Hi Catherine,Catherine wrote: Hi Taille,
By "max EGDB" i mean the maximum EGDB that can be built. And we know that if an engine own the biggest egdb and the eval function wich will have the goal to force complicated positions to force opponent to make mistake will be the best.
By "optimals egdb moves" i mean to reach the egdb, engines used to play the best moves to reach or the win or the draw inside the EGDB.
Just an example to resume all, i suppose that you have 2 engine A and B with the same eval function like SMP, BTW... Engine A has the 10 egdb and B has the 6 EGDB, the number of draws, even with this difference will be high.
Now if adding to the 10 egdb, engine A use this new eval function, it will win several games.
This it's what i tried to say.
Basically I agree with you but I am still studying a completly different approach in order to try and provoque mistakes.