. 38-32 10-14 16. 45-40 20-25 17. 50-45 25-30 18. 34x25 14-20 19. 25x23 24-30 20. 35x24 13-19 21. 24x13 09x47 22. 39-33 47x15 23. 43-38 15x31 24. 26x37 05-10 25. 40-34 10-14 26. 34-29 07-12 27. 44-39 12-18 28. 39-34 17-21 29. 49-43 18-22 30. 43-38 06-11 31. 45-40 11-16 32. 40-35 08-12 33. 34-30 12-18 34. 30-25 02-08 35. 35-30 08-13 36. 30-24 13-19 37. 24x13 18x09 38. 29-23 22-27 39. 48-43 14-20 40. 25x14 09x20 41. 43-39 20-24 42. 39-34 03-08

White : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 2 Time 1.28 hr
Black : Nelsen Angela Curacao 0 Time 1.48 hr

01. 33-29 20-25 02. 39-33 14-20 03. 44-39 10-14 04. 50-44 05-10 05. 32-28 19-23 06. 28x19 13x24 07. 37-32 09-13 08. 41-37 04-09 09. 46-41 14-19 10. 32-28 09-14 11. 37-32 03-09 12. 41-37 17-22 13. 28x17 11x22 14. 32-28 07-11 15. 28x17 12x21 16. 31-26 01-07 17. 26x17 11x22 18. 37-32 08-12 19. 34-30 25x23 20. 33-29 24x33 21. 39x08 07-12 22. 08x17 02-07 23. 32-27 07-11 24. 27-22 18x27 25. 17-12 23-28 26. 42-37 16-21 27. 44-39 11-17 28. 38-33 17x08 29. 33x31 21-26 30. 31-27 19-23 31. 27-22 06-11 32. 36-31

White : Franklin Maduro Curacao 0 Time 1.56 hr
Black : Mario Wilson Curacao 2 Time 1.24 hr

01. 34-30 17-22 02. 40-34 11-17 03. 45-40 06-11 04. 30-25 19-23 05. 32-28 23x32 06. 37x28 01-06 07. 41-37 16-21 08. 50-45 21-27 09. 31-26 27-32 10. 38x27 22x31 11. 36x27 17-22 12. 28x17 12x41 13. 46x37 08-12 14. 35-30 11-16 15. 34-29 02-08 16. 40-34 18-22 17. 45-40 07-11 18. 43-38 12-17 19. 40-35 13-18 20. 37-32 08-12 21. 49-43 22-27 22. 32x21 16x27 23. 47-41 09-13 24. 41-36 04-09 25. 44-40 11-16 26. 29-23 18x29 27. 34x23 13-18 28. 39-34 18x29 29. 34x23 09-13 30. 43-39 03-08 31. 33-28 17-21 32. 26x17 12x21 33. 38-33 08-12 34. 42-37 27-32 35. 40-34 32x41 36. 36x47 21-27 37. 34-29 06-11 38. 39-34 13-19 39. 47-41 11-17 40. 48-42 16-21 41. 42-37 21-26 42. 37-32 27x38 43. 33x42 17-21 44. 42-38 21-27 45. 41-36 26-31 46. 28-22 19x17 47. 30-24 12-18 48. 34-30 31-37 49. 38-33 17-22 50. 29-23 18x38

White : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 0.55 hr
Black : Carlos Lorevil Curacao 2 Time 0.26 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 39-33 11-17 03. 44-39 06-11 04. 50-44 01-06 05. 32-28 19-23 06. 28x19 14x23 07. 35-30 10-14 08. 40-35 23-28 09. 44-40 20-25 10. 31-26 16-21 11. 37-31 05-10 12. 41-37 21-27 13. 47-41 11-16 14. 37-32 28x37 15. 41x21 16x27 16. 46-41 14-20 17. 41-37 10-14 18. 49-44 04-10 19. 29-23 18x29 20. 34x23 25x34 21. 40x29 06-11 22. 39-34 13-19 23. 43-39 19x28 24. 44-40 20-24 25. 29x20 15x24 26. 48-43 14-20 27. 34-29 27-32 28. 38x18 12x34 29. 39x19 28x48 30. 31-27 48-25 31. 27-21 08-12 32. 21-16 09-14 33. 37-31 14x23 34. 40-34 25x37 35. 31x42 20-25 36. 45-40 12-18

ROUND 3 16.00 hr
5 October 2004

White : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2 Time 1.59 hr
Black : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 0 Time 2.00 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 19-24 04. 39-33 14-19 05. 41-37 20-25 06. 29x20 25x14 07. 37-32 12-18 08. 46-41 07-12 09. 41-37 01-07 10. 44-39 17-22 11. 28x17 12x21 12. 35-30 07-12 13. 50-44 21-26 14. 34-29 11-17 15. 40-34 14-20 16. 30-25 19-23 17. 25x14 10x19 18. 31-27 19-24 19. 29x20 15x24 20. 33-28 24-29 21. 28x19 29x40 22. 45x34 13x24 23. 38-33 05-10 24. 42-38 09-14 25. 47-42 03-09 26. 44-40 09-13 27. 49-44 10-15 28. 40-35 14-20 29. 34-30 17-21 30. 30x19 13x24 31. 39-34 08-13 32. 43-39 13-19 33. 33-28 18-23 34. 38-33 04-09 35. 42-38 09-14 36. 34-30 20-25 37. 48-43 25x34 38. 39x30 02-08 39. 27-22 12-17 40. 22x11 06x17 41. 44-39 17-22 42. 28x17 21x12 43. 36-31

White : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 0 Time 0.47 hr
Black : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 2 Time 0.41 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 18-22 03. 37-32 11-16 04. 41-37 07-11 05. 46-41 01-07 06. 28-23 19x28 07. 32x23 13-18 08. 35-30 18x29 09. 34x23 20-25 10. 40-34 14-19 11. 23x14 10x19 12. 44-40 09-14 13. 50-44 14-20 14. 40-35 12-18 15. 37-32 08-13 16. 41-37 03-08 17. 44-40 20-24 18. 32-28 07-12 19. 38-32 21-27 20. 32x21 16x27 21. 28-23 18x38 22. 43x21 19-23 23. 30x28 22x44

White : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 1 Time 2.12 hr
Black : Guno Burleson Suriname 1 Time 2.14 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 39-33 11-17 03. 44-39 06-11 04. 50-44 01-06 05. 32-28 19-23 06. 28x19 14x23 07. 35-30 16-21 08. 31-26 10-14 09. 40-35 14-19 10. 30-24 19x30 11. 34x14 09x20 12. 44-40 23x34 13. 39x30 20-25 14. 30-24 05-10 15. 40-34 03-09 16. 49-44 10-14 17. 43-39 11-16 18. 48-43 21-27 19. 44-40 13-19 20. 24x13 08x19 21. 37-31 06-11 22. 42-37 09-13 23. 34-29 04-09 24. 29-24 19x30 25. 35x24 18-23 26. 40-34 14-19 27. 34-30 25x34 28. 39x30 23-29 29. 30-25 19x30 30. 33x35 09-14 31. 45-40 12-18 32. 40-34 07-12 33. 34-29 13-19 34. 35-30 15-20 35. 30-24 19x30 36. 25x34 14-19 37. 47-42 02-07 38. 43-39 19-24 39. 38-33 16-21 40. 42-38 18-23 41. 29x18 12x23 42. 37-32 20-25 43. 41-37 07-12 44. 46-41 12-18 45. 32-28 23x43 46. 39x48 24-30 47. 34-29 30-35 48. 33-28 22x24 49. 31x13 35-40 50. 13-08 11-16 51. 08-03 40-45 52. 37-32 24-30 53. 32-27 21x32 54. 03x38 45-50 55. 36-31 30-35 56. 38-29

White : Mario Wilson Curacao 2 Time 1.42 hr
Black : Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 0 Time 1.32 hr

01. 34-29 17-22 02. 40-34 11-17 03. 45-40 06-11 04. 29-24 19x30 05. 34x25 01-06 06. 31-26 20-24 07. 37-31 24-29 08. 33x24 22-28 09. 32x23 18x20 10. 41-37 20-24 11. 46-41 14-20 12. 25x14 10x19 13. 37-32 13-18 14. 41-37 05-10 15. 39-33 09-13 16. 43-39 04-09 17. 50-45 18-23 18. 49-43 12-18 19. 40-34 07-12 20. 34-30 02-07 21. 47-41 17-21 22. 26x17 12x21 23. 31-26 07-12 24. 26x17 12x21 25. 30-25 11-17 26. 44-40 06-11 27. 40-34 08-12 28. 34-29 23x34 29. 39x30 21-27 30. 32x21 16x27 31. 45-40 18-23 32. 37-32 17-21 33. 33-28 11-16 34. 40-34 13-18 35. 42-37 12-17 36. 37-31 18-22 37. 48-42 22x33 38. 31x11 16x07 39. 38x20 15x24 40. 42-37 09-13 41. 36-31 21-26 42. 31-27 13-18 43. 41-36 07-12 44. 43-38 03-08 45. 36-31 08-13
46. 38-33

White : Raoul Alias Curacao 1 Time 1.58 hr
Black : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 1 Time 2.19 hr

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 32-28 25x34 03. 39x30 16-21 04. 44-39 21-26 05. 37-32 26x37 06. 42x31 15-20 07. 50-44 20-24 08. 47-42 18-23 09. 41-37 10-15 10. 30-25 12-18 11. 40-34 14-20 12. 25x14 09x20 13. 34-29 23x34 14. 39x30 20-25 15. 44-39 25x34 16. 39x30 05-10 17. 46-41 04-09 18. 49-44 10-14 19. 44-39 18-23 20. 31-27 07-12 21. 30-25 11-16 22. 36-31 12-18 23. 31-26 08-12 24. 41-36 06-11 25. 37-31 02-08 26. 45-40 14-20 27. 25x14 09x20 28. 40-34 24-29 29. 33x24 20x40 30. 35x44 01-06 31. 39-33 15-20 32. 44-40 03-09 33. 40-34 20-25 34. 27-21 16x27 35. 31x22 18x27 36. 32x21 23x32 37. 38x27 19-24 38. 33-28 11-16 39. 42-38 13-19 40. 38-33 08-13 41. 43-39 24-30 42. 33-29 30-35 43. 48-42 19-24 44. 29x20 25x14 45. 42-38 13-19 46. 38-33 14-20 47. 33-29 19-24 48. 39-33 20-25 49. 29x20 25x14 50. 33-29 14-20 51. 29-23

White : Carlos Lorevil Curacao 2 Time 1.14 hr
Black : Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 0 Time 1.30 hr

01. 33-29 19-23 02. 35-30 17-21 03. 30-25 21-27 04. 31x22 18x27 05. 32x21 16x27 06. 29x18 13x22 07. 38-33 09-13 08. 34-29 04-09 09. 40-34 11-16 10. 45-40 07-11 11. 42-38 16-21 12. 38-32 27x38 13. 43x32 11-17 14. 37-31 21-27 15. 32x21 17x37 16. 41x32 01-07 17. 46-41 06-11 18. 41-37 11-16 19. 37-31 20-24 20. 29x20 15x24 21. 34-29 10-15 22. 29x20 15x24 23. 40-34 05-10 24. 34-29 10-15 25. 29x20 15x24 26. 39-34 14-20 27. 25x14 09x20 28. 44-39 20-25 29. 50-44 13-19 30. 48-43 24-30 31. 43-38 08-13 32. 47-42 02-08 33. 44-40 07-11 34. 32-27 12-18 35. 40-35 03-09 36. 35x24 19x30 37. 38-32 11-17 38. 42-38 13-19 39. 32-28 19-24 40. 49-44 08-13 41. 34-29 18-23 42. 28x08 22-28 43. 33x11 24x42 44. 08-03

White : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 1.45 hr
Black : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 2 Time 1.35 hr

01. 33-29 19-23 02. 35-30 20-25 03. 40-35 14-19 04. 44-40 10-14 05. 49-44 17-22 06. 32-27 11-17 07. 37-32 05-10 08. 41-37 07-11 09. 30-24 19x30 10. 35x24 14-20 11. 47-41 01-07 12. 31-26 22x31 13. 36x27 09-14 14. 24-19 13x33 15. 39x19 14x23 16. 44-39 10-14 17. 27-21 16x27 18. 32x21 14-19 19. 41-36 08-13 20. 37-31 04-09 21. 46-41 11-16 22. 41-37 16x27 23. 31x11 06x17 24. 37-32 20-24 25. 32-27 09-14 26. 27-21 23-28 27. 36-31 19-23 28. 40-35 14-19 29. 45-40 03-08 30. 50-45 24-29 31. 21-16 18-22 32. 39-33 28x30 33. 35x33 12-18 34. 38-32 08-12 35. 32-27 25-30 36. 43-39 30-35 37. 48-43 35x44 38. 39x50 15-20 39. 50-44 20-24 40. 44-40 07-11 41. 16x07 02x11 42. 40-35 22-28 43. 33x22 17x28 44. 43-39 24-30 45. 35x24 19x30 46. 42-38 23-29 47. 27-21 13-19 48. 38-32 28x37 49. 31x42 19-23 50. 42-37 23-28 51. 45-40 11-17 52. 21-16 28-33 53. 39x28 30-35 54. 28-23 35x44 55. 23x34 44-50 56. 37-32 50-28 57. 32x23 18x40 58. 26-21 17x26 59. 16-11 40-45 60. 11-06 45-50 61. 06-01 50-45

White : Nelsen Angela Curacao 2 Time 1.21 hr
Black : Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 0 Time 1.35 hr

01. 32-28 20-25 02. 37-32 15-20 03. 41-37 10-15 04. 34-30 25x34 05. 39x30 20-25 06. 44-39 25x34 07. 39x30 17-22 08. 28x17 12x21 09. 50-44 05-10 10. 44-39 07-12 11. 40-34 19-23 12. 47-41 21-26 13. 30-25 11-17 14. 34-30 06-11 15. 32-28 23x32 16. 37x28 26x37 17. 41x32 18-23 18. 28x19 13x24 19. 30x19 14x23 20. 33-28 09-14 21. 28x19 14x23 22. 39-33 03-09 23. 45-40 01-06 24. 40-34 10-14 25. 34-30 14-19 26. 46-41 09-13 27. 42-37 12-18 28. 32-27 17-21 29. 37-32 04-09 30. 33-28 21-26 31. 30-24 19x30 32. 35x24 26-31 33. 28x19 31x22 34. 25-20 09-14 35. 20x09 13x04 36. 19-14 04-09 37. 14x23 22-28 38. 24-19 28x46 39. 38-32 46x28 40. 23x32

White : Franklin Maduro Curacao 1 Time 1.23 hr
Black : Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 1 Time 1.28 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 12x21 03. 34-29 07-12 04. 40-34 01-07 05. 45-40 21-26 06. 38-32 11-17 07. 42-38 07-11 08. 47-42 02-07 09. 50-45 20-24 10. 29x20 15x24 11. 34-30 17-21 12. 40-34 10-15 13. 44-40 05-10 14. 30-25 24-30 15. 35x24 19x30 16. 34-29 30-35 17. 40-34 18-22 18. 29-24 21-27 19. 32x21 26x17 20. 34-29 16-21 21. 24-20 15x24 22. 29x20 22-27 23. 31x22 17x28 24. 33x22 10-15 25. 39-33 15x24 26. 22-17 11x22 27. 33-28 22x33 28. 38x20 12-18 29. 36-31 14-19 30. 20-15 09-14 31. 42-38 18-23 32. 38-33 23-28 33. 33x22 21-27 34. 41-36 27x18 35. 37-32 18-23 36. 43-38 23-29 37. 49-44 29-34 38. 44-39 34x43 39. 38x49 13-18 40. 31-27 08-12 41. 27-21 07-11 42. 21-16 11-17 43. 36-31 06-11 44. 16x07 12x01 45. 46-41 03-08 46. 41-37 08-12 47. 31-26 17-22 48. 37-31 35-40 49. 45x34 22-28 50. 32x23 18x40 51. 31-27 40-45 52. 49-44 04-09 53. 44-40 45x34 54. 25-20 14x25 55. 15-10 34-40 56. 10-04 09-14 57. 27-22 40-45 58. 22-17 12x21 59. 26x17 01-07 60. 04-36 19-23 61. 48-43

ROUND 4 16.00 hr
6 October 2004

White : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 1 Time 1.29 hr
Black : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 1 Time 1.10 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 12x21 03. 33-28 07-12 04. 39-33 11-17 05. 44-39 06-11 06. 50-44 01-06 07. 34-30 19-24 08. 30x19 14x32 09. 37x28 09-14 10. 31-26 14-19 11. 41-37 10-14 12. 46-41 05-10 13. 40-34 19-23 14. 28x19 14x23 15. 33-28 23x32 16. 37x28 21-27 17. 38-33 17-21 18. 26x17 12x21 19. 42-37 27-32 20. 28-23 18x38 21. 37x28 21-26 22. 43x32 16-21 23. 41-37 21-27 24. 32x21 26x17 25. 49-43 10-14 26. 43-38 14-19 27. 47-42 13-18 28. 37-32 04-09 29. 42-37 17-22 30. 28x17 11x22 31. 38-33 08-12 32. 34-30 06-11 33. 48-43 11-16 34. 33-28 22x33 35. 39x28 20-24 36. 36-31 12-17 37. 31-27 17-21 38. 37-31 21-26 39. 30-25 26x37 40. 32x41 18-23 41. 28-22 02-07

White : Nelsen Angela Curacao 1 Time 2.00 hr
Black : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 1 Time 2.00 hr

