Is it possible

Discussion about development of draughts in the time of computer and Internet.
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Krzysztof Grzelak
Posts: 1368
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Is it possible

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:59

Is it possible to connect two computers with each other so that the draughts program can use two processors and RAM memory. Let's imagine a situation where I play a game of draughts with a human and I would like the program to play with maximum force.

Krzysztof Grzelak
Posts: 1368
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Re: Is it possible

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Sun Jul 26, 2020 13:35

Will there ever be a program that supports something like this - that is the question (Hamlet).

Joost Buijs
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Re: Is it possible

Post by Joost Buijs » Mon Jul 27, 2020 16:31

Krzysztof Grzelak wrote:
Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:59
Is it possible to connect two computers with each other so that the draughts program can use two processors and RAM memory. Let's imagine a situation where I play a game of draughts with a human and I would like the program to play with maximum force.
You need a draughts program with a distributed search, technically not very difficult to achieve, but I doubt it will play much stronger. For chess this works because each doubling in speed gives you an additional 60 Elo or so, for draughts it hardly seems to do anything.

During the corona lock-down I've been running tests between a single and a 32 core version of my draughts program, the 32 core version looks on average 5 to 10 plies deeper, but the Elo difference is negligible, 9 Elo at most, this is not something to write home about.

I expect most humans to lose from the current crop of draughts programs, if not all, but maybe I'm mistaken, I don't know anything about draughts, so I'm just guessing.

Krzysztof Grzelak
Posts: 1368
Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2013 17:16
Real name: Krzysztof Grzelak

Re: Is it possible

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:55

I understand and thank you for your answer Joost.

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