( Received from P. Hildering, in attachment the original version )
Dear participants of the PWCE and others interested in draughts composition,
Herewith we inform you about what has been discussed and decided concerning the CPI and in particular regarding the PWCE in the meeting of the Executive Board of the FMJD at September 9 and 10 in Bovec Slovenia during the European Championship. We also inform you about the completion of the PWCE.
The FMJD is in the process of improving the internal organization and the relation with sports organizations like the IOC and with governments. This is one of the reasons why the FMJD requires members of the Board, of FMJD Committees and jury members of official FMJD contests that cooperate and support the policy of the FMJD.
The differences of opinion with the CPI member Mr. Kaciuska are such that the Executive Board (CD) decided to discharge Mr. Kaciuska as CPI member.
Mr. Kaciuska also did not support the President of the CPI and later the Executive Vice President of the FMJD in particular when the jury member Mr. Shkludov acted in an unacceptable way and frustrated the process of cooperation inside the jury, with the contact Mr. Céron and with the CPI /FMJD.
By own initiative, independent of the FMJD, the Belarus draughts composers committee excluded Mr. Shkludov as member of this Belarus committee. Mr. Shkludov is obviously for Belarus and for the FMJD unacceptable as member of the CPI.
Finally and regrettably the decision had to be taken to discharge the jury members Mr. Shkludov and Mr. Mackevicius as jury members of the PWCE. Mr. Mackevicius did not nearly act in a so much an unacceptable way as Mr. Shkludov, but also refused to cooperate properly even after several attempts by the contact, by the President of the CPI and by the Executive Vice President of the FMJD to show the way how to reach an acceptable situation.
With only one jury member left the situation was so exceptional that the RI /RIE could not give a solution and because of the internal differences of opinion in the CPI, the FMJD, that has the final responsibility for all the FMJD World Championships, had to take the decisions how to proceed with the PWCE.
The remaining jury member Mr. de Bruijn studied the remarks received by Mr. Céron after the date of publication of the preliminary result. Mr. de Bruijn concluded that the remarks did not give sufficient reason to change the score of any end game as included in the preliminary result (résultat provisoire).
Compared with the provisional result two more end games have been excluded (because of full resemblance and of publication of the initial position against the rules on Internet).
A logical thing to do seemed to only take the scores of Mr. de Bruin as final result. However, the FMJD wants to get a final result of the PWCE in such a way that it would bring the right World Champion and would be acceptable for the other participants as well. The remaining jury member Mr. de Bruijn and the contact Mr. Céron were consulted. This resulted in the unanimous proposal for the CD that was the basis for the decision of the CD presented below.
The CD decided that the final result of the first Personal World Championship for end game composition (PWCE) must be calculated by the contact of the PWCE as follows:
The final result of the PWCE will be based upon the final scores of Mr. de Bruijn and the scores of Mr. Shkludov and Mr. Mackevicius as included in the provisional result when they were still jury members. The five end games where the elimination was under discussion will be accepted and the result will be calculated by the contact as follows:
When two members of the jury accept the end game and this acceptance is not against the RIE, the result of the third score will be the average of the two jury members.
When only one jury member accepts the end game and this acceptance is not against the RIE, both other scores will be half of the score of the one jury member that accepted the end game.
Mr. Céron will calculate the final scores and the final result will be published shortly.
Remarks about details concerning the final result can be sent as usual to the contact Mr. Céron.
However, the FMJD is convinced that given the circumstances an acceptable solution is found and the decision of the CD is not subject to discussion.
Pieter Hildering
Executive Vice President of the F
Dear participants of the PWCE
- Posts: 2131
- Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
- Real name: Alexander Presman
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Dear participants of the PWCE
- Attachments
- the_PWCE.pdf
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Dear, Jacques!
Unfortunately at misters Bus and Hilderink was not boldness to recognize the mistakes.
It is sad, as I begin termless boycott CPI with this moment.
However term is is a full resignation of these misters from CPI and FMJD.
And, alas, I am compelled in this connection to declare that I forbid to use for summarizing PWCE, earlier me the exposed estimations.
I repeat once again: you, neither Bus, nor Hilderink have no right to use my estimations for summarizing PWCE.
In case you all will ignore my requirement, I shall be compelled to declare a juggling of results PWCE. Also I shall defend the rights in court.
For today PWCE it is possible to consider as the broken competition. Broken on fault of misters Bus and Hilderink. And conversation now can go only about probable results PWCE what could be before misters Bus and Hilderink have made the largest in them æèíè a mistake.
Yours faithfully, Petr Shkludov.
Óâàæàåìûé, Jacques!
Ê ñîæàëåíèþ ó ãîñïîä Bus è Hilderink íå íàøëîñü ñìåëîñòü ïðèçíàòü ñâîè îøèáêè.
Ýòî ïå÷àëüíî, òàê êàê ñ ýòîãî ìîìåíòà ÿ íà÷èíàþ áåññðî÷íûé áîéêîò CPI.