01. 31-27 17-21 02. 33-28 19-23 03. 28x19 14x23 04. 39-33 10-14 05. 33-28 05-10 06. 28x19 14x23 07. 44-39 21-26 08. 38-33 10-14 09. 35-30 11-17 10. 30-25 06-11 11. 50-44 14-19 12. 25x14 19x10 13. 34-30 10-14 14. 30-25 14-19 15. 40-34 17-22 16. 34-30 22x31 17. 36x27 15-20 18. 25x14 19x10 19. 45-40 11-17 20. 43-38 17-22 21. 41-36 22x31 22. 36x27 07-11 23. 49-43 11-17 24. 47-41 17-21 25. 30-25 10-14 26. 40-34 04-10 27. 34-30 10-15 28. 44-40 15-20 29. 40-35 14-19 30. 25x14 19x10 31. 30-25 09-14 32. 39-34 13-19 33. 33-29 12-17 34. 38-33 18-22 35. 27x18 23x12 36. 33-28 12-18 37. 28-23 19x28 38. 32x12 02-07 39. 34-30 07x18 40. 43-38 17-22 41. 38-33 01-07 42. 41-36 08-13 43. 37-31 26x37 44. 42x31 07-11 45. 31-26 21-27 46. 46-41 11-17 47. 48-42 14-19 48. 30-24 19x30 49. 35x24 10-14 50. 42-38 03-09 51. 41-37 27-31 52. 36x27 22x42 53. 38x47

White : Mario Wilson Curacao 0 Time 2.26 hr
Black : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 2 Time 1.30 hr

01. 34-29 19-23 02. 31-27 23x34 03. 40x29 14-19 04. 36-31 10-14 05. 41-36 05-10 06. 44-40 20-25 07. 49-44 19-23 08. 39-34 14-19 09. 44-39 10-14 10. 50-44 14-20 11. 46-41 17-22 12. 31-26 22x31 13. 36x27 11-17 14. 27-21 16x27 15. 32x21 17-22 16. 21-16 09-14 17. 41-36 04-10 18. 37-31 03-09 19. 31-27 22x31 20. 36x27 19-24 21. 27-21 06-11 22. 47-41 14-19 23. 41-37 10-14 24. 37-32 11-17 25. 42-37 23-28 26. 33x11 24x31 27. 26x37 01-06 28. 21-17 12x21 29. 16x27 06x17 30. 43-38 08-12 31. 48-42 20-24 32. 38-33 24-30 33. 35x24 19x30 34. 37-31 14-20 35. 42-37 02-08 36. 31-26 18-22 37. 27x18 13x22 38. 37-31 08-13 39. 33-29 20-24 40. 29x20 15x24 41. 31-27 22x31 42. 26x37 30-35 43. 39-33 24-30 44. 34-29 30-34 45. 33-28 34x23 46. 28x08 12x03 47. 40-34 09-13 48. 32-28 13-19 49. 34-29 19-24 50. 29x20 25x14 51. 44-39 14-19 52. 37-32 17-21 53. 39-33 19-24 54. 28-23 21-26 55. 32-27 07-12 56. 33-28 03-09 57. 28-22 24-29 58. 23x34 09-13 59. 34-29 13-19 60. 22-18 12x34 61. 27-22 26-31 62. 22-17 31-37 63. 17-12 37-42 64. 12-08 42-48 65. 08-03 48-26 66. 03-09 26-03 67. 09-31 19-23 68. 31-22 03-14 69. 22-13 23-28 70. 13-27 14-25 71. 27-49 28-33

White : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 2 Time 1.44 hr
Black : Raoul Alias Curacao 0 Time 1.22 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 11x22 03. 37-32 12-17 04. 31-26 06-11 05. 36-31 08-12 06. 32-27 16-21 07. 27x16 22-28 08. 33x22 18x36 09. 41-37 19-23 10. 37-32 12-18 11. 46-41 14-19 12. 41-37 07-12 13. 16x07 02x11 14. 38-33 10-14 15. 43-38 05-10 16. 35-30 20-25 17. 33-29 15-20 18. 38-33 10-15 19. 30-24 19x30 20. 33-28 14-19 21. 28-22 18x38 22. 29x16

White : Guno Burleson Suriname 2 Time 1.55 hr
Black : Carlos Lorevil Curacao 0 Time 1.19 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 14-19 05. 46-41 05-10 06. 32-28 23x32 07. 37x28 10-14 08. 41-37 17-22 09. 28x17 12x21 10. 34-30 18-23 11. 40-34 07-12 12. 30-25 12-18 13. 38-32 02-07 14. 34-29 23x34 15. 39x30 18-23 16. 33-28 07-12 17. 31-27 12-18 18. 44-39 01-07 19. 50-44 20-24 20. 42-38 07-12 21. 47-42 21-26 22. 44-40 11-17 23. 39-33 17-22 24. 28x17 12x21 25. 33-28 24-29 26. 40-34 29x40 27. 45x34 15-20 28. 38-33 20-24 29. 34-29 23x34 30. 30x39 08-12 31. 42-38 18-23 32. 39-34 13-18 33. 43-39 09-13 34. 49-43 12-17 35. 35-30 24x35 36. 33-29 17-22 37. 28x17 21x12 38. 27-22 18x27 39. 29x20 16-21 40. 39-33 06-11 41. 48-42 11-16 42. 43-39 03-09 43. 34-29 12-18 44. 29-23 18x29 45. 33x13 09x18 46. 20-14

White : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 1 Time 2.09 hr
Black : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 1 Time 3.00 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 20-25 04. 41-37 12-18 05. 39-33 19-23 06. 28x19 14x23 07. 46-41 10-14 08. 44-39 07-12 09. 50-44 05-10 10. 33-28 23x32 11. 37x28 17-22 12. 28x17 12x21 13. 41-37 21-26 14. 38-33 01-07 15. 42-38 18-22 16. 38-32 16-21 17. 48-42 11-16 18. 31-27 22x31 19. 36x27 07-11 20. 43-38 14-19 21. 29-24 19x30 22. 35x24 13-18 23. 33-28 08-12 24. 34-29 10-14 25. 38-33 14-20 26. 40-34 09-13 27. 28-23 03-08 28. 49-43 26-31 29. 37x17 11x31 30. 34-30 25x34 31. 39x30 18-22 32. 23-19 12-18 33. 33-28 22x33 34. 29x38 20x29 35. 19-14 08-12 36. 14-10 13-19 37. 32-28 04-09 38. 28-22 15x04 39. 22x33 02-08 40. 38-32 06-11 41. 43-38 11-17 42. 45-40 12-18 43. 40-34 17-21 44. 33-28 09-13 45. 30-24 08-12 46. 34-29 12-17 47. 28-23 17-22 48. 23x12 13-18 49. 12x23 22-28 50. 42-37 31x33 51. 29x38 28x30 52. 38-33 30-34

White : Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.17 hr
Black : Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 1 Time 1.08 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 39-33 20-25 03. 44-39 14-20 04. 50-44 19-24 05. 32-27 11-17 06. 37-32 17-21 07. 31-26 22x31 08. 26x37 21-26 09. 32-28 18-22 10. 28x17 12x21 11. 36-31 13-18 12. 31-27 21x32 13. 37x28 09-13 14. 42-37 16-21 15. 37-31 26x37 16. 41x32 21-26 17. 46-41 07-11 18. 34-30 25x23 19. 28x30 01-07 20. 41-37 07-12 21. 40-34 11-17 22. 44-40 06-11 23. 34-29 04-09 24. 30-24 09-14 25. 32-28 11-16 26. 48-42 17-22 27. 28x17 12x21 28. 33-28 18-22 29. 28x17 21x12 30. 39-33 14-19 31. 33-28 19x30 32. 35x24 10-14 33. 38-33 14-19 34. 40-35 19x30 35. 35x24 05-10 36. 45-40 10-14 37. 42-38 16-21 38. 47-41 12-17 39. 37-32 14-19 40. 40-35 19x30 41. 35x24 17-22 42. 28x17 21x12 43. 32-28 13-19 44. 24x13 08x19 45. 29-23 19-24 46. 41-37 20-25 47. 43-39 24-30 48. 49-44 15-20 49. 38-32 20-24 50. 44-40 30-35 51. 28-22 35x44 52. 39x50 25-30 53. 32-28 03-09 54. 33-29 24x33 55. 28x39 09-13 56. 50-44 02-07 57. 44-40 07-11 58. 40-34 12-17 59. 34x25 17x19 60. 25-20 19-24 61. 20x29 13-18

White : Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 1 Time 1.26 hr
Black : Henry Bernadina Curacao 1 Time 1.11 hr

01. 34-30 17-22 02. 31-27 22x31 03. 36x27 19-23 04. 30-25 11-17 05. 33-29 23x34 06. 39x30 07-11 07. 40-34 01-07 08. 44-40 13-19 09. 38-33 09-13 10. 42-38 04-09 11. 47-42 19-23 12. 34-29 23x34 13. 30x39 18-23 14. 33-29 23x34 15. 39x30 17-21 16. 50-44 13-18 17. 44-39 09-13 18. 39-33 13-19 19. 43-39 11-17 20. 30-24 19x30 21. 25x34 08-13 22. 49-43 07-11 23. 34-30 14-19 24. 39-34 20-24 25. 34-29 02-08 26. 29x20 15x24 27. 30-25 10-14 28. 33-29 24x33 29. 38x29 21-26 30. 43-39 17-21 31. 29-24 19x30 32. 25x34 05-10 33. 34-30 10-15 34. 40-34 12-17 35. 30-25 17-22 36. 41-36 22x31 37. 36x27 26-31 38. 37x17 11x31 39. 42-37 31x42 40. 48x37 16-21 41. 39-33 08-12 42. 34-29 06-11 43. 35-30 14-19 44. 33-28 11-16 45. 30-24 19x30 46. 25x34 15-20 47. 45-40

White : Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 2 Time 0.56 hr
Black : Franklin Maduro Curacao 0 Time 1.13 hr

01. 33-28 17-21 02. 31-26 20-24 03. 26x17 11x33 04. 38x20 15x24 05. 32-28 16-21 06. 37-32 06-11 07. 41-37 18-23 08. 36-31 12-18 09. 31-27 21-26 10. 46-41 07-12 11. 43-38 11-16 12. 49-43 14-20 13. 39-33 10-14 14. 34-29 23x34 15. 40x29 01-07 16. 41-36 18-22 17. 28x17 12x21 18. 44-39 05-10 19. 27-22 07-12 20. 50-44 10-15 21. 32-28 20-25 22. 29x20 15x24 23. 37-31 26x37 24. 42x31 24-30 25. 35x24 19x30 26. 31-26 13-19 27. 26x17 12x21 28. 47-42 02-07 29. 42-37 04-10 30. 33-29 30-35 31. 38-33 07-11 32. 37-31 11-17 33. 22x11 16x07 34. 31-26 07-12 35. 26x17 12x21 36. 36-31 21-26 37. 31-27 09-13 38. 27-21 26x17 39. 28-23 19x28 40. 33x11 08-12 41. 11-06 12-18 42. 39-33 25-30 43. 43-39 14-19 44. 44-40 35x44 45. 39x50 10-14 46. 29-24 19-23 47. 24x35 23-28 48. 33x22 18x27 49. 06-01 27-31 50. 48-42 31-36

ROUND 5 16.15 hr
7 October 2004

White : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2 Time 1.51 hr
Black : Guno Burleson Suriname 0 Time 1.48 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 05-10 05. 35-30 20-25 06. 40-35 14-19 07. 44-40 09-14 08. 46-41 14-20 09. 50-44 04-09 10. 33-29 20-24 11. 29x20 25x14 12. 39-33 17-21 13. 31-26 21-27 14. 32x21 16x27 15. 44-39 18-22 16. 30-25 15-20 17. 34-30 10-15 18. 39-34 23-29 19. 33x24 20x29 20. 34x23 19x28 21. 38-32 27x38 22. 43x23 13-19 23. 42-38 19x28 24. 38-32 08-13 25. 32x23 13-19 26. 47-42 19x28 27. 42-38 02-08 28. 40-34 12-18 29. 37-31 07-12 30. 31-27 22x31 31. 26x37 11-17 32. 36-31 06-11 33. 41-36 11-16 34. 49-43 01-07 35. 34-29 08-13 36. 45-40 18-22 37. 40-34 16-21 38. 38-32 07-11 39. 32x23 22-27 40. 31x22 17x19 41. 43-38 12-18 42. 25-20 15x31 43. 36x07 19-24 44. 30x10 09-14 45. 10x08 03x01 46. 35-30 18-22 47. 30-24 22-27

White : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 0 Time 2.42 hr
Black : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 2 Time 2.58 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 34-30 20-25 03. 30-24 19x30 04. 35x24 11-17 05. 32-27 06-11 06. 37-32 01-06 07. 41-37 13-19 08. 24x13 08x19 09. 40-34 02-08 10. 39-33 09-13 11. 44-39 04-09 12. 50-44 19-23 13. 46-41 14-19 14. 44-40 10-14 15. 31-26 22x31 16. 36x27 15-20 17. 40-35 05-10 18. 27-21 16x27 19. 32x21 19-24 20. 38-32 14-19 21. 21-16 17-22 22. 43-38 10-15 23. 48-43 22-28 24. 33x22 24x44 25. 49x40 18x27 26. 32x21 12-18 27. 38-33 08-12 28. 42-38 09-14 29. 33-29 03-09 30. 41-36 11-17 31. 37-32 19-24 32. 47-42 24x33 33. 38x29 14-19 34. 36-31 20-24 35. 29x20 25x14 36. 34-30 15-20 37. 30-25 20-24 38. 42-38 18-22 39. 43-39 13-18 40. 40-34 09-13 41. 34-30 06-11 42. 32-27 22-28 43. 45-40 17-22 44. 40-34 24-29 45. 30-24 29x20 46. 39-33 28x30 47. 35x15 23-29 48. 38-32 11-17 49. 25-20 14x25 50. 15-10 29-34 51. 10-04 19-23 52. 32-28 23x32 53. 27x38 34-40 54. 38-33 40-44 55. 33-29 44-50 56. 29-23 18x29 57. 04x40 07-11 58. 16x27 50-45 59. 21x12 45x01 60. 27-22 25-30 61. 22-17 30-34 62. 17-11 34-39 63. 26-21 39-43 64. 11-06 43-48 65. 31-27 48-34 66. 21-17 34-07 67. 27-21 07-02 68. 21-16 02-07 69. 17-11 07-45

White : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 0 Time 1.55 hr
Anthony Alexandre Haiti 2 Time 1.00 hr

01. 34-29 19-23 02. 40-34 14-19 03. 45-40 10-14 04. 50-45 05-10 05. 32-28 23x32 06. 37x28 18-23 07. 29x18 12x32 08. 38x27 07-12 09. 41-37 12-18 10. 46-41 20-24 11. 34-30 15-20 12. 42-38 10-15 13. 30-25 19-23 14. 47-42 14-19 15. 25x14 09x20 16. 40-34 24-29 17. 33x24 20x40 18. 45x34 15-20 19. 38-33 01-07 20. 35-30 20-24 21. 30-25 07-12 22. 43-38 24-29 23. 33x24 19x30 24. 38-33 30-35 25. 25-20 17-22 26. 42-38 11-17 27. 48-43 06-11 28. 44-40 35x44 29. 49x40 03-09 30. 40-35 02-07 31. 35-30 23-28 32. 30-24 17-21 33. 34-29 21x32 34. 38x27 12-17 35. 43-38 16-21 36. 27x16 18-23 37. 29x27 17-21 38. 33x22 21x34 39. 31-27 34-39 40. 37-31 39-44 41. 27-21 08-12

White ; Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 2 Time 1.06 hr
Black : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 0 Time 1.45 hr

01. 32-28 18-22 02. 37-32 12-18 03. 41-37 07-12 04. 46-41 01-07 05. 31-27 22x31 06. 36x27 19-23 07. 28x19 14x23 08. 34-29 23x34 09. 40x29 10-14 10. 32-28 05-10 11. 44-40 20-25 12. 50-44 14-20 13. 28-22 17x28 14. 33x22 10-14 15. 27-21 16x27 16. 22x31 14-19 17. 31-26 12-17 18. 37-32 08-12 19. 41-37 03-08 20. 37-31 11-16 21. 47-41 07-11 22. 41-36 02-07 23. 39-34 17-21 24. 26x17 12x21 25. 32-28 18-23 26. 29x18 13x33 27. 38x29 09-13 28. 43-38 07-12 29. 38-32 11-17 30. 42-37 21-26 31. 49-43 13-18 32. 43-38 19-23 33. 29-24 20x29 34. 38-33 29x27 35. 31x02 12-18 36. 02-07 06-11 37. 07-01 04-09 38. 34-30 25x34 39. 40x29 23x34 40. 01x40 09-13 41. 40-01 17-22

White : Carlos Lorevil Curacao 2 Time 0.53 hr
Black : Mario Wilson Curacao 0 Time 1.08 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 39-33 11-17 03. 44-39 06-11 04. 50-44 19-23 05. 32-28 23x32 06. 37x28 20-24 07. 29x20 14x25 08. 41-37 10-14 09. 31-26 14-19 10. 37-32 01-06 11. 46-41 09-14 12. 41-37 04-09 13. 34-29 14-20 14. 37-31 20-24 15. 29x20 25x14 16. 35-30 14-20 17. 40-35 09-14 18. 44-40 03-09 19. 30-25 20-24 20. 39-34 24-30 21. 35x24 19x39 22. 43x34 13-19 23. 49-43 08-13 24. 32-27 02-08 25. 38-32 05-10 26. 42-38 19-24 27. 47-42 14-19 28. 34-29 10-14 29. 29x20 15x24 30. 40-34 24-29 31. 34x23 18x29 32. 27x18 12x23 33. 33x24 19x30 34. 28x10 09-14 35. 10x19 13x24 36. 25x34 08-13 37. 32-27 13-19 38. 27-22 17x28 39. 26-21 16x27 40. 31x33 07-12 41. 34-29

White : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 2 Time 1.13 hr
Black : Nelsen Angela Curacao 0 Time 2.05 hr

