After two rounds the new GAYP World Champion , GM Sergio Scarpetta (Italy) is already leading a point ahed of GM Lubabalo Kondlo (South Adfrica). Former World Champions GM Alex Moiseyev (USA) is only at 50 percent, and the legendary former World Champion Ron King (Barbados) is on minus one!
It looks as if this tournament confirms the impression that the decade of dominance by Moieyev and King might be over and a new generation is going to take over. But it is still six rounds and 12 games to go, so anything is still possible.
In the Women's defending Champion Nadiya Chyzevska (Ukraine) showed that she did not come to lose her title. he crushed debutant Kate Meers (Trinidad) by 4-0 and leads ahead of Vitalia Doumesh (Netherlands), who recently became Women’s World Champion in Turkish Draughts....
http://procheckers.com/wqt/tournament_t ... laces.html (Men)
http://procheckers.com/wqtw/cross_table ... ces&2.html (Women)
http://www.federdama.it/cms/elenco-degl ... tournament
http://www.usacheckers.com/forum/viewto ... 3&start=15
Live Games:
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/checkers- ... -qualifier
World Champion Michele Borghetti (Italy) in the meantime bounces back from his average performance at the Italian Draughts 100 Championships.
He leads the prestigious National Championship in their national Italian Draughts Style ahead of Youngster Alessio Scaggiante and defending Champion Mario Fero: