Damage has several operating modes which can be changed via de "enginemode X" command
see below list of options:
Code: Select all
#define ENGINE_MODE_NORMAL 0 ; Normal mode
#define ENGINE_MODE_ANALYSIS 1 ; Analysis mode, Damage starts first with the move played
#define ENGINE_MODE_GAME 2 ; Damage plays a game against ...... Damage
#define ENGINE_MODE_MATCH 3 ; DXP Match
#define ENGINE_MODE_LEARN 4 ; Learn Mode (for the time being not fully implemented)
#define ENGINE_MODE_BOOK_UPDATE 5 ; Update or Generate DOE Book
#define ENGINE_MODE_GEN_ENDGAMEDATABASE 6 ; Update or Generate Endgame Databases
#define ENGINE_MODE_INFINITE_ANALYSIS 7 ; Infinite Analysis, with scores for ALL Moves
#define ENGINE_MODE_FEN 8 ; Damage processes a FEN input file and generates a result file
The mode is visualized through a LED in the Engine Window (see below picture).
The FEN Mode was implemented recently (this week) to enable the "further" analysis of a DQL.fen file (generated trough the Damage GUI DQL parser).
An example of such an analysis file is attached to this post.
Every FEN position was analyzed by applying a 16-ply search. An output example is depicted below:
Code: Select all
1.87 FEN:1 1.59 16.06 -0.10 17-21
3.31 FEN:2 1.17 16.10 0.18 42-38
4.07 FEN:3 0.50 16.01 2.56 27-21 *>
5.15 FEN:4 0.80 16.11 0.04 18-22
6.43 FEN:5 1.01 16.00 0.10 18x9
8.95 FEN:6 2.26 16.11 -0.02 42-38
9.91 FEN:7 0.69 16.00 1.48 21-16 *>
10.92 FEN:8 0.73 16.04 -0.14 17-22
12.09 FEN:9 0.89 16.01 -0.08 9-14
15.44 FEN:10 3.07 16.06 2.50 27-22 *>
21.22 FEN:11 5.51 16.07 0.20 5-10
22.51 FEN:12 1.01 16.03 0.60 48-42
32.04 FEN:13 9.25 16.10 0.40 37-32
32.90 FEN:14 0.58 16.03 -0.12 14-19
33.56 FEN:15 0.37 16.07 -1.86 14-19 *<
The first number is the total time (in seconds) so far, followed by the FEN identification, time (in seconds) for this specific FEN, ply and best move index, move score ( from the perspective of white, 1.00 is the value of 1 man), best move, and indication ( "*>" or "*<") if the score exceeds the positive ( > 1.0 ) or negative ( < -1.0) threshold.
The "*>" or "*<" indicate a positive score > 1.0 ( *>) or a negative score < -1.0 for white ( *<).
Below the position (with the base pattern) from FEN:15 ( as the file is not self-explaining, I should add as a comment also the info from the DQL.fen file).
Black to move attacks the outpost on 24 via 14-19.
Basically the best move is 27-21 losing the outpost, but white tried to defend the piece via 40-35.
Black follows with 19x30 35x24 22-28 (!) 33x22 16-21 27x16 18x27 32x21 26x17 29x18 20x49.
In the attached file 605 patterns were found with a search score (after 16 ply) > 1.0 and 310 with a score < -1.0