Âïðî÷åì ñðîê åñòü - ýòî ïîëíàÿ îòñòàâêà ýòèõ ãîñïîä èç CPI è FMJD.
È, óâû, ÿ âûíóæäåí â ñâÿçè ñ ýòèì çàÿâèòü î òîì, ÷òî çàïðåùàþ èñïîëüçîâàòü äëÿ ïîäâåäåíèÿ èòîãîâ PWCE, ðàíåå ìíîé âûñòàâëåííûå îöåíêè.
Ïîâòîðÿþ åùå ðàç: íè Âû, íè Bus, íè Hilderink íå èìååòå ïðàâà èñïîëüçîâàòü ìîè îöåíêè äëÿ ïîäâåäåíèÿ èòîãîâ PWCE.
 ñëó÷àå, åñëè Âû âñ¸ æå ïðîèãíîðèðóåòå ìîå òðåáîâàíèå, ÿ áóäó âûíóæäåí çàÿâèòü î ïîäòàñîâêå èòîãîâ PWCE. È áóäó îòñòàèâàòü ñâîè ïðàâà â ñóäå.
Íà ñåãîäíÿ PWCE ìîæíî ñ÷èòàòü ñîðâàííûì ñîðåâíîâàíèåì. Ñîðâàííûì ïî âèíå ãîñïîä Bus è Hilderink. È ðàçãîâîð òåïåðü ìîæåò èäòè òîëüêî î âåðîÿòíûõ èòîãàõ PWCE, êàêèå ìîãëè áûòü, äî òîãî êàê ãîñïîäà Bus è Hilderink ñîâåðøèëè ñàìóþ êðóïíóþ â èõ æèíè îøèáêó.
Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Petr Shkludov.
Unfortunately at misters Bus and Hilderink was not boldness to recognize the mistakes.
It is sad, as I begin termless boycott CPI with this moment.
However term is is a full resignation of these misters from CPI and FMJD.
And, alas, I am compelled in this connection to declare that I forbid to use for summarizing PWCE, earlier me the exposed estimations.
I repeat once again: you, neither Bus, nor Hilderink have no right to use my estimations for summarizing PWCE.
In case you all will ignore my requirement, I shall be compelled to declare a juggling of results PWCE. Also I shall defend the rights in court.
For today PWCE it is possible to consider as the broken competition. Broken on fault of misters Bus and Hilderink. And conversation now can go only about probable results PWCE what could be before misters Bus and Hilderink have made the largest in them æèíè a mistake.
Yours faithfully, Petr Shkludov.
Óâàæàåìûé, Jacques!
Ê ñîæàëåíèþ ó ãîñïîä Bus è Hilderink íå íàøëîñü ñìåëîñòü ïðèçíàòü ñâîè îøèáêè.
Ýòî ïå÷àëüíî, òàê êàê ñ ýòîãî ìîìåíòà ÿ íà÷èíàþ áåññðî÷íûé áîéêîò CPI.
Âïðî÷åì ñðîê åñòü - ýòî ïîëíàÿ îòñòàâêà ýòèõ ãîñïîä èç CPI è FMJD.
È, óâû, ÿ âûíóæäåí â ñâÿçè ñ ýòèì çàÿâèòü î òîì, ÷òî çàïðåùàþ èñïîëüçîâàòü äëÿ ïîäâåäåíèÿ èòîãîâ PWCE, ðàíåå ìíîé âûñòàâëåííûå îöåíêè.
Ïîâòîðÿþ åùå ðàç: íè Âû, íè Bus, íè Hilderink íå èìååòå ïðàâà èñïîëüçîâàòü ìîè îöåíêè äëÿ ïîäâåäåíèÿ èòîãîâ PWCE.
 ñëó÷àå, åñëè Âû âñ¸ æå ïðîèãíîðèðóåòå ìîå òðåáîâàíèå, ÿ áóäó âûíóæäåí çàÿâèòü î ïîäòàñîâêå èòîãîâ PWCE. È áóäó îòñòàèâàòü ñâîè ïðàâà â ñóäå.
Íà ñåãîäíÿ PWCE ìîæíî ñ÷èòàòü ñîðâàííûì ñîðåâíîâàíèåì. Ñîðâàííûì ïî âèíå ãîñïîä Bus è Hilderink. È ðàçãîâîð òåïåðü ìîæåò èäòè òîëüêî î âåðîÿòíûõ èòîãàõ PWCE, êàêèå ìîãëè áûòü, äî òîãî êàê ãîñïîäà Bus è Hilderink ñîâåðøèëè ñàìóþ êðóïíóþ â èõ æèíè îøèáêó.
Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Petr Shkludov.