01. 33-29 19-24 02. 39-33 14-19 03. 44-39 19-23 04. 50-44 20-25 05. 29x20 25x14 06. 35-30 14-19 07. 30-25 10-14 08. 32-28 23x32 09. 37x28 17-22 10. 28x17 12x21 11. 41-37 07-12 12. 37-32 11-17 13. 32-28 21-26 14. 47-41 26x37 15. 41x32 16-21 16. 36-31 21-26 17. 34-29 26x37 18. 42x31 19-24 19. 29x20 15x24 20. 40-34 01-07 21. 44-40 04-10 22. 49-44 17-22 23. 28x17 12x21 24. 46-41 07-12 25. 41-37 06-11 26. 48-42 11-16 27. 31-27 12-17 28. 34-29 10-15 29. 29x20 15x24 30. 40-34 24-30 31. 45-40 30-35 32. 34-29 18-22 33. 27x18 13x22 34. 29-24 22-27 35. 24-20 08-12 36. 20-15 21-26 37. 32x21 16x27 38. 37-32 26-31 39. 32x21 17x26 40. 42-37 31x42 41. 38x47 12-17 42. 43-38 26-31 43. 38-32 17-21 44. 15-10 02-07 45. 10x19 07-11 46. 19-14 09x20 47. 25x14 11-16 48. 33-29 21-27 49. 32x21 16x27 50. 29-23 27-32 51. 23-19 31-36 52. 14-09

White : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 2.08 hr
Black : Franklin Maduro Curacao 2 Time 1.06 hr

01. 33-29 20-24 02. 29x20 15x24 03. 34-30 18-23 04. 38-33 12-18 05. 32-28 23x32 06. 37x28 07-12 07. 41-37 01-07 08. 46-41 16-21 09. 31-26 18-22 10. 40-34 11-16 11. 45-40 12-18 12. 50-45 07-12 13. 43-38 02-07 14. 49-43 07-11 15. 30-25 10-15 16. 34-29 04-10 17. 29x20 15x24 18. 37-32 21-27 19. 32x21 16x27 20. 35-30 24x35 21. 39-34 10-15 22. 34-29 19-24 23. 29x20 15x24 24. 40-34 14-20 25. 25x14 09x20 26. 34-29 05-10 27. 44-39 10-15 28. 45-40 35x44 29. 39x50 20-25 30. 29x20 15x24 31. 50-45 13-19 32. 33-29 24x33 33. 28x39 18-23 34. 42-37 23-28 35. 38-33 19-24 36. 37-31 03-09 37. 45-40 09-14 38. 47-42 24-30 39. 40-35 30-34 40. 39x30 25x34 41. 43-39 34x43 42. 48x39 27-32 43. 41-37 32x41 44. 36x47 28-32 45. 42-37 32x41 46. 47x36 22-28 47. 33x22 17x28 48. 35-30 28-32 49. 39-33 11-17 50. 33-28 32x23 51. 30-24 23-28 52. 31-27 28-33 53. 27-21 33-39 54. 36-31 39-44 55. 21-16 44-50 56. 16-11 50-44 57. 11x22 44x17 58. 31-27 17-11

White : Raoul Alias Curacao 2 Time 0.36 hr
Black : Leonardus Cadeau Curacao 0 Timm 0.52 hr

01. 34-30 19-24 02. 30x19 13x24 03. 40-34 09-13 04. 45-40 04-09 05. 50-45 17-21 06. 32-28 21-26 07. 31-27 18-22 08. 27x18 12x32 09. 37x28 07-12 10. 36-31 26x37 11. 41x32 02-07 12. 42-37 12-18 13. 47-42 07-12 14. 46-41 18-22 15. 28x17 12x21 16. 33-28 21-26 17. 32-27 11-17 18. 38-32 17-21 19. 43-38 01-07 20. 49-43 07-11 21. 41-36 14-19 22. 39-33 10-14 23. 44-39 05-10 24. 27-22 11-17 25. 22x11 16x07 26. 36-31 07-11 27. 31-27 11-16 28. 34-29 24-30 29. 35x24 19x30 30. 40-34 30-35 31. 27-22 20-24 32. 29x20 14x25 33. 37-31 26x37 34. 32x41 10-14 35. 22-18 13x22 36. 28x26 08-12 37. 41-37 03-08 38. 37-32 09-13 39. 32-27 06-11 40. 45-40 35x44 41. 39x50 15-20 42. 34-30 25x34 43. 43-39 34x21 44. 26x06 20-25 45. 33-28 14-19 46. 06-01 12-17 47. 01-06 17-21 48. 06-22 19-23 49. 22x09 23x32 50. 09-14 32-38 51. 42x33 21-26 52. 14-09 26-31

White : Anthony Aqui Guadelope 2 Time 0.53 hr
Black : Raymond Sonor Trinidad & Tobago 0 Timm 1.19 hr

01. 32-28 20-25 02. 37-32 15-20 03. 41-37 10-15 04. 46-41 05-10 05. 31-26 20-24 06. 36-31 18-23 07. 41-36 12-18 08. 47-41 07-12 09. 31-27 17-22 10. 28x17 11x31 11. 36x27 02-07 12. 33-28 14-20 13. 39-33 24-29 14. 33x24 19x39 15. 44x33 06-11 16. 28x19 13x24 17. 41-36 09-13 18. 37-31 04-09 19. 33-28 10-14 20. 43-39 14-19 21. 50-44 01-06 22. 39-33 18-23 23. 44-39 09-14 24. 42-37 12-18 25. 39-34 07-12 26. 34-29 23x34 27. 40x29 03-09 28. 48-43 25-30 29. 43-39 20-25 30. 29x20 15x24 31. 45-40 18-23 32. 40-34 12-18 33. 49-44 08-12 34. 27-22 18x27 35. 31x22 11-17 36. 22x11 06x17 37. 33-29 24x31 38. 35x24 19x30 39. 28x10 09-14 40. 10x08 12x03 41. 36x27 03-09 42. 32-28 09-14 43. 28-23 16-21 44. 27x16

ROUND 6 9.00 hr
8 October 2004

White : Carlos Lorevil Curacao 0 Time 1.58 hr
Black : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2 Time 2.04 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 12x21 03. 33-28 07-12 04. 39-33 11-17 05. 44-39 06-11 06. 31-26 01-06 07. 37-32 18-22 08. 41-37 13-18 09. 28-23 19x28 10. 32x23 18x29 11. 34x23 20-24 12. 50-44 14-20 13. 33-29 24x33 14. 38x29 09-13 15. 42-38 03-09 16. 39-33 10-14 17. 44-39 13-18 18. 35-30 09-13 19. 40-34 20-25 20. 46-41 04-10 21. 48-42 14-19 22. 23x14 10x19 23. 45-40 05-10 24. 30-24 19x30 25. 29-23 18x29 26. 33x35 10-14 27. 34-29 12-18 28. 37-32 08-12 29. 41-37 13-19 30. 38-33 14-20 31. 32-28 21-27 32. 37-32 27x38 33. 43x32 20-24 34. 29x20 15x24 35. 26-21 16x29 36. 39-34 22x33 37. 34x14 33-39 38. 40-34 39x30 39. 14-09 30-34 40. 49-43 17-21 41. 42-38 21-26 42. 36-31 26x37 43. 09-03 34-40 44. 03x48 40-44 45. 38-33 44-50 46. 33-29 24x33 47. 43-38 33x42 48. 48x04 50-45 49. 04-31 11-17 50. 47-42 17-21 51. 31-36 45-23 52. 42-38 23-29 53. 38-32 29-23 54. 35-30 23x46 55. 30-24 46-10 56. 36-04 10-28 57. 04-09 28-14 58. 09x20 25x14

White : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 1 Time 1.55 hr
Black : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 1 Time 1.11 hr

01. 31-27 19-23 02. 33-28 17-22 03. 28x17 11x31 04. 36x27 14-19 05. 39-33 10-14 06. 44-39 06-11 07. 33-28 11-17 08. 34-30 20-24 09. 30-25 17-21 10. 40-34 12-17 11. 34-30 07-12 12. 41-36 21-26 13. 37-31 26x37 14. 42x31 16-21 15. 27x16 18-22 16. 16-11 22x42 17. 11x22 01-07 18. 47x38 07-11 19. 32-27 12-18 20. 31-26 08-12 21. 26-21 24-29 22. 45-40 02-08 23. 40-34 29x40 24. 35x44 15-20 25. 44-40 12-17 26. 21x12 08x28 27. 40-35 20-24 28. 36-31 11-16 29. 31-26 28-32 30. 39-33 32x21 31. 26x17 03-08 32. 38-32 08-12 33. 17x08 13x02 34. 32-27 02-07 35. 43-38 07-12 36. 46-41 09-13 37. 49-43 05-10 38. 50-44 04-09 39. 44-39 10-15 40. 39-34 23-28 41. 33x22 24-29 42. 34x23 19x17 43. 48-42 17-22 44. 41-37 22x31 45. 37x26 12-17 46. 38-33 18-23 47. 33-29 23x34 48. 30x39 13-18 49. 39-33 18-23 50. 42-37 17-22 51. 37-31

White : Anthony Aqui Trinidad &Tobago 0 Time 1.42 hr
Black : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 2 Time 1.15 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 37-32 11-16 03. 41-37 07-11 04. 31-27 19-23 05. 28x19 14x23 06. 34-29 23x34 07. 39x30 21-26 08. 44-39 01-07 09. 50-44 20-25 10. 40-34 10-14 11. 33-28 14-20 12. 38-33 17-21 13. 44-40 11-17 14. 43-38 07-11 15. 49-43 05-10 16. 37-31 26x37 17. 42x31 21-26 18. 47-42 26x37 19. 42x31 17-21 20. 31-26 02-07 21. 26x17 11x31 22. 36x27 06-11 23. 46-41 11-17 24. 41-36 09-14 25. 33-29 04-09 26. 39-33 18-23 27. 29x18 13x31 28. 36x27 14-19 29. 43-39 20-24 30. 48-42 07-11 31. 42-37 17-21 32. 28-22 10-14 33. 37-31 21-26 34. 22-17 26x28 35. 17x06 08-13 36. 33x22 24-29 37. 34x23 25x21 38. 06-01 19x17 39. 01x05 17-22

White : Guno Burleson Suriname 0 Time 2.23 hr
Black : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 2 Time 2.13 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 18-22 03. 37-32 13-18 04. 41-37 09-13 05. 37-31 11-16 06. 31-27 22x31 07. 36x27 07-11 08. 46-41 01-07 09. 41-36 17-22 10. 28x17 11x31 11. 26x37 07-11 12. 34-29 11-17 13. 35-30 21-26 14. 40-34 20-25 15. 45-40 18-22 16. 50-45 15-20 17. 47-41 03-09 18. 32-28 20-24 19. 29x20 19-23 20. 28x19 13x35 21. 20-15 14-19 22. 33-28 22x33 23. 39x28 10-14 24. 38-33 09-13 25. 44-39 35x44 26. 49x40 13-18 27. 37-32 08-13 28. 43-38 02-08 29. 41-37 05-10 30. 37-31 26x37 31. 42x31 17-21 32. 31-27 21-26 33. 36-31 26x37 34. 32x41 06-11 35. 41-37 11-17 36. 27-22 18x27 37. 28-23 19x28 38. 33x31 14-19 39. 39-33 12-18 40. 38-32 10-14 41. 34-29 08-12 42. 32-28 16-21 43. 48-42 18-22 44. 31-26 12-18 45. 42-38 14-20 46. 15x24 19x30 47. 37-31 30-35 48. 40-34 13-19 49. 38-32 35-40 50. 34-30 25x23 51. 45x34 04-10 52. 34-30 19-24 53. 28x19 24x35 54. 33-29 35-40 55. 29-23 18x29 56. 19-13 40-44 57. 13-09 10-14 58. 09x20 44-50 59. 31-27 22x31 60. 26x37 50-22 61. 20-14 22-04 62. 37-31 04x36 63. 14-10 17-22 64. 10-05 36-27 65. 05-14 27x49

White : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 0 Time 1.23 hr
Black : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 2 Time 1.23 hr

01. 32-28 18-22 02. 37-32 12-18 03. 41-37 07-12 04. 46-41 01-07 05. 34-29 20-25 06. 29-24 19x30 07. 35x24 14-20 08. 33-29 22x33 09. 39x28 18-22 10. 38-33 10-14 11. 42-38 16-21 12. 31-26 11-16 13. 47-42 05-10 14. 43-39 14-19 15. 40-35 19x30 16. 35x24 10-14 17. 44-40 14-19 18. 40-35 19x30 19. 35x24 09-14 20. 45-40 03-09 21. 50-45 14-19 22. 40-35 19x30 23. 35x24 09-14 24. 45-40 04-10 25. 49-44 14-19 26. 36-31 19x30 27. 29-24 20x29 28. 33x35 22x33 29. 39x28 12-18 30. 48-43 10-14 31. 40-34 07-11 32. 31-27 17-22 33. 28x17 11x31 34. 26x17 18-23 35. 37x26 23-29 36. 34x23 25-30 37. 35x24 13-19 38. 24x13 08x50

White : Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 0 Time 1.40 hr
Black : Raoul Alias Curacao 2 Time 1.06 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 11x22 03. 33-28 22x33 04. 39x28 16-21 05. 44-39 06-11 06. 39-33 21-26 07. 31-27 19-23 08. 28x19 14x23 09. 50-44 10-14 10. 44-39 05-10 11. 37-31 26x37 12. 41x32 14-19 13. 46-41 10-14 14. 41-37 01-06 15. 33-29 11-17 16. 37-31 04-10 17. 31-26 06-11 18. 27-21 11-16 19. 47-41 16x27 20. 32x21 17-22 21. 41-37 22-28 22. 49-44 07-11 23. 21-16 02-07 24. 38-33 12-17 25. 33x22 17x28 26. 37-32 28x37 27. 42x31 11-17 28. 48-42 08-12 29. 42-38 03-08 30. 31-27 20-24 31. 29x20 15x24 32. 34-30 24-29 33. 39-33 19-24 34. 30x28 10-15 35. 33x24 18-22 36. 27x18 13x42 37. 43-38 42x33 38. 44-39 33x44 39. 40x49 14-20 40. 24-19 09-13 41. 45-40 13x24 42. 40-34 20-25 43. 49-43 08-13 44. 36-31 13-18 45. 43-38 24-29 46. 34x23 18x29 47. 31-27 15-20 48. 27-21 29-33 49. 38x29 20-24 50. 29x20 25x14

White : Mario Wilson Curacao 2 Time 0.00 hr Regl. Black : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 2.00 hr

White : Franklin Maduro Curacao 0 Time 0.51 hr
Black : Nelsen Angela Curacao 2 Time 0.59 hr

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 31-27 25x34 03. 39x30 17-21 04. 44-39 11-17 05. 40-34 06-11 06. 45-40 01-06 07. 49-44 19-23 08. 33-29 14-20 09. 39-33 20-25 10. 44-39 21-26 11. 50-45 10-14 12. 36-31 17-22 13. 30-24 14-20 14. 41-36 05-10 15. 47-41 13-19 16. 24x13 08x19 17. 29-24 19x30 18. 35x24 20x29 19. 33x24 23-28 20. 32x23 18x20 21. 27x18 12x23 22. 34-30 25x34 23. 40x18 03-08 24. 38-33 08-12 25. 18-13 09x18 26. 37-32 26x28 27. 33x13 20-24 28. 39-34 11-17 29. 43-38 17-22 30. 38-33 12-18 31. 33-28 18x09 32. 28x17 02-08 33. 45-40 07-11 34. 36-31 11x22 35. 42-38 06-11 36. 41-37 15-20 37. 37-32 10-14 38. 48-42 08-12 39. 46-41 24-29 40. 34x23 12-18 41. 23x12 11-17 42. 12x21 16x47 43. 40-35 20-24

White : Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 0 Time 0.40 hr
Black : Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 2 Time 0.58 hr

01. 33-28 18-22 02. 38-33 13-18 03. 42-38 09-13 04. 47-42 04-09 05. 34-29 19-23 06. 28x19 14x34 07. 40x29 22-27 08. 31x22 18x27 09. 32x21 17x26 10. 29-24 20x29 11. 33x24 09-14 12. 39-33 13-19 13. 24x13 08x19 14. 37-31 26x37 15. 41x32 12-18 16. 44-39 07-12 17. 50-44 01-07 18. 33-28 11-17 19. 45-40 02-08 20. 40-34 17-22 21. 28x17 12x21 22. 44-40 07-11 23. 39-33 11-17 24. 36-31 08-12 25. 34-30 06-11 26. 49-44 03-09 27. 44-39 18-23 28. 33-28 14-20 29. 39-33 19-24 30. 28x19 24x13 31. 32-28 09-14 32. 31-26 21-27 33. 43-39 17-21 34. 26x19 14x25 35. 48-43 27-32 36. 33-29 10-14 37. 46-41 11-17 38. 29-23

ROUND 7 16.00 hr
8 October 2004

White : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 0 Time 1.59 hr
Black : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2 Time 1.31 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 34-30 20-24 03. 29x20 14x34 04. 40x29 15-20 05. 35-30 20-25 06. 39-34 10-14 07. 44-40 05-10 08. 50-44 10-15 09. 32-27 19-23 10. 37-32 13-19 11. 31-26 22x31 12. 26x37 08-13 13. 44-39 02-08 14. 39-33 11-17 15. 37-31 06-11 16. 41-37 14-20 17. 40-35 16-21 18. 31-27 21-26 19. 49-44 01-06 20. 43-39 04-10 21. 33-28 17-22 22. 28x17 11x31 23. 36x27 10-14 24. 39-33 12-17 25. 44-40 08-12 26. 46-41 03-08 27. 41-36 06-11 28. 33-28 18-22 29. 29x18 22x31 30. 36x27 13x31 31. 48-43 08-13 32. 43-39 17-21 33. 38-33 11-16 34. 33-29 13-18 35. 30-24 19x30 36. 35x24 09-13 37. 40-35 07-11 38. 35-30 11-17 39. 45-40 31-36 40. 40-35 18-22 41. 28-23 12-18 42. 23x12 17x08 43. 39-33 22-27 44. 32-28 14-19 45. 28-22 27x18 46. 33-28 18-22 47. 28x17 21x12 48. 42-38 12-17 49. 38-33 17-22 50. 37-32 22-27 51. 32x21 16x27 52. 33-28 08-12

White : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 1 Time 2.39 hr
Black : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 1 Time 2.40 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 39-33 11-17 03. 44-39 06-11 04. 50-44 01-06 05. 31-26 16-21 06. 32-28 19-23 07. 28x19 14x23 08. 35-30 10-14 09. 30-24 23-28 10. 40-35 20-25 11. 24-20 15x24 12. 29x20 14-19 13. 20-15 05-10 14. 44-40 09-14 15. 34-30 25x34 16. 40x29 19-23 17. 29-24 23-29 18. 24-20 14x25 19. 33x24 10-14 20. 37-31 21-27 21. 45-40 18-23 22. 38-33 25-30 23. 24-20 14x25 24. 35x24 11-16 25. 40-34 17-21 26. 26x17 22x11 27. 31x22 28x17 28. 41-37 12-18 29. 37-32 07-12 30. 34-30 25x34 31. 39x30 17-22 32. 32-27 22x31 33. 36x27 11-17 34. 42-38 06-11 35. 24-20 03-09 36. 46-41 23-28 37. 33x22 17x28 38. 41-37 28-32 39. 37x28 18-23 40. 28x19 13x35 41. 49-44 12-18 42. 48-42 11-17 43. 42-37 08-13 44. 38-32 13-19 45. 43-39 02-08 46. 37-31 08-13 47. 39-34 18-22 48. 27x18 13x22 49. 32-27 22-28 50. 31-26 09-13 51. 47-42 13-18 52. 42-37 35-40 53. 44x35 28-33 54. 37-32 17-22 55. 35-30 22x31 56. 26x37 16-21 57. 30-25 18-22 58. 32-28 22-27 59. 28x39 21-26

White : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 2 Time 0.39 hr
Black : Mario Wilson Curacao 0 Time 1.45 hr

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 31-26 19-23 03. 28x19 14x23 04. 26x17 12x21 05. 35-30 07-12 06. 33-29 01-07 07. 37-32 11-17 08. 30-24 21-27 09. 32x21 17x26 10. 41-37 09-14 11. 39-33 14-19 12. 44-39 19x30 13. 34x14 23x34 14. 39x30 10x19 15. 40-35 06-11 16. 45-40 11-17 17. 40-34 07-11 18. 33-28 17-21 19. 36-31 11-17 20. 43-39 18-22 21. 50-44 22x33 22. 39x28 12-18 23. 37-32 26x37 24. 42x31 04-09 25. 38-33 15-20 26. 34-29 20-24 27. 29x20 19-23 28. 28x19 13x15 29. 31-26 08-12 30. 32-28 02-08 31. 30-24 21-27 32. 44-39 18-22 33. 39-34 12-18 34. 34-29 09-14 35. 28-23 08-12 36. 35-30 27-32 37. 30-25 22-27 38. 24-20 15x24 39. 29x09 18x38 40. 09-04 17-22 41. 26-21 05-10 42. 04x42 27-31 43. 42x26 16x27 44. 26x08 03x12 45. 25-20 27-31 46. 20-14 22-28 47. 14-09 31-36 48. 09-03 12-18 49. 03-21 32-37 50. 21-32 28-33 51. 32x41

White : Raoul Alias Curacao 1 Time 2.08 hr
Black : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 1 Time 2.22 hr

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 32-28 25x34 03. 39x30 16-21 04. 44-39 21-26 05. 37-32 26x37 06. 42x31 15-20 07. 47-42 17-22 08. 28x17 12x21 09. 50-44 21-26 10. 32-28 26x37 11. 41x32 19-23 12. 28x19 14x23 13. 30-24 20x29 14. 33x24 07-12 15. 32-27 01-07 16. 35-30 11-17 17. 46-41 06-11 18. 40-35 11-16 19. 41-37 17-21 20. 37-31 21x32 21. 38x27 12-17 22. 45-40 08-12 23. 40-34 03-08 24. 43-38 07-11 25. 31-26 02-07 26. 49-43 17-22 27. 30-25 22x31 28. 26x37 11-17 29. 34-30 18-22 30. 39-33 13-18 31. 44-39 09-13 32. 24-20 16-21 33. 20-15 23-28 34. 25-20 07-11 35. 30-24 11-16 36. 33-29 21-27 37. 39-33 28x39 38. 43x34 17-21 39. 38-33 12-17 40. 34-30 21-26 41. 42-38 17-21 42. 38-32 27x38 43. 33x42 22-28 44. 37-31 26x37 45. 42x31 08-12 46. 31-26 21-27 47. 30-25 27-32 48. 35-30 18-22 49. 48-43 12-18 50. 36-31 16-21 51. 26x17 22x11 52. 43-39 18-22 53. 20-14 10x19 54. 29-23 22-27 55. 31x33 19x28 56. 33x22 32-37 57. 25-20 37-42 58. 30-25 11-16 59. 24-19 13x24 60. 20x29 16-21 61. 22-18 21-27 62. 18-12 27-31 63. 12-07 31-36 64. 07-01 36-41 65. 29-24 41-46 66. 39-34 46-41 67. 01-29 41-47 68. 34-30 42-48 69. 29-45 47x20 70. 15x24 48-37 71. 25-20 37-48 72. 30-25 48-37 73. 45-40 37-46

White : Guno Burleson Suriname 1 Time 2.18 hr
Black : Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 1 Time 2.04 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 05-10 05. 46-41 17-22 06. 35-30 20-25 07. 32-28 23x32 08. 37x17 11x22 09. 30-24 14-20 10. 41-37 20x29 11. 33x24 10-14 12. 34-29 22-27 13. 31x22 18x27 14. 39-33 06-11 15. 44-39 16-21 16. 50-44 11-16 17. 38-32 27x38 18. 43x32 07-11 19. 42-38 21-27 20. 32x21 16x27 21. 33-28 11-16 22. 48-43 01-07 23. 39-33 12-17 24. 38-32 27x38 25. 43x32 07-12 26. 44-39 17-21 27. 49-43 21-26 28. 36-31 14-20 29. 31-27 09-14 30. 47-42 14-19 31. 40-35 19x30 32. 35x24 04-09 33. 42-38 09-14 34. 28-23 13-19 35. 24x13 08x28 36. 32x23 25-30 37. 27-22 20-25 38. 38-32 15-20 39. 22-18 03-08 40. 18x07 02x11 41. 43-38 14-19 42. 23x14 20x09 43. 32-27 11-17 44. 38-32 09-14 45. 32-28 17-21 46. 37-32 14-20 47. 29-23 30-35 48. 23-18 20-24 49. 28-23 26-31 50. 27x36 21-27 51. 32x21 16x27 52. 33-28 24-30 53. 18-13 08x19 54. 23x14 30-34 55. 39x30 25x34 56. 14-09 35-40 57. 09-04 27-31 58. 36x27 40-44 59. 27-22 44-49 60. 04-15 49-43

White : Nelsen Angela Curacao 0 Time 2.00 hr
Black ; Carlos Lorevil Curacao 2 Time 1.43 hr

01. 32-28 18-22 02. 37-32 12-18 03. 31-26 07-12 04. 36-31 01-07 05. 41-36 19-23 06. 28x19 14x23 07. 32-28 23x32 08. 38x27 10-14 09. 34-30 14-19 10. 30-25 19-23 11. 25x14 09x20 12. 33-29 23x34 13. 39x30 04-10 14. 30-25 20-24 15. 40-34 15-20 16. 25x14 10x19 17. 34-30 24-29 18. 42-38 03-09 19. 44-39 19-24 20. 30x19 13x24 21. 39-34 29x40 22. 45x34 08-13 23. 34-30 02-08 24. 30x19 13x24 25. 38-33 08-13 26. 47-42 05-10 27. 43-38 10-15 28. 49-43 15-20 29. 46-41 09-14 30. 41-37 14-19 31. 37-32 19-23 32. 42-37 20-25 33. 48-42 16-21 34. 27x16 22-27 35. 32x21 24-30 36. 35x24 13-19 37. 24x22 17x48 38. 38-33 48-30 39. 37-32 30-19 40. 42-38 25-30 41. 32-27 11-17 42. 38-32 30-35 43. 16-11 07x16 44. 32-28 23x32 45. 27x38 16x27 46. 31x11 06x17 47. 33-29 12-18 48. 36-31 18-22 49. 38-33 35-40

White : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 2 Time 0.51 hr
Black : Franklin Maduro Curacao 0 Time 0.38 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 11x22 03. 37-32 06-11 04. 41-37 11-17 05. 46-41 20-24 06. 34-30 01-06 07. 30-25 15-20 08. 40-34 10-15 09. 34-29 04-10 10. 32-28 07-11 11. 45-40 16-21 12. 31-26 11-16 13. 37-31 21-27 14. 50-45 16-21 15. 38-32 27x38 16. 43x32 02-07 17. 29-23 18x27 18. 48-43 22x33 19. 31x02 06-11 20. 02x01 24-29 21. 01x34 20-24 22. 26-21 19-23 23. 34x01 13-18 24. 01x20 15x24 25. 21-16 08-12 26. 16-11 09-13 27. 11-06 13-18 28. 06-01 03-08 29. 40-34 14-19 30. 34-29

White : Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 0 Time 1.48 hr
Black : Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 2 Time 1.05 hr

01. 33-29 19-23 02. 38-33 14-19 03. 43-38 19-24 04. 49-43 10-14 05. 32-28 23x32 06. 37x28 05-10 07. 42-37 13-19 08. 47-42 17-22 09. 28x17 11x22 10. 34-30 20-25 11. 29x20 25x34 12. 40x29 15x24 13. 29x20 14x25 14. 44-40 06-11 15. 40-34 11-17 16. 31-26 08-13 17. 45-40 07-11 18. 37-32 01-07 19. 32-27 22x31 20. 26x37 17-22 21. 50-45 10-14 22. 34-30 25x34 23. 39x30 11-17 24. 43-39 19-23 25. 30-25 16-21 26. 40-34 07-11 27. 34-30 21-27 28. 39-34 13-19 29. 45-40 09-13 30. 37-32 11-16 31. 32x21 16x27 32. 41-37 02-07 33. 46-41 17-21 34. 48-43 23-28 35. 43-39 21-26 36. 33-29 27-31 37. 36x27 22x31 38. 39-33 28x39 39. 34x43 31-36 40. 43-39 36x47 41. 38-33 47x38 42. 33x42 03-09 43. 29-24 18-22 44. 39-33 12-18 45. 40-34 22-28 46. 33x22 18x27 47. 34-29 07-12 48. 24-20 12-18 49. 30-24 19x30 50. 35x24 18-23 51. 29x18 13x22 52. 20-15 27-31 53. 37-32 22-27 54. 32x21 26x17 55. 42-38 31-37 56. 38-33 37-41 57. 33-29 41-46

White : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 1.26 hr
Black : Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 2 Time 1.55 hr

01. 33-29 19-23 02. 35-30 20-25 03. 40-35 14-19 04. 45-40 10-14 05. 50-45 14-20 06. 38-33 20-24 07. 29x20 25x14 08. 33-28 17-22 09. 28x17 11x22 10. 42-38 06-11 11. 47-42 11-17 12. 30-25 14-20 13. 25x14 19x10 14. 34-29 23x34 15. 40x29 10-14 16. 31-27 22x31 17. 37x26 14-20 18. 41-37 05-10 19. 37-31 10-14 20. 46-41 14-19 21. 41-37 04-10 22. 44-40 09-14 23. 31-27 17-21 24. 26x17 12x21 25. 49-44 07-12 26. 39-33 03-09 27. 44-39 20-24 28. 29x20 15x24 29. 40-34 01-07 30. 34-30 18-23 31. 33-28 10-15 32. 36-31 21-26 33. 30-25 13-18 34. 45-40 07-11 35. 38-33 09-13 36. 43-38 11-17 37. 48-43 17-21 38. 40-34 23-29 39. 34x23 18x29 40. 28-22 13-18 41. 22x13 29-34 42. 39x30 14-20 43. 25x23 08x48 44. 30x19 12-18 45. 38-33 15-20 46. 33-29 48-25 47. 29-24 20x29 48. 35-30 25x48 49. 19-14

Ronde 8 09-10-2004

W:64 T:1 Marc N'Djofang - Raoul Alias -
W:65 T:2 Kees Thijssen - Carlos Lorevil -
W:66 T:3 Anthony Alexandre - Ron Heusdens -
W:67 T:4 Frantz Forbin - Louiceus Shang Wong -
W:68 T:5 Anthony Aqui - Guno Burleson -
W:69 T:6 Nelsen Angela - Henry Bernadina -
W:70 T:7 Raymond Sonor - Mario Wilson -
W:71 T:8 Franklin Maduro - Siegfried Panneflek -
W:72 T:9 Leonardo Cadeau - Gerrit Tigchelaar -


Land AW + = - Pt WP SB Klr
1 Marc N'Djofang Cameroun 7 6 - 1 - 0 13 59 107 -1
2 Kees Thijssen Netherlands 7 4 - 3 - 0 11 58 84 -1
3 Anthony Alexandre Haiti 7 4 - 2 - 1 10 60 75 -1
4 Ron Heusdens Netherlands 7 3 - 3 - 1 9 54 57 1
5 Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 7 3 - 2 - 2 8 59 53 1
6 Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 7 3 - 2 - 2 8 55 54 -1
7 Raoul Alias Curacao 7 2 - 4 - 1 8 49 49 1
8 Carlos Lorevil Curacao 7 4 - 0 - 3 8 47 38 -1
9 Guno Burleson Suriname 7 2 - 3 - 2 7 54 44 1
10 Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 7 2 - 3 - 2 7 43 38 1
11 Nelsen Angela Curacao 7 2 - 2 - 3 6 50 31 1
12 Mario Wilson Curacau 7 3 - 0 - 4 6 50 22 -1
13 Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 7 2 - 2 - 3 6 45 28 1
14 Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 7 2 - 2 - 3 6 45 24 1
15 Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 7 2 - 1 - 4 5 37 16 -1
16 Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 7 1 - 2 - 4 4 42 14 -1
17 Franklin Maduro Curacao 7 1 - 1 - 5 3 37 6 -1
18 Henry Bernadina Curacao 7 0 - 1 - 6 1 38 4 1

Wedstrijden: 63 Winstpartijen: 46 73.0%

ROUND 8 16.00 hr
9 October 2004

Ronde 9 10-10-2004

W:73 T:1 Siegfried Panneflek - Marc N'Djofang -
W:74 T:2 Guno Burleson - Kees Thijssen -
W:75 T:3 Gerrit Tigchelaar - Anthony Alexandre -
W:76 T:4 Louiceus Shang Wong - Ron Heusdens -
W:77 T:5 Leonardo Cadeau - Frantz Forbin -
W:78 T:6 Carlos Lorevil - Raymond Sonor -
W:79 T:7 Raoul Alias - Henry Bernadina -
W:80 T:8 Mario Wilson - Nelsen Angela -
W:81 T:9 Franklin Maduro - Anthony Aqui -


Land AW + = - Pt WP SB Klr
1 Marc N'Djofang Cameroun 8 7 - 1 - 0 15 77 141 0
2 Kees Thijssen Netherlands 8 5 - 3 - 0 13 74 112 0
3 Anthony Alexandre Haiti 8 4 - 3 - 1 11 80 97 0
4 Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 8 4 - 2 - 2 10 76 76 0
5 Ron Heusdens Netherlands 8 3 - 4 - 1 10 75 80 0
6 Guno Burleson Suriname 8 3 - 3 - 2 9 70 64 0
7 Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 74 64 0
8 Carlos Lorevil Curacao 8 4 - 0 - 4 8 70 50 -2
9 Raoul Alias Curacao 8 2 - 4 - 2 8 68 54 0
10 Mario Wilson Curacau 8 4 - 0 - 4 8 60 32 -2
11 Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 56 35 0
12 Nelsen Angela Curacao 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 53 33 2
13 Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 52 40 0
14 Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 8 2 - 3 - 3 7 60 42 2
15 Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 8 2 - 1 - 5 5 49 16 0
16 Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 8 1 - 2 - 5 4 54 14 0
17 Franklin Maduro Curacao 8 1 - 1 - 6 3 52 6 0
18 Henry Bernadina Curacao 8 0 - 1 - 7 1 52 4 0

Wedstrijden: 72 Winstpartijen: 54 75.0%

White : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2 Time 1.48 hr
Black : Raoul Alias Curacao 0 Time 1.44 hr

01. 32-28 17-22 02. 28x17 12x21 03. 31-26 07-12 04. 26x17 12x21 05. 36-31 19-23 06. 37-32 02-07 07. 31-27 07-12 08. 35-30 14-19 09. 30-25 19-24 10. 25x14 10x19 11. 33-28 11-17 12. 41-37 04-10 13. 46-41 10-14 14. 39-33 01-07 15. 41-36 07-11 16. 44-39 21-26 17. 40-35 14-20 18. 45-40 17-21 19. 49-44 05-10 20. 50-45 10-14 21. 34-29 23x34 22. 40x29 20-25 23. 29x20 15x24 24. 47-41 18-23 25. 36-31 12-18 26. 41-36 11-17 27. 27-22 18x27 28. 31x11 06x17 29. 36-31 17-22 30. 28x17 21x12 31. 33-28 13-18 32. 31-27 09-13 33. 44-40 12-17 34. 39-34 14-20 35. 28-22 17x28 36. 34-30 25x34 37. 40x29 23x34 38. 32x25 13-19 39. 38-33 08-12 40. 33-28 12-17 41. 42-38 18-23 42. 38-32 03-09 43. 43-39 34x43 44. 48x39 09-13 45. 35-30 24x35 46. 25-20 13-18 47. 20-15 16-21 48. 27x16 18-22 49. 39-34 22x33 50. 15-10 35-40 51. 10-04 40x29 52. 16-11 17x06 53. 04-22 26-31 54. 37x26 23-28 55. 32x14

White : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 2 Time 1.25 hr
Black : Carlos Lorevil Curacao 0 Time 1.04 hr

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 34-29 21-26 03. 40-34 11-17 04. 44-40 07-11 05. 50-44 19-23 06. 28x19 14x23 07. 35-30 01-07 08. 38-32 10-14 09. 42-38 14-19 10. 40-35 17-22 11. 47-42 11-17 12. 44-40 07-11 13. 32-28 23x32 14. 37x28 26x37 15. 41x32 19-24 16. 30x19 13x24 17. 36-31 16-21 18. 31-26 09-13 19. 42-37 05-10 20. 46-41 11-16 21. 41-36 02-07 22. 28-23 10-14 23. 34-30 04-10 24. 30x19 13x24 25. 39-34 08-13 26. 32-28 13-19 27. 37-31 07-11 28. 34-30 21-27 29. 30-25 16-21 30. 40-34 11-16 31. 34-30 03-08 32. 45-40 08-13 33. 43-39 06-11 34. 40-34 27-32 35. 28x37 19x28 36. 30x08 12x03 37. 38-32

White : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 1 Time 2.09 hr
Black : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 1 Time 2.25 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 37-32 21-26 03. 32-27 26x37 04. 41x32 20-25 05. 46-41 15-20 06. 41-37 10-15 07. 37-31 05-10 08. 42-37 20-24 09. 48-42 15-20 10. 27-22 18x27 11. 31x22 12-18 12. 37-31 18x27 13. 32x12 07x18 14. 31-27 08-12 15. 27-22 18x27 16. 28-23 19x28 17. 33x31 14-19 18. 39-33 10-15 19. 44-39 13-18 20. 50-44 09-13 21. 31-27 04-09 22. 36-31 11-17 23. 31-26 02-08 24. 27-21 06-11 25. 33-28 11-16 26. 38-33 16x27 27. 28-22 17x28 28. 33x31 12-17 29. 42-37 08-12 30. 37-32 03-08 31. 31-27 01-07 32. 27-21 09-14 33. 34-30 25x34 34. 39x30 18-23 35. 32-27 13-18 36. 47-42 17-22 37. 42-38 22x31 38. 26x37 18-22 39. 38-32 08-13 40. 37-31 22-28 41. 32-27 28-33 42. 31-26 23-28 43. 21-16 13-18 44. 26-21 18-23 45. 30-25 24-29 46. 40-34 29x40 47. 45x34 33-38 48. 43x32 28x37 49. 34-29 23x34 50. 27-22 34-40 51. 22-17 40-45 52. 17x08 45-50 53. 08-02 50x26 54. 02x30 37-41 55. 30-34 41-46 56. 34x01 26-17 57. 01-06 17-12 58. 06-50 12-01 59. 16-11 20-24 60. 11-06 24-29 61. 49-44 15-20 62. 44-40 46-19 63. 40-34 29x40 64. 35x44 20-24

White : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 0 Time 1.40 hr
Black : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 2 Time 1.41 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 18-22 03. 37-32 11-16 04. 41-37 07-11 05. 46-41 01-07 06. 28-23 19x28 07. 32x23 13-18 08. 35-30 18x29 09. 34x23 20-25 10. 40-34 08-13 11. 45-40 03-08 12. 33-29 13-18 13. 39-33 09-13 14. 44-39 14-20 15. 30-24 10-14 16. 50-45 04-10 17. 40-35 21-27 18. 45-40 16-21 19. 35-30 11-16 20. 37-31 13-19 21. 24x13 08x28 22. 41-37 06-11 23. 38-32 27x38 24. 43x23 14-19 25. 23x14 10x19 26. 40-35 18-23 27. 29x27 21x41 28. 42-37 41x32 29. 47-41 12-18 30. 49-43 07-12 31. 48-42 16-21 32. 33-29 19-24 33. 30x19 32-37 34. 41x32 21-27 35. 31x13 12-18 36. 13x22 17x48 37. 19-13 20-24 38. 29x20 25x14 39. 34-30 48-42

White : Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 0 Time 1.57 hr
Black : Guno Burleson Suriname 2 Time 1.57 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 37-32 11-16 03. 41-37 07-11 04. 31-27 19-23 05. 28x19 14x23 06. 34-29 23x34 07. 39x30 21-26 08. 43-39 01-07 09. 49-43 20-25 10. 40-34 10-14 11. 45-40 05-10 12. 50-45 17-21 13. 33-28 15-20 14. 39-33 14-19 15. 44-39 18-23 16. 27-22 10-15 17. 30-24 20x29 18. 33x24 19x30 19. 35x24 12-18 20. 28x19 18x27 21. 39-33 11-17 22. 33-28 17-22 23. 28x17 21x12 24. 32x21 26x17 25. 43-39 17-22 26. 48-43 06-11 27. 46-41 16-21 28. 37-32 11-16 29. 41-37 21-26 30. 38-33 16-21 31. 42-38 07-11 32. 40-35 11-16 33. 34-30 25x34 34. 39x30 21-27 35. 32x21 16x27 36. 47-41 02-07 37. 45-40 07-11 38. 30-25 12-18 39. 43-39 27-31 40. 36x27 22x42 41. 38x47 26-31 42. 40-34 11-16 43. 34-30 16-21 44. 39-34 04-10 45. 33-28 21-27 46. 34-29 18-23 47. 29x18 13x33 48. 19-14 09x29 49. 30-24 29x20 50. 25x05 27-32 51. 05x26 08-12 52. 26x08 03x12

White : Nelsen Angela Curacao 2 Time 0.36 hr
Black : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 1.37 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 14-19 05. 46-41 17-22 06. 35-30 11-17 07. 30-25 07-11 08. 25x14 09x20 09. 32-28 23x32 10. 37x28 04-09 11. 41-37 16-21 12. 31-26 11-16 13. 37-31 06-11 14. 34-29 02-07 15. 40-34 05-10 16. 45-40 10-14 17. 50-45 19-24 18. 42-37 01-06 19. 37-32 20-25 20. 29x20 15x24 21. 47-42 14-19 22. 34-29 22-27 23. 29x20 25x14 24. 31x22 18x27 25. 42-37 19-24 26. 40-34 14-20 27. 48-42 20-25 28. 45-40 09-14 29. 34-

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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 14:49

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Oct 11, 2004 17:28

White : Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 0 Time 1.39 hr
Black : Mario Wilson Curacao 2 Time 1.26 hr

01. 33-28 20-24 02. 39-33 15-20 03. 44-39 10-15 04. 50-44 18-23 05. 34-29 23x34 06. 39x30 12-18 07. 30-25 07-12 08. 44-39 18-23 09. 31-27 17-21 10. 37-31 21-26 11. 41-37 24-29 12. 33x24 20x29 13. 40-34 29x40 14. 35x44 05-10 15. 47-41 15-20 16. 39-34 12-18 17. 27-22 18x27 18. 31x22 10-15 19. 44-40 11-17 20. 22x11 06x17 21. 40-35 20-24 22. 34-30 14-20 23. 25x14 09x20 24. 30-25 04-09 25. 25x14 09x20 26. 36-31 20-25 27. 31-27 17-21 28. 41-36 23-29 29. 37-31 26x37 30. 42x31 21-26 31. 27-22 26x37 32. 32x41 29-34 33. 38-33 01-07 34. 41-37 07-12 35. 46-41 24-29 36. 33x24 19x30 37. 35x24 34-39 38. 43x34 13-18 39. 22x13 08x39 40. 28-22 25-30 41. 37-32 15-20 42. 32-28 20-24 43. 28-23 12-17 44. 22x11 16x07 45. 41-37 30-34 46. 36-31 24-30 47. 37-32 30-35 48. 23-19 03-09 49. 32-28 35-40 50. 31-27 39-44 51. 27-22 44-50 52. 49-43 40-44 53. 22-18 44-49 54. 18-13 49x10 55. 13x15 50-28

White : Franklin Maduro Curacao 0 Time 2.01 hr
Black : Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 2 Time 1.08 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 38-32 17-21 03. 31-27 11-17 04. 43-38 21-26 05. 37-31 26x37 06. 42x31 17-21 07. 47-42 13-18 08. 49-43 09-13 09. 34-30 04-09 10. 30-25 20-24 11. 31-26 12-17 12. 42-37 17-22 13. 28x17 21x12 14. 37-31 06-11 15. 32-28 23x21 16. 26x06 19-23 17. 31-26 14-20 18. 25x14 10x19 19. 40-34 05-10 20. 34-30 10-14 21. 41-37 16-21 22. 26x17 12x21 23. 45-40 21-26 24. 50-45 08-12 25. 37-32 24-29 26. 33x24 23-28 27. 32x23 18x20 28. 39-33 12-17 29. 44-39 17-21 30. 33-28 13-18 31. 39-33 09-13 32. 46-41 07-11 33. 06x17 21x12 34. 43-39 01-06 35. 41-37 02-07 36. 37-32 07-11 37. 48-42 12-17 38. 42-37 17-21 39. 40-34 11-16 40. 30-25 06-11

Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 0 Time 2.01 hr
Black : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 2 Time 1.48 hr

01. 33-29 19-23 02. 39-33 14-19 03. 43-39 10-14 04. 29-24 20x29 05. 33x24 19x30 06. 34x25 05-10 07. 49-43 17-21 08. 31-26 14-19 09. 26x17 12x21 10. 39-34 07-12 11. 32-28 23x32 12. 37x28 09-14 13. 41-37 11-17 14. 46-41 06-11 15. 34-30 01-06 16. 30-24 19x30 17. 25x34 21-26 18. 34-30 17-22 19. 28x17 11x22 20. 37-32 06-11 21. 41-37 13-19 22. 44-39 16-21 23. 39-34 19-23 24. 47-41 21-27 25. 32x21 26x17 26. 37-31 08-13 27. 30-25 14-19 28. 50-44 10-14 29. 44-39 14-20 30. 25x14 19x10 31. 31-26 22-27 32. 41-37 17-22 33. 37-31 23-28 34. 34-30 10-14 35. 30-25 03-08 36. 35-30 15-20 37. 40-35 13-19 38. 39-33 28x39 39. 43x34 18-23 40. 34-29 23x34 41. 30x39 20-24 42. 39-34 19-23 43. 48-43 12-18 44. 45-40 08-13 45. 34-30 14-19 46. 40-34 02-07 47. 34-29 23x34 48. 30x39 18-23 49. 42-37 04-09 50. 37-32 11-16 51. 32x21 16x27 52. 26-21 27x16 53. 31-27 22x31 54. 36x27 07-12 55. 38-32 12-17 56. 39-33 23-29 57. 33-28 29-34 58. 27-22 34-39 59. 43x34 24-30 60. 35x24 19x39 61. 22x11 16x07 62. 25-20 39-44 63. 28-22 44-50 64. 32-28 07-11 65. 20-15 09-14

ROUND 9 13.00 hr
10 October 2004

White : Siegfried Panneflek Curacao 0 Time 1.37 hr
Black : Marc N’Djofang Cameroun 2 Time 1.56 ht

01. 32-28 18-22 02. 31-27 22x31 03. 36x27 17-21 04. 37-32 11-17 05. 34-29 06-11 06. 41-37 21-26 07. 27-21 16x27 08. 32x21 13-18 09. 29-23 18x29 10. 33x13 09x18 11. 40-34 08-13 12. 46-41 02-08 13. 21-16 04-09 14. 39-33 14-19 15. 44-39 10-14 16. 34-30 20-25 17. 50-44 25x34 18. 39x30 05-10 19. 30-25 15-20 20. 44-39 10-15 21. 45-40 01-06 22. 40-34 17-22 23. 28x17 11x22 24. 49-44 06-11 25. 33-28 22x33 26. 39x28 11-17 27. 34-30 20-24 28. 37-32 18-22 29. 41-37 22x33 30. 38x20 15x24 31. 32-28 13-18 32. 37-32 18-23 33. 47-41 12-18 34. 41-36 08-12 35. 43-38 14-20 36. 25x14 19x10 37. 30x19 23x14 38. 38-33 09-13 39. 44-39 14-20 40. 32-27 20-24 41. 28-22 17x28 42. 33x22 10-14 43. 36-31 26x37 44. 42x31 14-19 45. 31-26 24-30 46. 35x24 19x30 47. 48-43 07-11 48. 16x07 12x01 49. 22-17 18-23 50. 27-22 23-29 51. 17-12 29-34 52. 22-17 34-40 53. 26-21 40-45 54. 17-11 13-18 55. 12x23 45-50 56. 21-17 50x19 57. 17-12 19-02 58. 12-07 01x12 59. 11-06 02-11 60. 06x08 03x12

White : Guno Burleson Suriname 0 Time 2.16 hr
Black : Kees Thijssen Netherlands 2 Time 1.50 hr

01. 32-28 20-25 02. 37-32 15-20 03. 41-37 10-15 04. 46-41 17-21 05. 31-26 05-10 06. 26x17 12x21 07. 36-31 21-26 08. 34-30 25x34 09. 39x30 20-25 10. 30-24 19x30 11. 35x24 07-12 12. 33-29 01-07 13. 43-39 12-17 14. 41-36 08-12 15. 28-22 18x27 16. 31x22 17x28 17. 32x23 03-08 18. 40-34 11-17 19. 49-43 17-21 20. 45-40 14-20 21. 39-33 10-14 22. 44-39 13-19 23. 24x13 08x28 24. 33x22 14-19 25. 39-33 12-17 26. 22x11 06x17 27. 33-28 17-22 28. 28x17 21x12 29. 38-32 09-13 30. 32-28 19-24 31. 29-23 02-08 32. 36-31 04-10 33. 37-32 26x37 34. 42x31 24-30 35. 31-27 30x39 36. 43x34 07-11 37. 48-43 11-17 38. 43-39 10-14 39. 47-42 13-19 40. 42-37 08-13 41. 39-33 20-24 42. 34-29 15-20 43. 37-31 25-30 44. 40-35 13-18 45. 31-26 16-21 46. 27x16 30-34 47. 29x40 18x27 48. 40-34 20-25 49. 50-44 14-20 50. 44-39 12-18 51. 28-22 17x28 52. 16-11 18-23 53. 11-07 27-31 54. 26x37 28-33 55. 39x28 23x41 56. 07-02 19-23

White : Gerrit Tigchelaar Netherlands 0 Time 2.19 hr
Black : Anthony Alexandre Haiti 2 Time 1.30 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 18-22 03. 37-32 11-16 04. 41-37 07-11 05. 46-41 01-07 06. 28-23 19x28 07. 32x23 13-18 08. 35-30 18x29 09. 34x23 20-25 10. 40-34 14-19 11. 23x14 10x19 12. 44-40 15-20 13. 50-44 20-24 14. 40-35 05-10 15. 33-28 22x33 16. 38x20 25x14 17. 39-33 08-13 18. 44-39 19-23 19. 42-38 21-27 20. 37-31 12-18 21. 31x22 18x27 22. 41-37 07-12 23. 30-25 12-18 24. 34-29 23x34 25. 39x30 02-08 26. 45-40 10-15 27. 40-34 14-19 28. 48-42 18-23 29. 34-29 23x34 30. 30x39 13-18 31. 39-34 08-13 32. 34-30 18-23 33. 30-24 19x30 34. 25x34 15-20 35. 34-30 17-21 36. 26x17 11x22 37. 30-24 20x29 38. 33x24 16-21 39. 35-30 09-14 40. 30-25 03-09 41. 43-39 06-11 42. 49-44 23-28 43. 44-40 11-17 44. 39-33 28x39 45. 38-32 27x38 46. 42x44 21-27 47. 47-42 27-32 48. 37x28 22x33 49. 40-34 13-19 50. 24x13 09x18 51. 42-37 33-38 52. 44-39 18-23 53. 36-31 04-09 54. 34-30 23-29 55. 39-33 38-43 56. 33x24 43-49 57. 24-19 14x23 58. 25-20 49-35 59. 30-25 35-19 60. 31-27 09-13

White : Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 1 Time 2.40 hr
Black : Ron Heusdens Netherlands 1 Time 2.31 hr

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 40-34 15-20 03. 33-28 10-15 04. 39-33 20-24 05. 31-27 17-21 06. 37-31 21-26 07. 41-37 15-20 08. 44-39 05-10 09. 50-44 18-22 10. 28x17 12x21 11. 33-28 07-12 12. 39-33 01-07 13. 44-40 12-18 14. 27-22 18x27 15. 31x22 07-12 16. 47-41 13-18 17. 22x13 09x18 18. 37-31 26x37 19. 42x31 21-26 20. 32-27 26x37 21. 41x32 11-17 22. 36-31 17-21 23. 46-41 03-09 24. 41-36 09-13 25. 48-42 21-26 26. 42-37 06-11 27. 27-22 18x27 28. 31x22 02-07 29. 49-44 12-18 30. 32-27 07-12 31. 37-31 26x37 32. 27-21 18x27 33. 21x41 13-18 34. 38-32 04-09 35. 41-37 09-13 36. 36-31 11-17 37. 31-27 17-22 38. 28x17 12x21 39. 33-28 08-12 40. 37-31 21-26 41. 44-39 26x37 42. 32x41 18-23 43. 34-29 24x31 44. 41-36 25x34 45. 40x07 31-37 46. 43-38 16-21 47. 07-01 21-27 48. 01-07 10-15 49. 07-01 27-32 50. 38x27 37-42 51. 27-22 42-47 52. 22-17 20-25 53. 17-11 47-20 54. 11-06 25-30 55. 35x24 20x50 56. 01-34 14-20 57. 06-01 20-24 58. 36-31 50-17 59. 01-06 17-03 60. 34-48 19-23 61. 06-17 03x37 62. 48x09 23-28 63. 09-20 24-30 64. 20-38 15-20 65. 38x15 28-32

White : Leonardo Cadeau Curacao 0 Time 0.48 hr
Black : Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 2 Time 0.34 hr

