'Summer with draughts' toernooi in Polen

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Eric van Dusseldorp
Posts: 4245
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2003 22:11

'Summer with draughts' toernooi in Polen

Post by Eric van Dusseldorp » Sat Jul 30, 2005 17:41

Ontvangen van J. Pawlicki

Å’wiecie 2005


I. Tournament will take place in Œwiecie at 6 Koœciuszki St. (about 500m from bus station) from August the 18th to August the 21st, 2005. Competitors have to arrive on August the 18th in the afternoon. Supper will be served at 6.00p.m. The obligatory technical briefing of team managers will be at 7.30p.m. The first round begins at 8.00p.m.

II. Costs of participation
Entrance fee: 50 PLN. (1 euro = apr. 4,1 PLN)
Hospitality costs: 130 PLN for quartered in boarding-school person;
180 PLN for quartered in hotel person.

III. Application
Written applications should be sent up to August the 10th, 2005 on the following address:
Stanis³aw Go³uñski
¯wirki i Wigury 17/5
86-100 Å’wiecie
phone - +48 52/ 33 14 052

Telephone or e-mail applications are also available:
Leszek Napiontek
phone - 0601-06-11-36
e-mail; leszek.napiontek@pekaoleasing.com.pl

IV. System of tournament
Tournament will be played in 9 round swiss system with 90 minutes time for player. The tournament will be played according to principles of checkered codex. Possible changes consequential from smaller than it was foreseen competitors’ number be become tolked over on technical briefing.

V. Awards:

1st place 1000 PLN
2nd place - 500 PLN
3rd place - 200 PLN,- polish zloty)
4th to 6th place - thing awards
Moreover thing awards to the first three women and surprise awards will be given.

VI. Final remarks
The organizers reserve themselves the right to final interpretation of regulations

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