Those who read Mr. Shkludov on http://shashki.com are well aware of his style, of throwing insults, mindless accusations, stubbornness and hostility.Mr. Hildering wrote:the jury member Mr. Shkludov acted in an unacceptable way and frustrated the process of cooperation inside the jury, with the contact Mr. Céron and with the CPI /FMJD.
Apparently he is a very good judge of compositions, tireless and knowledgable. At the same time he wants to inflict on others his own vision of the rules and procedures - and he is doing this in his own scandalous way.
Mr. Hildering quotes FMJD rule that "participants have the benefit of the doubt". That means that no single judge prevails - all must agree. The tournament is for the participants and not for judges to star. But Mr. Shkludov insists and persists that only his judgement should prevail and he would rather let the tournament perish than to comply.
I've read Mr. Hildering's appeals to Mr. Shkludov to come back and finish the job, not to let the participants down. I also read Mr. Shkludov's replies, most of it insinuations, insults and demands for others to step down. This is not productive and I am glad to read that Belorussia on its own recalled Mr. Shkludov and offered another person instead.
Last edited by Symix on Thu Sep 21, 2006 05:54, edited 1 time in total.
Dear sirs!
To some people pursuing the own purposes in management CPI and FMJD, and as to their "defenders", a bone in a throat true!
They consider what to offend the person, to defame its conjectures, especially if it is done êó÷êîé, instead of on the single is a top of advantage.
It is a shame to me for CPI, FMJD, CD FMJD which for today are puppets in hands of dishonest functionaries.
It is a shame to me for Symix which has no own opinion, and it is ready " for the company " to tramble down the truth and ëãàòü ?
Misters, study to distinguish the truth and lie.
Yours faithfully, Petr Shkludov.
Óâàæàåìûå ãîñïîäà!
Íåêîòîðûì ëþäÿì, ïðåñëåäóþùèì ñâîè ñîáñòâåííûå öåëè â ðóêîâîäñòâå CPI è FMJD, à òàê æå èõ «çàùèòíèêàì», êîñòüþ â ãîðëå èñòèíà!
Îíè ñ÷èòàþò, ÷òî îñêîðáèòü ÷åëîâåêà, âòîïòàòü åãî â ãðÿçü äîìûñëîâ, îñîáåííî åñëè ýòî äåëàåòñÿ êó÷êîé, à íå ïî îäèíî÷êå – ýòî âåðõ äîñòîèíñòâà.
Ìíå ñòûäíî çà CPI, FMJD, CD FMJD êîòîðûå íà ñåãîäíÿ ÿâëÿþòñÿ ìàðèîíåòêàìè â ðóêàõ íå÷åñòíûõ ñâîèõ ôóíêöèîíåðîâ.
Ìíå ñòûäíî çà Symix, êîòîðûé íå èìååò ñîáñòâåííîãî ìíåíèÿ, è ãîòîâ «çà êîìïàíèþ» òîïòàòü ïðàâäó è ëãàòü…
Ãîñïîäà, ó÷èòåñü ðàçëè÷àòü ïðàâäó è ëîæü.
Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Petr Shkludov.
To some people pursuing the own purposes in management CPI and FMJD, and as to their "defenders", a bone in a throat true!
They consider what to offend the person, to defame its conjectures, especially if it is done êó÷êîé, instead of on the single is a top of advantage.
It is a shame to me for CPI, FMJD, CD FMJD which for today are puppets in hands of dishonest functionaries.
It is a shame to me for Symix which has no own opinion, and it is ready " for the company " to tramble down the truth and ëãàòü ?
Misters, study to distinguish the truth and lie.
Yours faithfully, Petr Shkludov.
Óâàæàåìûå ãîñïîäà!
Íåêîòîðûì ëþäÿì, ïðåñëåäóþùèì ñâîè ñîáñòâåííûå öåëè â ðóêîâîäñòâå CPI è FMJD, à òàê æå èõ «çàùèòíèêàì», êîñòüþ â ãîðëå èñòèíà!
Îíè ñ÷èòàþò, ÷òî îñêîðáèòü ÷åëîâåêà, âòîïòàòü åãî â ãðÿçü äîìûñëîâ, îñîáåííî åñëè ýòî äåëàåòñÿ êó÷êîé, à íå ïî îäèíî÷êå – ýòî âåðõ äîñòîèíñòâà.
Ìíå ñòûäíî çà CPI, FMJD, CD FMJD êîòîðûå íà ñåãîäíÿ ÿâëÿþòñÿ ìàðèîíåòêàìè â ðóêàõ íå÷åñòíûõ ñâîèõ ôóíêöèîíåðîâ.
Ìíå ñòûäíî çà Symix, êîòîðûé íå èìååò ñîáñòâåííîãî ìíåíèÿ, è ãîòîâ «çà êîìïàíèþ» òîïòàòü ïðàâäó è ëãàòü…
Ãîñïîäà, ó÷èòåñü ðàçëè÷àòü ïðàâäó è ëîæü.
Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Petr Shkludov.