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 31-27 22x31 03. 37x26 19-23 04. 41-37 14-19 05. 46-41 10-14 06. 32-28 23x32 07. 38x27 19-23 08. 37-31 14-19 09. 43-38 05-10 10. 38-33 10-14 11. 42-38 19-24 12. 47-42 14-19 13. 49-43 11-17 14. 27-21 16x27 15. 31x11 06x17 16. 41-37 09-14 17. 37-32 04-09 18. 32-28 23x32 19. 38x27 01-06 20. 27-21 19-23 21. 42-37 14-19 22. 21-16 07-11 23. 16x07 12x01 24. 48-42 02-07 25. 37-31 07-12 26. 43-38 24-30 27. 34x14 23x32 28. 14x23 18x47

White : Carlos Lorevil Curacao 2 Time 1.07 hr
Black : Raymond Sonor Guadeloupe 0 Time 1.33 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 17-22 04. 28x17 11x22 05. 41-37 13-18 06. 37-32 09-13 07. 32-27 04-09 08. 38-33 06-11 09. 34-30 19-24 10. 30x19 14x34 11. 40x29 11-17 12. 42-38 10-14 13. 44-40 17-21 14. 40-34 21x32 15. 38x27 14-19 16. 47-42 19-23 17. 35-30 05-10 18. 30-25 10-14 19. 42-38 14-19 20. 25x14 19x10 21. 45-40 10-14 22. 40-35 01-06 23. 50-45 06-11 24. 35-30 11-17 25. 45-40 17-21 26. 40-35 21x32 27. 38x27 14-19 28. 43-38 09-14 29. 49-43 12-17 30. 46-41 07-12 31. 48-42 02-07 32. 38-32 07-11 33. 31-26 22x31 34. 26x37 23-28 35. 32x23 19x28 36. 33x22 18x27 37. 39-33 17-21 38. 30-25 21-26 39. 34-30 11-17 40. 42-38 17-21 41. 37-32 12-18 42. 41-37 03-09 43. 29-23 18x29 44. 33x24 14-19 45. 38-33 27x20 46. 25x12 19-23 47. 12-07 21-27 48. 07-01 23-28 49. 01-45 27-32 50. 45-29 32x41 51. 36x47 13-19

White : Raoul Alias Curacao 2 Time 0.57 hr
Black : Henry Bernadina Curacao 0 Time 1.51 hr

01. 34-29 17-22 02. 31-26 11-17 03. 36-31 07-11 04. 32-27 02-07 05. 37-32 16-21 06. 27x16 22-28 07. 33x22 18x36 08. 41-37 17-22 09. 40-34 12-18 10. 45-40 19-23 11. 35-30 14-19 12. 40-35 20-24 13. 29x20 15x24 14. 39-33 10-14 15. 44-39 05-10 16. 50-44 07-12 17. 16x07 23-28 18. 32x23 18x40 19. 07x27 40-45 20. 33-28 24-29 21. 38-33 29x38 22. 43x32 19-23 23. 28x19 14x23 24. 42-38 45-50 25. 37-31 10-15 26. 38-33 15-20 27. 26-21 13-18 28. 31-26 04-10 29. 44-40 10-15 30. 40-34 06-11 31. 49-44 08-12 32. 32-28 23x32 33. 27x38 01-07 34. 38-32 11-17 35. 33-28 18-23 36. 28x19 17-22 37. 32-27 22x31 38. 26x37 20-25 39. 21-16 12-17 40. 19-14 09x20 41. 44-40 50x41 42. 46x37 03-08 43. 30-24 20x29 44. 34x23 15-20 45. 23-18 20-24 46. 48-43 08-12 47. 18-13 17-22 48. 40-34 12-18 49. 13-09 18-23 50. 09-03 22-27 51. 37-31

White : Mario Wilson Curacao 0 Time 1.47 hr
Black : Nelson Angela Curacau 2 Time 1.46 hr

01. 34-29 20-25 02. 40-34 14-20 03. 32-28 17-21 04. 37-32 21-26 05. 44-40 26x37 06. 42x31 19-23 07. 28x19 13x24 08. 50-44 11-17 09. 31-26 07-11 10. 41-37 09-13 11. 37-31 02-07 12. 47-42 04-09 13. 32-28 17-21 14. 26x17 11x22 15. 28x17 12x21 16. 42-37 21-26 17. 48-42 10-14 18. 31-27 07-12 19. 37-32 05-10 20. 46-41 06-11 21. 32-28 11-17 22. 28-22 17x28 23. 33x22 24x33 24. 39x28 14-19 25. 42-37 10-14 26. 44-39 01-06 27. 39-33 20-24 28. 34-29 06-11 29. 29x20 15x24 30. 43-39 24-29 31. 33x24 19x30 32. 35x24 16-21 33. 27x07 18x27 34. 07x18 13x35 35. 45-40 35x44 36. 49x40 08-13 37. 24-20 14-19 38. 20-15 09-14 39. 37-32 25-30 40. 32x21 26x17 41. 15-10 14x05 42. 36-31 19-23 43. 31-27 23-29

White : Franklin Maduro Curacao 0 Time 1.44 hr
Black : Anthony Aqui Trinidad & Tobago 2 Time 1.57 hr

01. 34-30 17-22 02. 31-27 22x31 03. 36x27 11-17 04. 37-31 17-21 05. 40-34 18-23 06. 33-28 21-26 07. 39-33 26x37 08. 42x31 20-24 09. 41-37 12-17 10. 44-39 17-21 11. 47-42 21-26 12. 50-44 06-11 13. 30-25 11-17 14. 34-29 23x34 15. 39x30 17-21 16. 44-39 13-18 17. 28-22 09-13 18. 46-41 18-23 19. 33-28 08-12 20. 22-17 12-18 21. 17-11 04-09 22. 41-36 24-29 23. 11-06 07-11 24. 06x17 21x12 25. 39-34 29x40 26. 35x44 15-20 27. 44-40 01-06 28. 40-35 20-24 29. 49-44 02-07 30. 44-40 10-15 31. 43-39 07-11 32. 39-33 24-29 33. 33x24 14-20 34. 25x14 09x29 35. 40-34 29x40 36. 45x34 15-20 37. 27-22 18x27 38. 31x22 11-17 39. 22x11 16x07 40. 30-25 20-24 41. 34-30 23-29 42. 32-27 05-10 43. 28-22 10-14 44. 38-32 29-33 45. 48-43 33-39 46. 43x34 26-31 47. 37x26 24-29 48. 34x23 19x48 49. 30-24 12-18 50. 26-21 48-42 51. 21-17 42x15 52. 36-31 13-19



AW Pt WP SB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Marc N'Djofang 9 - 17 95 175 • 1 2 2 2 . 2 2 . 2 . 2 2 . . . . .
2 Kees Thijssen 9 - 15 93 145 1 • 1 2 1 2 2 . . 2 . . . 2 . 2 . .
3 Anthony Alexandre 9 - 13 100 129 0 1 • 1 1 2 . 2 2 . . 2 . 2 . . . .
4 Louiceus Shang Wong 9 - 11 97 97 0 0 1 • 1 2 . . . 1 2 2 . . 2 . . .
5 Ron Heusdens 9 - 11 96 101 0 1 1 1 • . . 1 2 2 . . . 1 . . 2 .
6 Frantz Forbin 9 - 10 89 80 . 0 0 0 . • 2 1 1 . . . 2 2 . 2 . .
7 Carlos Lorevil 9 - 10 83 64 0 0 . . . 0 • . 2 0 . 2 2 . 2 . . 2
8 Raoul Alias 9 - 10 78 61 0 . 0 . 1 1 . • . . 1 . 2 . 1 2 . 2
9 Nelsen Angela 9 - 10 70 53 . . 0 . 0 1 0 . • . 1 2 . . 2 . 2 2
10 Guno Burleson 9 - 9 93 73 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 . . • 2 . 1 1 . 2 . .
11 Anthony Aqui 9 - 9 68 52 . . . 0 . . . 1 1 0 • 0 1 . 2 2 2 .
12 Mario Wilson 9 - 8 79 36 0 . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 . 2 • . . 2 . 2 2
13 Siegfried Panneflek 9 - 8 77 42 0 . . . . 0 0 0 . 1 1 . • 2 . . 2 2
14 Gerrit Tigchelaar 9 - 8 74 36 . 0 0 . 1 0 . . . 1 . . 0 • . 2 2 2
15 Raymond Sonor 9 - 5 66 18 . . . 0 . . 0 1 0 . 0 0 . . • 0 2 2
16 Leonardo Cadeau 9 - 4 70 14 . 0 . . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . 0 2 • 1 1
17 Franklin Maduro 9 - 3 64 6 . . . . 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 • 2
18 Henry Bernadina 9 - 1 66 4 . . . . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 •

Wedstrijden: 81 Winstpartijen: 62 76.5%



3–10 OCTOBER 2004


1. Mijail Eisden Curacao
2. Gedion van Eiken Curacao
3. Rhazul Sebelon Curacao
4. Quincy Lopez Curacao
5. Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago
6. Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad & Tobago
7. Rajesh Dipai Suriname
8. Rodney Lion Suriname

ROUND 1 15.00 hr
3 October 2004

White : Mijail Eisden Curacao 2 Time 2.02 hr
Black : Rhazul Sebelon Curacao 0 Time 2.15 hr

01. 33-28 18-23 02. 39-33 13-18 03. 44-39 09-13 04. 50-44 04-09 05. 31-27 17-22 06. 28x17 11x31 07. 36x27 06-11 08. 41-36 01-06 09. 46-41 11-17 10. 36-31 07-11 11. 41-36 17-21 12. 33-28 20-24 13. 34-30 15-20 14. 39-33 10-15 15. 44-39 21-26 16. 27-22 18x27 17. 31x22 11-17 18. 22x11 16x07 19. 36-31 12-18 20. 31-27 20-25 21. 47-41 25x34 22. 40x20 14x25 23. 33-29 23x34 24. 39x30 25x34 25. 27-21 26x17 26. 28-22 18x27 27. 32x01 34-39 28. 43x34 13-18 29. 01x10 15x04 30. 37-32 05-10 31. 32-28 09-13 32. 49-43 10-14 33. 38-32 08-12 34. 41-37 02-08 35. 32-27 12-18 36. 37-32 04-09 37. 42-38 06-11 38. 38-33 11-17 39. 34-30 14-20 40. 43-38 18-22 41. 27x18 13x22 42. 48-42 08-12 43. 30-24 20x29 44. 33x24 22x33 45. 38x29 17-21 46. 29-23 12-17 47. 23-18 09-13 48. 18x09 03x14 49. 32-28 21-27 50. 28-23 27-32 51. 24-19 14-20 52. 19-13 17-21 53. 13-09 21-26 54. 09-03 20-25 55. 03-17 32-37 56. 42x31 26x37 57. 17-33 37-41 58. 35-30 25x34 59. 23-19 41-47 60. 33-15

White : Gedion van Eiken Curacao 2 Time 0.31 hr
Black : Quincy Lopez Curacao 0 Time 0.42 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 17-21 04. 28-23 19x28 05. 29-24 20x29 06. 34x32 14-19 07. 31-26 12-18 08. 26x17 11x22 09. 35-30 15-20 10. 30-25 19-23 11. 25x14 10x19 12. 32-27 22x31 13. 36x27 06-11 14. 38-32 11-17 15. 42-38 17-21 16. 39-33 07-11 17. 44-39 05-10 18. 50-44 10-14 19. 47-42 01-07 20. 33-28 11-17 21. 41-37 04-10 22. 40-34 07-11 23. 46-41 14-20 24. 28-22 17x28 25. 34-29 23x34 26. 32x05 21x32 27. 38x27 08-12 28. 39x30 12-17 29. 05-10 20-25 30. 44-39 25x34 31. 39x30 03-08 32. 30-24 08-12 33. 10-32 17-21 34. 32-38 21x32 35. 38x19

White : Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.35 hr
Black : Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.04 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 34-29 23x32 03. 37x28 17-22 04. 28x17 11x22 05. 31-26 12-18 06. 41-37 07-12 07. 37-32 01-07 08. 32-27 22x31 09. 26x37 16-21 10. 40-34 21-26 11. 45-40 20-25 12. 50-45 14-20 13. 46-41 19-24 14. 37-32 18-22 15. 41-37 22-27 16. 32x21 26x17 17. 36-31 17-22 18. 31-26 07-11 19. 37-32 13-18 20. 32-28 10-14 21. 28x17 11x22 22. 38-32 02-07 23. 32-28 07-11 24. 28x17 11x22 25. 42-37 09-13 26. 37-32 04-09 27. 32-28 05-10 28. 28x17 12x21 29. 26x17 24-30 30. 35x24 18-23 31. 29x18 20x38 32. 43x32 13x11 33. 39-33 14-19 34. 34-29 19-24 35. 29x20 15x24 36. 40-34 09-13 37. 34-29 10-15 38. 29x20 15x24 39. 45-40 13-19 40. 40-34 11-17 41. 49-43 08-13 42. 43-39 13-18 43. 48-42 06-11 44. 42-37 18-23 45. 47-41 03-09 46. 32-28 23x32 47. 37x28 09-13 48. 34-29 13-18 49. 29x20 25x14 50. 33-29 11-16 51. 41-37 16-21 52. 37-31 14-20 53. 39-33 20-25 54. 44-39 19-24 55. 29x20 25x14 56. 31-26 18-22 57. 39-34 21-27 58. 34-30 14-20 59. 28-23 27-32

White : Rajesh Dipai Suriname 1 Time 1.51 hr
Black : Rodney Lion Suriname 1 Time 0.59 hr

01. 33-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 39-33 10-14 04. 44-39 05-10 05. 50-44 14-19 06. 33-28 10-14 07. 39-33 17-21 08. 44-39 21-26 09. 31-27 11-17 10. 37-31 26x37 11. 42x31 07-11 12. 41-37 01-07 13. 47-42 20-24 14. 49-44 14-20 15. 34-29 23x34 16. 40x29 17-21 17. 27-22 18x27 18. 31x22 21-26 19. 37-31 26x37 20. 32x41 20-25 21. 29x20 15x24 22. 41-37 12-17 23. 44-40 07-12 24. 46-41 12-18 25. 37-32 18x27 26. 32x12 08x17 27. 40-34 02-08 28. 41-37 13-18 29. 38-32 09-13 30. 42-38 18-23 31. 28-22 17x28 32. 33x22 04-09 33. 48-42 11-17 34. 22x11 06x17 35. 37-31 09-14 36. 35-30 24x35 37. 45-40 35x33 38. 38x20 25x14 39. 32-28 19-24 40. 42-38 08-13 41. 38-33 14-20 42. 43-39 20-25 43. 34-29 24-30 44. 39-34 30x39 45. 33x44 25-30 46. 31-27 30-35 47. 29-23 03-09 48. 36-31 09-14 49. 27-22

ROUND 2 16.00 hr
4 October 2004

White : Mijail Eisden Curacao 0 Time 2.02 hr
Black : Gedion van Eiken Curacao 2 Time 2.00 hr

01. 33-28 17-21 02. 39-33 21-26 03. 44-39 16-21 04. 31-27 11-16 05. 27-22 18x27 06. 28-23 19x28 07. 33x31 14-19 08. 50-44 10-14 09. 32-27 21x32 10. 37x28 26x37 11. 41x32 16-21 12. 46-41 21-26 13. 41-37 12-18 14. 32-27 07-12 15. 37-32 20-24 16. 42-37 01-07 17. 47-42 18-23 18. 34-30 12-18 19. 39-33 07-11 20. 44-39 08-12 21. 37-31 26x37 22. 42x31 05-10 23. 27-21 12-17 24. 21x12 18x07 25. 31-27 15-20 26. 30-25 10-15 27. 39-34 07-12 28. 34-29 23x34 29. 40x29 02-07 30. 49-44 13-18 31. 44-39 18-23 32. 29x18 12x23 33. 27-22 09-13 34. 36-31 04-09 35. 31-26 24-29 36. 33x24 20x29 37. 39-33 14-20 38. 33x24 20x29 39. 43-39 07-12 40. 35-30 12-18 41. 48-43 18x27 42. 32x21 23x32 43. 38x27 19-23 44. 21-16 11-17 45. 16-11 17-22 46. 27x18 06x17 47. 39-34 29x40 48. 45x34 13x22 49. 43-38 22-28 50. 34-29 23x34 51. 30x39 15-20 52. 25x14 09x20 53. 39-33 28x39 54. 38-32 39-44 55. 32-27 44-50 56. 27-21 50-45 57. 21x12 45x01

White : Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad & Tobago 0 Time 2.25 hr
Black : Rajesh Dipai Suriname 2 Time 1.57 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 20-24 04. 29x20 15x24 05. 41-37 12-18 06. 46-41 07-12 07. 37-32 18-23 08. 41-37 12-18 09. 39-33 24-29 10. 33x24 19x39 11. 44x33 01-07 12. 28x19 14x23 13. 35-30 07-12 14. 30-25 10-14 15. 33-29 23x34 16. 40x29 05-10 17. 50-44 10-15 18. 44-40 13-19 19. 29-24 19x30 20. 25x34 14-19 21. 38-33 08-13 22. 42-38 02-08 23. 47-42 18-23 24. 33-28 09-14 25. 31-27 04-09 26. 38-33 12-18 27. 43-38 17-22 28. 28x17 11x31 29. 36x27 08-12 30. 33-28 23-29 31. 34x23 18x29 32. 37-31 03-08 33. 31-26 15-20 34. 48-43 20-24 35. 27-21 16x27 36. 32x21 06-11 37. 42-37 14-20 38. 40-34 29x40 39. 45x34 20-25 40. 43-39 13-18 41. 38-33 09-13 42. 49-43 24-29 43. 34x14 13-19 44. 14x23 18x49 45. 28-23 49x16 46. 23-19 16-27 47. 19-14 27-04 48. 37-31 04x36 49. 14-10 36-22 50. 10-05 22x44 51. 05-37 11-16 52. 37-23 12-17 53. 23-19

White : Quincy Lopez Curacao 1 Time 1.51 hr
Black : Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.45 hr

01. 33-29 19-23 02. 32-27 14-19 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 31-26 05-10 05. 36-31 17-22 06. 41-36 11-17 07. 27-21 16x27 08. 32x21 06-11 09. 21-16 01-06 10. 31-27 22x31 11. 26x37 20-24 12. 29x20 15x24 13. 34-29 24x33 14. 38x29 23x34 15. 40x29 17-22 16. 39-34 11-17 17. 45-40 19-23 18. 43-38 14-19 19. 49-43 10-14 20. 35-30 07-11 21. 16x07 12x01 22. 37-31 06-11 23. 43-39 01-07 24. 42-37 07-12 25. 47-41 14-20 26. 37-32 20-25 27. 31-26 04-10 28. 36-31 10-14 29. 41-36 14-20 30. 31-27 22x31 31. 36x27 20-24 32. 29x20 25x14 33. 30-24 19x30 34. 34x25 17-22 35. 39-33 22x31 36. 26x37 13-19 37. 40-35 14-20 38. 25x14 09x20 39. 44-39 20-24 40. 39-34 08-13 41. 34-30 12-17 42. 33-28 24-29 43. 50-44 03-09 44. 44-40 18-22 45. 48-42 22x33 46. 40-34 29x40 47. 38x18 13x22 48. 35x44 09-14 49. 42-38 02-08 50. 38-33 22-28 51. 33x22 17x28 52. 32x23 19x28 53. 30-24 28-33 54. 37-32 08-13 55. 46-41 13-18 56. 41-37 11-17 57. 37-31 17-21 58. 31-26 21-27 59. 32x21 33-38 60. 21-16 38-42 61. 16-11

White : Rhazul Sebelon Curacao 2 Time 1.49 hr
Black : Rodney Lion Suriname 0 Time 0.40 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 05-10 05. 34-29 23x34 06. 40x29 14-19 07. 45-40 10-14 08. 50-45 17-21 09. 40-34 19-23 10. 47-41 14-19 11. 44-40 11-17 12. 29-24 20x29 13. 33x24 19x30 14. 34x25 21-26 15. 49-44 13-19 16. 32-28 23x32 17. 37x28 26x37 18. 41x32 08-13 19. 46-41 02-08 20. 41-37 07-11 21. 39-33 01-07 22. 44-39 18-23 23. 39-34 16-21 24. 34-29 23x34 25. 40x29 21-27 26. 32x21 17x26 27. 29-24 19x30 28. 25x34 13-19 29. 34-30 08-13 30. 45-40 12-18 31. 30-24 19x30 32. 35x24 09-14 33. 33-29 07-12 34. 38-33 04-10 35. 28-23 11-17 36. 40-34 06-11 37. 33-28 18-22 38. 43-38 22x33 39. 23-19 14x23 40. 29x16 10-14 41. 38x29 14-20 42. 37-31 26x37 43. 42x31 03-08 44. 31-26 08-12 45. 26-21 17x26 46. 16-11 12-18 47. 34-30 20-25 48. 11-07 25x23 49. 07-02 15-20 50. 02x46 20x29

ROUND 3 16.00 hr
5 October 2004

White : Gedion van Eiken Curacao 0 Time 0.31 hr
Black : Rhazul Sebelon Curacao 2 Time 1.06 hr

01. 32-28 18-22 02. 37-32 22-27 03. 32x21 17x37 04. 41x32 16-21 05. 34-30 20-25 06. 46-41 25x34 07. 40x29 21-26 08. 41-37 11-16 09. 44-40 07-11 10. 50-44 11-17 11. 28-23 19x28 12. 33x11 16x07 13. 35-30 06-11 14. 30-25 11-16 15. 39-33 07-11 16. 44-39 01-06 17. 32-28 12-17 18. 37-32 17-22 19. 28x17 11x22 20. 42-37 22-27 21. 32x21 26x17 22. 38-32 13-18 23. 43-38 17-22 24. 32-28 09-13 25. 28x17 08-12 26. 17x19 14x41

White : Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago 2 Time 1.36 hr
Black : Mijail Eisden Curacao 0 Time 2.10 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 34-29 23x32 03. 37x28 12-18 04. 41-37 07-12 05. 46-41 01-07 06. 37-32 20-24 07. 29x20 15x24 08. 41-37 10-15 09. 40-34 05-10 10. 45-40 15-20 11. 50-45 10-15 12. 31-27 18-23 13. 34-29 23x34 14. 40x29 20-25 15. 29x20 15x24 16. 47-41 17-21 17. 36-31 12-18 18. 41-36 07-12 19. 31-26 04-10 20. 26x17 11x31 21. 36x27 02-07 22. 44-40 10-15 23. 39-34 14-20 24. 43-39 18-23 25. 49-43 24-29 26. 33x24 20x29 27. 39-33 12-18 28. 33x24 19x39 29. 28x19 13x24 30. 43x34 09-13 31. 38-33 07-12 32. 42-38 03-09 33. 48-42 06-11 34. 34-30 25x34 35. 40x20 15x24 36. 45-40 18-23 37. 40-34 12-18 38. 33-29 24x33 39. 38x29 11-17 40. 35-30 17-21 41. 42-38 13-19 42. 37-31 18-22 43. 29x18 22x13 44. 31-26 08-12 45. 26x08 13x02 46. 34-29 02-08 47. 29-24 19-23 48. 30-25 08-13 49. 38-33 09-14 50. 33-28 14-19 51. 25-20 19x30 52. 28x08 30-34 53. 27-22 34-39 54. 20-14 39-43 55. 08-03 43-48 56. 03-26 48-30 57. 14-10 30-24 58. 32-28 24-20 59. 28-23 20-47 60. 23-19 47-29 61. 19-14 29-34 62. 14-09 34-30 63. 10-05 30-02 64. 05-28 02-35

White : Rajesh Dipai Suriname 2 Time 1.46 hr
Black : Quincy Lopez Curacao 0 Time 2.00 hr

01. 33-28 18-22 02. 31-27 22x33 03. 39x28 19-23 04. 28x19 14x23 05. 44-39 13-18 06. 39-33 09-14 07. 50-44 14-19 08. 44-39 08-13 09. 33-28 10-14 10. 34-29 23x34 11. 40x29 02-08 12. 29-23 18x29 13. 28-22 17x28 14. 32x34 19-23 15. 37-32 14-19 16. 39-33 20-25 17. 41-37 12-17 18. 49-44 05-10 19. 44-40 04-09 20. 33-28 10-14 21. 46-41 17-21 22. 37-31 21-26 23. 41-37 14-20 24. 27-21 16x27 25. 31x22 08-12 26. 37-31 26x37 27. 42x31 12-18 28. 47-42 18x27 29. 31x22 03-08 30. 42-37 11-16 31. 37-31 08-12 32. 38-33 12-18 33. 43-39 18x29 34. 48-43 23x32 35. 34x03 13-18 36. 39-34 07-12 37. 03x38 20-24 38. 38x20 25x14 39. 31-27 06-11 40. 36-31 11-17 41. 31-26 01-07 42. 43-38 07-12 43. 27-22 17x28 44. 38-33 28x30 45. 35x24 15-20 46. 24x15

White : Rodney Lion Suriname 2 Time 1.28 hr
Black : Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad &Tobago 0 Time 1.57 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 38-32 12-18 03. 42-38 07-12 04. 47-42 01-07 05. 34-29 23x34 06. 39x30 20-25 07. 44-39 25x34 08. 39x30 16-21 09. 31-27 21-26 10. 49-44 17-22 11. 28x17 11x31 12. 36x27 19-23 13. 44-39 07-11 14. 41-36 11-17 15. 40-34 17-22 16. 45-40 22x31 17. 36x27 12-17 18. 50-45 08-12 19. 30-25 03-08 20. 46-41 17-22 21. 41-36 22x31 22. 36x27 02-07 23. 34-30 06-11 24. 40-34 11-16 25. 33-28 07-11 26. 28x19 13x24 27. 30x19 14x23 28. 38-33 09-13 29. 43-38 10-14 30. 34-30 04-10 31. 33-28 13-19 32. 38-33 15-20 33. 42-38 20-24 34. 39-34 11-17 35. 34-29 23x34 36. 30x39 08-13 37. 27-22 18x27 38. 32x21 16x27 39. 28-23 19x28 40. 33x11 27-31 41. 38-32 31x42 42. 48x37 13-18 43. 11-06 18-23 44. 39-33 14-19 45. 06-01 12-18 46. 25-20 24x15 47. 33-29 23x34 48. 01x40 15-20 49. 40-01 10-15 50. 01-40



3–10 OCTOBER 2004

Ronde 5 07-10-2004

Rajesh Dipai - Rhazul Sebelon -
Rodney Lion - Devendra Dindial -
Nicholas Ramsundar - Gedion van Eiken -
Quincy Lopez - Mijail Eisden -


AW + = - Pt Klr
1 Rhazul Sebelon 4 3 - 0 - 1 6 0
Devendra Dindial 4 2 - 2 - 0 6 2
3 Rajesh Dipai 4 2 - 1 - 1 5 0
Gedion van Eiken 4 2 - 1 - 1 5 2
5 Rodney Lion 4 1 - 2 - 1 4 -2
6 Mijail Eisden 4 1 - 1 - 2 3 2
7 Nicholas Ramsundar 4 0 - 2 - 2 2 -2
8 Quincy Lopez 4 0 - 1 - 3 1 -2

Wedstrijden: 16 Winstpartijen: 11 68.8%

ROUND 4 16.00 hr
7 October 2004

White : Mijail Eisden Curacao 1 Time 1.58 hr
Black : Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.58 hr

01. 33-28 18-22 02. 31-27 22x33 03. 39x28 12-18 04. 43-39 07-12 05. 49-43 01-07 06. 39-33 17-22 07. 28x17 11x31 08. 36x27 19-23 09. 44-39 14-19 10. 50-44 07-11 11. 41-36 11-17 12. 46-41 17-22 13. 37-31 10-14 14. 41-37 12-17 15. 33-28 22x33 16. 39x28 20-24 17. 44-39 17-21 18. 34-30 14-20 19. 27-22 18x27 20. 31x22 06-11 21. 37-31 11-17 22. 22x11 16x07 23. 42-37 13-18 24. 47-42 09-13 25. 30-25 04-09 26. 25x14 09x20 27. 31-27 23-29 28. 27x16 29-33 29. 38x29 24x22 30. 42-38 19-23 31. 39-33 20-24 32. 37-31 05-10 33. 31-26 07-11 34. 16x07 02x11 35. 32-27 22x31 36. 36x27 11-17 37. 38-32 15-20 38. 43-38 10-15 39. 33-28 13-19 40. 40-34 18-22 41. 27x29 24x22 42. 34-29 20-24 43. 29x20 15x24 44. 45-40 19-23 45. 32-27 22x31 46. 26x37 08-13 47. 37-31 13-18 48. 38-32 24-29 49. 40-34 29x40 50. 35x44 03-08 51. 48-43

White : Gedion van Eiken Curacao 1 Time 1.22 hr
Black : Rodney Lion Suriname 1 Time 1.20 hr

01. 31-26 19-23 02. 37-31 14-19 03. 41-37 10-14 04. 46-41 17-21 05. 26x17 12x21 06. 31-26 07-12 07. 26x17 12x21 08. 36-31 02-07 09. 31-27 07-12 10. 33-28 21-26 11. 34-30 20-24 12. 30-25 11-17 13. 39-33 14-20 14. 25x14 09x20 15. 41-36 17-21 16. 44-39 05-10 17. 40-34 10-14 18. 34-30 04-09 19. 30-25 01-07 20. 50-44 07-11 21. 47-41 12-17 22. 44-40 17-22 23. 28x17 11x31 24. 36x27 06-11 25. 33-28 11-17 26. 39-33 17-22 27. 28x17 21x12 28. 33-28 12-17 29. 27-21 16x27 30. 32x12 18x07 31. 49-44 23x32 32. 38x27 19-23 33. 44-39 14-19 34. 25x14 19x10 35. 37-32 10-14 36. 43-38 13-18 37. 48-43 14-19 38. 39-33 09-13 39. 41-37 07-11 40. 33-28 15-20 41. 43-39 20-25 42. 39-34 24-30 43. 35x24 19x39 44. 28x19 13x24 45. 27-21 26x17 46. 38-33 39x28 47. 32x21 11-17 48. 21x12 08x17 49. 42-38 17-22 50. 37-32 25-30 51. 38-33 03-08 52. 32-28 22-27 53. 28-23 27-31 54. 33-29 24x33 55. 23-19 31-36 56. 19-14 36-41 57. 14-10 41-46 58. 10-04 46-05 59. 04-15 33-39 60. 40-34

White : Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago 2 Time 2.05 hr
Black : Rajesh Dipai Suriname 0 Time 2.14 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 34-29 23x32 03. 37x28 20-24 04. 29x20 15x24 05. 41-37 12-18 06. 46-41 07-12 07. 37-32 18-23 08. 41-37 01-07 09. 40-34 13-18 10. 45-40 09-13 11. 50-45 04-09 12. 34-29 23x34 13. 40x20 14x25 14. 28-22 17x28 15. 32x14 10x19 16. 37-32 05-10 17. 31-27 10-14 18. 33-28 11-17 19. 39-33 19-24 20. 43-39 14-19 21. 47-41 18-22 22. 27x18 13x22 23. 39-34 08-13 24. 44-40 24-30 25. 35x24 19x39 26. 33x44 22x33 27. 38x29 13-19 28. 44-39 12-18 29. 42-37 17-22 30. 48-43 07-12 31. 39-33 06-11 32. 32-28 11-17 33. 40-34 09-13 34. 45-40 02-08 35. 43-38 19-23 36. 28x19 13x24 37. 29x20 25x14 38. 37-32 17-21 39. 32-28 21-27 40. 28x17 12x21 41. 41-37 08-12 42. 34-29 14-19 43. 40-35 03-09 44. 35-30 09-14 45. 29-24 19-23 46. 30-25 18-22 47. 24-19 23-28 48. 19x10 28x39 49. 37-31 12-17 50. 10-05 27-32 51. 38x18 39-43 52. 49x38 17-22 53. 18x27 21x43 54. 31-26 43-49 55. 25-20 49-38 56. 20-15 38-27 57. 05-14 27-43 58. 15-10 43-39 59. 14-32

White :Rhazul Sebelon Curacao 2 Time 1.03 hr
Black : Quincy Lopez Curacao 0 Time 1.27 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 19-24 04. 39-33 20-25 05. 29x20 15x24 06. 44-39 14-20 07. 41-37 13-18 08. 37-32 10-15 09. 46-41 17-21 10. 41-37 09-13 11. 31-27 11-17 12. 50-44 06-11 13. 34-30 25x34 14. 39x19 13x24 15. 44-39 05-10 16. 28-23 18x29 17. 27-22 17x28 18. 32x34 04-09 19. 34-30 09-14 20. 30x19 14x23 21. 39-34 08-13 22. 49-44 13-19 23. 44-39 20-25 24. 34-30 25x34 25. 40x18 12x23 26. 33-29 23x34 27. 39x30 02-08 28. 38-33 08-13 29. 42-38 07-12 30. 47-42 12-18 31. 33-29 10-14 32. 43-39 19-23 33. 29-24 14-19 34. 45-40 21-27 35. 30-25 19x30 36. 35x24 11-17 37. 40-35 17-22 38. 39-34 13-19 39. 24x13 18x09 40. 37-31 16-21 41. 38-33 15-20 42. 25x14 09x20 43. 31-26



3–10 OCTOBER 2004

Ronde 6 04-10-2004

Mijail Eisden - Rajesh Dipai -
Gedion van Eiken - Devendra Dindial -
Quincy Lopez - Rodney Lion -
Rhazul Sebelon - Nicholas Ramsundar -


AW + = - Pt Klr
1 Devendra Dindial 5 3 - 2 - 0 8 1
2 Rhazul Sebelon 5 3 - 1 - 1 7 -1
3 Rajesh Dipai 5 2 - 2 - 1 6 1
Gedion van Eiken 5 2 - 2 - 1 6 1
5 Mijail Eisden 5 2 - 1 - 2 5 1
6 Rodney Lion 5 1 - 2 - 2 4 -1
7 Nicholas Ramsundar 5 0 - 3 - 2 3 -1
8 Quincy Lopez 5 0 - 1 - 4 1 -1

Wedstrijden: 20 Winstpartijen: 13 65.0%

ROUND 5 16.00 hr
8 October 2004

White : Rajesh Dipai Suriname 1 Time 2.26 hr
Black : Rhazul Sebelon Curacao 1 Time 2.07 hr

01. 33-28 18-22 02. 38-33 12-18 03. 43-38 07-12 04. 49-43 01-07 05. 31-26 18-23 06. 34-29 23x34 07. 40x29 20-25 08. 36-31 14-20 09. 41-36 20-24 10. 29x20 15x24 11. 31-27 22x31 12. 36x27 17-22 13. 27x18 12x23 14. 46-41 10-14 15. 26-21 16x27 16. 32x21 23x32 17. 37x28 05-10 18. 44-40 07-12 19. 40-34 13-18 20. 41-37 10-15 21. 21-16 11-17 22. 45-40 09-13 23. 47-41 04-09 24. 50-45 06-11 25. 16x07 02x11 26. 37-32 11-16 27. 41-37 17-22 28. 28x17 12x21 29. 33-28 18-23 30. 37-31 24-29 31. 34-30 25x34 32. 39x30 21-26 33. 40-34 26x37 34. 42x31 29x40 35. 35x44 15-20 36. 31-27 20-24 37. 30-25 08-12 38. 27-21 16x27 39. 32x21 23x32 40. 38x27 13-18 41. 21-16 12-17 42. 27-21 17x26 43. 16-11 26-31 44. 48-42 09-13 45. 11-07 18-22 46. 07-02 13-18 47. 02-16 03-08 48. 16-38 24-30 49. 25x34 19-23 50. 38-16 08-12 51. 16-27 31-36 52. 27-38 12-17 53. 44-39 14-20 54. 38x15 23-28 55. 42-37 28-32 56. 37x28 22x44

White : Rodney Lion Suriname 0 Time 1.41 hr
Black : Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago 2 Time 2.08 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 05-10 05. 46-41 14-19 06. 32-28 23x32 07. 37x28 10-14 08. 41-37 18-23 09. 38-32 12-18 10. 43-38 07-12 11. 49-43 16-21 12. 31-27 21-26 13. 34-30 20-24 14. 30-25 01-07 15. 37-31 26x37 16. 42x31 17-22 17. 28x17 11x22 18. 47-42 07-11 19. 32-28 23x21 20. 33-29 24x33 21. 39x26 19-23 22. 44-39 15-20 23. 39-33 14-19 24. 25x14 19x10 25. 50-44 11-17 26. 44-39 09-14 27. 31-27 17-22 28. 40-34 22x31 29. 36x27 12-17 30. 38-32 17-22 31. 42-38 22x31 32. 26x37 06-11 33. 32-27 11-17 34. 48-42 08-12 35. 37-31 03-08 36. 34-30 17-22 37. 45-40 14-19 38. 40-34 10-14 39. 31-26 22x31 40. 26x37 12-17 41. 37-32 17-22 42. 32-27 22x31 43. 33-28 23x32 44. 38x36 19-23 45. 42-37 08-12 46. 43-38 12-17 47. 37-32 18-22 48. 39-33 02-07 49. 36-31 07-11 50. 32-27 13-18 51. 38-32 14-19 52. 30-25 11-16 53. 25-20 17-21 54. 31-26 22x31 55. 26x17 31-36 56. 32-27 36-41 57. 34-30 41-46 58. 27-22 18x27 59. 17-12 46-41 60. 12-08 27-32 61. 20-15 32-38 62. 33x42 19-24 63. 30x28 41x02 64. 42-38 02-24

White : Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.48 hr
Black : Gedion van Eiken Curacao 1 Time 2.06 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 18-22 03. 34-29 20-24 04. 29x20 15x24 05. 37-32 11-16 06. 40-34 13-18 07. 34-29 10-15 08. 29x20 15x24 09. 39-34 05-10 10. 44-39 06-11 11. 36-31 01-06 12. 31-27 22x31 13. 26x37 18-22 14. 50-44 21-27 15. 32x21 16x27 16. 34-29 10-15 17. 29x20 15x24 18. 39-34 08-13 19. 44-40 03-08 20. 34-29 13-18 21. 29x20 14x25 22. 35-30 25x34 23. 40x29 18-23 24. 29x18 12x32 25. 37x28 08-12 26. 43-39 02-08 27. 45-40 09-14 28. 39-34 04-10 29. 40-35 12-18 30. 48-43 08-12 31. 41-37 18-23 32. 47-41 23x32 33. 37x28 27-31 34. 41-37 31-36 35. 37-32 12-18 36. 34-30 07-12 37. 30-24 19x30 38. 35x24 14-19 39. 24x13 18x09 40. 43-39 10-14 41. 39-34 22-27 42. 32x21 17x26 43. 34-30 11-17 44. 28-23 06-11 45. 30-24 11-16 46. 49-43 12-18 47. 23x21 16x27 48. 43-39 09-13 49. 39-34 13-18 50. 42-37 14-20 51. 24x15 36-41 52. 37-32 41-47 53. 32x21 26x17 54. 34-29 17-22 55. 38-32 22-27 56. 32x21 18-23 57. 29x18 47x26

White : Quincy Lopez Curacao 0 Time 1.43 hr
Black : Mijail Eisden Curacao 2 Time 1.27 hr

01. 35-30 18-23 02. 30-25 12-18 03. 34-30 07-12 04. 30-24 19x30 05. 25x34 14-19 06. 34-29 23x34 07. 40x29 10-14 08. 39-34 01-07 09. 44-39 05-10 10. 50-44 19-24 11. 32-27 14-19 12. 37-32 10-14 13. 41-37 17-22 14. 46-41 04-10 15. 45-40 19-23 16. 40-35 14-19 17. 31-26 22x31 18. 36x27 10-14 19. 41-36 11-17 20. 37-31 07-11 21. 42-37 17-22 22. 47-42 02-07 23. 26-21 11-17 24. 31-26 22x31 25. 36x27 17-22 26. 37-31 20-25 27. 29x20 15x24 28. 33-29 24x33 29. 39x17 23-29 30. 34x23 19x37 31. 38-33 37-41 32. 42-38 41-46 33. 43-39 14-19 34. 39-34 07-11 35. 34-29 11x22 36. 44-40 19-24 37. 29x20 25x14 38. 33-29 46-23 39. 40-34 23-19 40. 34-30 12-17 41. 21x23 19x25 42. 27x18 13x22



3–10 OCTOBER 2004

Ronde 7 04-10-2004

Devendra Dindial - Rhazul Sebelon -
Rajesh Dipai - Gedion van Eiken -
Rodney Lion - Mijail Eisden 2-0
Nicholas Ramsundar - Quincy Lopez 2-0


AW + = - Pt Klr
1 Devendra Dindial 6 3 - 3 - 0 9 0
2 Rajesh Dipai 6 3 - 2 - 1 8 0
3 Rhazul Sebelon 6 3 - 1 - 2 7 0
Gedion van Eiken 6 2 - 3 - 1 7 2
5 Rodney Lion 6 2 - 2 - 2 6 -2
6 Nicholas Ramsundar 6 1 - 3 - 2 5 -2
Mijail Eisden 6 2 - 1 - 3 5 2
8 Quincy Lopez 6 0 - 1 - 5 1 0

Wedstrijden: 24 Winstpartijen: 16 66.7%

ROUND 6 16.00 hr
9 October 2004

White : Mijail Eisden Curacao 0 Time 1.50 hr
Black : Rajesh Dipai Suriname 2 Time 1.54 hr

01. 33-28 18-23 02. 39-33 12-18 03. 44-39 07-12 04. 50-44 01-07 05. 31-27 20-24 06. 37-31 17-21 07. 41-37 15-20 08. 34-30 10-15 09. 31-26 24-29 10. 26x17 11x31 11. 36x27 29-34 12. 40x29 23x25 13. 46-41 05-10 14. 41-36 19-23 15. 28x19 14x23 16. 44-40 10-14 17. 37-31 25-30 18. 35x24 20x29 19. 33x24 23-28 20. 32x23 18x20 21. 38-33 14-19 22. 42-38 20-24 23. 47-42 15-20 24. 39-34 20-25 25. 49-44 12-18 26. 33-28 07-12 27. 44-39 02-07 28. 39-33 09-14 29. 27-22 18x27 30. 31x22 04-09 31. 42-37 07-11 32. 37-31 11-17 33. 22x11 06x17 34. 31-27 12-18 35. 38-32 17-21 36. 43-38 08-12 37. 48-43 12-17 38. 43-39 25-30 39. 34x25 24-29 40. 33x24 19x30 41. 25x34 18-22 42. 27x18 13x35 43. 34-29 17-22 44. 38-33 22-27 45. 29-23

White : Gedion van Eiken Curacao 1 Time 1.29 hr
Black : Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.43 hr

01. 31-26 19-23 02. 37-31 14-19 03. 34-30 10-14 04. 30-25 20-24 05. 40-34 24-29 06. 33x24 19x30 07. 35x24 14-20 08. 25x14 09x40 09. 44x35 13-19 10. 35-30 08-13 11. 30-25 02-08 12. 50-44 05-10 13. 41-37 10-14 14. 46-41 04-09 15. 31-27 15-20 16. 27-21 16x27 17. 32x21 20-24 18. 21-16 17-22 19. 37-31 11-17 20. 31-27 22x31 21. 26x37 06-11 22. 36-31 01-06 23. 31-26 14-20 24. 25x14 19x10 25. 37-32 13-19 26. 41-36 09-13 27. 39-33 10-15 28. 44-39 03-09 29. 49-44 15-20 30. 47-41 20-25 31. 42-37 24-30 32. 48-42 09-14 33. 32-27 17-21 34. 26x17 12x32 35. 38x27 11-17 36. 42-38 07-12 37. 37-32 17-22 38. 44-40 22x31 39. 36x27 30-34 40. 40x29 23x34 41. 39x30 25x34 42. 33-28 06-11 43. 16x07 12x01 44. 41-37 14-20 45. 43-39 34x43
46. 38x49 20-24 47. 49-44 24-30 48. 44-39 19-23 49. 28x19 13x24 50. 45-40 18-23 51. 40-34 30-35 52. 34-30 24-29 53. 30-25 35-40 54. 25-20 40-45 55. 39-33 29x38 56. 32x43 45-50 57. 20-14 50-28 58. 14-09 28x46 59. 09-03 08-13 60. 03-12

White : Quincy Lopez Curacao 0 Time 0.26 hr
Black : Rodney Lion Suriname 2 Time 0.19 hr

01. 35-30 20-25 02. 31-26 14-20 03. 40-35 09-14 04. 45-40 04-09 05. 50-45 19-23 06. 33-28 14-19 07. 39-33 20-24 08. 34-29 23x34 09. 40x20 25x14 10. 30-25 19-24 11. 44-39 24-29 12. 33x24 17-21 13. 26x17 11x44 14. 49x40 14-20 15. 25x14 09x29 16. 32-28 18-23 17. 28x19 13x24 18. 43-39 08-13 19. 40-34 29x40 20. 45x34 02-08 21. 39-33 12-18 22. 37-32 07-12 23. 41-37 10-14 24. 33-29 24x33 25. 38x29 14-19 26. 32-27 19-24 27. 29x20 15x24 28. 37-31 24-29 29. 34x23 18x29 30. 35-30 13-19 31. 48-43 08-13 32. 27-21 16x27 33. 31x22 06-11 34. 36-31 12-17 35. 31-26 17x28 36. 42-38 03-08 37. 46-41 19-24 38. 30x19 13x24 39. 41-37 29-34 40. 47-42 24-29 41. 38-32 28-33 42. 43-38 33-39 43. 32-28 39-44 44. 37-32 44-50

White : Rhazul Sebelon Curacao 0 Time 1.27 hr
Black : Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad & Tobago 2 Time 1.23 hr

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 33-29 20-25 03. 39-33 21-26 04. 37-32 26x37 05. 42x31 14-20 06. 29-23 18x29 07. 34x14 10x19 08. 41-37 05-10 09. 44-39 10-14 10. 47-42 12-18 11. 49-44 07-12 12. 39-34 01-07 13. 44-39 17-22 14. 28x17 11x22 15. 50-44 07-11 16. 31-26 02-07 17. 37-31 12-17 18. 46-41 04-10 19. 41-37 19-23 20. 32-27 14-19 21. 37-32 10-14 22. 33-28 22x33 23. 39x28 07-12 24. 44-39 20-24 25. 39-33 14-20 26. 27-21 17-22 27. 28x17 11x22 28. 33-28 22x33 29. 38x29 24x33 30. 34-30 25x34 31. 40x38 12-17 32. 21x12 18x07 33. 43-39 20-24 34. 31-27 15-20 35. 27-22 20-25 36. 48-43 08-12 37. 36-31 03-08 38. 26-21



3–10 OCTOBER 2004

ROUND 7 13.00 hr
10 October 2004

White : Devendra Dindial Trinidad & Tobago 1 Time 1.14 hr
Black : Rhazul Sebelon Curacao 1 Time 1.44 hr

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 37-32 21-26 03. 41-37 16-21 04. 31-27 11-16 05. 27-22 18x27 06. 28-23 19x28 07. 33x31 12-18 08. 32-28 18-22 09. 28x17 21x12 10. 39-33 14-19 11. 44-39 10-14 12. 50-44 07-11 13. 38-32 11-17 14. 42-38 05-10 15. 47-42 12-18 16. 34-30 19-24 17. 30x19 14x23 18. 35-30 17-21 19. 30-25 10-14 20. 33-28 13-19 21. 31-27 09-13 22. 39-33 04-09 23. 43-39 20-24 24. 40-34 06-11 25. 49-43 01-06 26. 44-40 14-20 27. 25x14 09x20 28. 34-29 23x34 29. 40x29 20-25 30. 29x20 15x24 31. 27-22 18x27 32. 28-23 19x28 33. 33x31 13-18 34. 32-28 18-22 35. 28x17 11x22 36. 39-33 08-13 37. 33-28 22x33 38. 38x20 25x14 39. 46-41 13-18 40. 31-27 21x32 41. 37x28 16-21 42. 41-37 18-22 43. 28x17 21x12 44. 36-31 12-18 45. 31-27 14-19 46. 42-38 06-11 47. 38-33 03-09 48. 43-38 02-08 49. 38-32 19-24 50. 48-43 08-13 51. 33-28 13-19 52. 45-40 18-23 53. 40-35 09-14 54. 43-39 14-20 55. 28-22 24-29 56. 39-33 29x38 57. 32x43 20-24 58. 43-39 24-29 59. 37-32 19-24 60. 39-33 29x38 61. 32x43 24-29 62. 35-30 11-16 63. 22-17 16-21 64. 27x16 26-31 65. 17-12 31-37 66. 12-07 37-41 67. 07-01 23-28 68. 01x40 28-32 69. 40-29 41-46 70. 30-25 46-37 71. 29-47 37-26 72. 16-11 26-48

White : Rajesh Dipai Suriname 1 Time 2.01 hr
Black : Gedion van Eiken Curacao 1 Time 1.53 hr

01. 33-28 17-21 02. 39-33 21-26 03. 44-39 16-21 04. 31-27 11-16 05. 50-44 19-23 06. 28x19 14x23 07. 34-29 23x34 08. 40x29 10-14 09. 33-28 07-11 10. 37-31 26x37 11. 42x31 14-19 12. 39-33 19-23 13. 28x19 13x24 14. 47-42 09-13 15. 44-39 04-09 16. 41-37 01-07 17. 27-22 18x27 18. 31x22 12-18 19. 37-31 18x27 20. 31x22 07-12 21. 42-37 12-18 22. 37-31 18x27 23. 31x22 11-17 24. 22x11 16x07 25. 32-27 21x32 26. 38x27 13-18 27. 46-41 08-13 28. 36-31 03-08 29. 43-38 07-12 30. 41-37 02-07 31. 49-43 05-10 32. 37-32 10-14 33. 31-26 14-19 34. 27-21 06-11 35. 21-16 18-23 36. 29x18 12x23 37. 32-27 11-17 38. 27-22 17x28 39. 33x22 09-14 40. 48-42 24-30 41. 35x24 20x29 42. 26-21 08-12 43. 22-17 23-28 44. 17x08 13x02 45. 21-17 02-08 46. 39-34 29x40 47. 45x34 19-24 48. 34-29 24x33 49. 38x29 28-32 50. 43-39 14-19

White : Rodney Lion Suriname 2 Time 0.26 hr
Black : Mijail Eisden Curacao 0 Time 1.21 hr

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 20-24 04. 29x20 15x24 05. 39-33 12-18 06. 41-37 07-12 07. 46-41 01-07 08. 37-32 10-15 09. 41-37 05-10 10. 44-39 15-20 11. 34-30 10-15 12. 30-25 18-23 13. 50-44 17-21 14. 31-27 12-18 15. 40-34 07-12 16. 34-30 24-29 17. 33x24 20x29 18. 37-31 21-26 19. 42-37 12-17 20. 38-33 29x38 21. 30-24 19x30 22. 28x10 09-14 23. 25x34 14x05 24. 27-21 38x27 25. 21x23 08-12 26. 31x22 12-17 27. 23-18 17x28 28. 18x09 04x13 29. 43-38 13-18 30. 34-29 05-10 31. 38-32 18-22 32. 32x23 11-17 33. 39-33 17-21 34. 44-39 10-14 35. 35-30 22-27 36. 37-32 27x38 37. 33x42 06-11 38. 39-33 11-17 39. 30-24 17-22 40. 33-28 22x33 41. 29x38 02-08 42. 38-33 08-13 43. 33-29 21-27 44. 47-41 03-08 45. 45-40 08-12 46. 40-34

White : Nicholas Ramsundar Trinidad & Tobago 2 Time 0.19 hr
Black : Quincy Lopez Curacao 0 Time 0.36 hr

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 17-22 04. 41-37 09-14 05. 31-26 20-25 06. 34-29 23x34 07. 39x30 25x34 08. 40x29 14-19 09. 29-24 19x30 10. 35x24 13-19 11. 24x13 18x09 12. 46-41 09-13 13. 44-39 13-18 14. 37-31 08-13 15. 41-37 10-14 16. 50-44 11-17 17. 32-27 04-09 18. 33-29 02-08 19. 37-32 14-19 20. 32-28 22x24 21. 27-21 16x27 22. 31x02 12-17 23. 44-40 18-23 24. 39-33 15-20 25. 33-29 23x34 26. 40x29 24x33 27. 38x29 09-14 28. 02-16 17-22 29. 16-38 13-18 30. 42-37 22-28


AW Pt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Devendra Dindial 7 - 10 • 2 1 2 1 1 2 1
2 Rajesh Dipai 7 - 9 0 • 1 1 1 2 2 2
3 Rhazul Sebelon 7 - 8 1 1 • 2 2 0 0 2
Rodney Lion 7 - 8 0 1 0 • 1 2 2 2
Gedion van Eiken 7 - 8 1 1 0 1 • 1 2 2
6 Nicholas Ramsundar 7 - 7 1 0 2 0 1 • 1 2
7 Mijail Eisden 7 - 5 0 0 2 0 0 1 • 2
8 Quincy Lopez 7 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 •

Wedstrijden: 28 Winstpartijen: 18 64.3%

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Oct 11, 2004 18:17


1st round


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2nd round


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Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Oct 11, 2004 18:32

3rd Round

J.M N'DJOFANG - A. ALEXANDRE : 2-0 (Timer)

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Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Oct 11, 2004 18:42

4th round

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Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Oct 11, 2004 18:47

5th round


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Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Oct 11, 2004 18:53

6th round


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Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Oct 11, 2004 18:59

7th round


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