Compositions at 100-cell board by Andrew Fomin

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Posts: 487
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

7-th USSR championship on drafts composition , 1991 ,section:"problems-100"

Post by FOMIN » Sat Nov 30, 2024 08:54

G Andreev: total points 69.5, 8th place

G Andreev, 7 points
1.36-31 27x47 2.24-20 47x24 3.20x09 04x13 4.15-10 05x14 5.43-39 34x43 6.49x29 40x49 7.50-44 49x40 8.46-41 37x46 9.29-24 46x30 10.25x45 x
image_handler (67).png
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G. Andreev, 5.5 points
1.17-11 26x48 2.11x02 48x30 3.25x34 03-09 4.14x03 05-10 5.15x04 23-29 6.04x07 29x49 7.03x12 01-06
[ 7...49-16 8.02-35 16x02 9.12-08 x ]
8.12-17 06-11 9.07x16 49-35 10.17-44 35x49 11.02-35 x 1-0
G. Andreev, 6 points {It is necessary to clarify the arrangement of the checkers and the solution.}
1.49-44 28x50 2.22-18 13x22 3.48-42 37x48 4.26x17 50x11 5.16x07 01x12 6.46-41 36x47 7.06-01 47x20 8.25x05 35x24 9.01x03= draw
The most likely version is this: the base holder missed the black checker, which in the author's original was on the cell "3"! (Comment from the author of the post)
And in this case the position has solution , but with an inaccurate ending: 9. 01x29x20 48x14 10.05x19x02 x
G.Andreev (5, 5 points)
1.40-34 14x21 2.34x05 04-09 3.13x04 31-36 4.04x31 36x47 5.38-33 47x29 6.31-26 29-07 7.26x35 07x16 8.05-32 16x40 9.35x44 x 1-0
G. Andreev (0 points)
1.32-28 40x38 2.39-33 38x18 3.46-41 14x32 4.37x28 26x46 5.30-24 46x30 6.35x02  x
G. Andreev (6 points)
1.41-36 29x09 2.36-31 35x13 3.31x02 32-37(base holder incorrectly indicated the move (38) with inaccurate  play4.26x19 37x48  47x08 5.19-13 47x08 6.02x04 x 1-0

Akulich Alexey Borisovich
Total points 69, 9th place.

A. Akulich (6, 5 points)
1.25-20 15x33 2.39x08 30x50 3.48-42 26x17 4.46-41 36x38 5.08-02 35x44 6.02x06 x 1-0
A. Akulich (6 points)
1.37-32 28x48 2.47-42 36x38 3.16-11 48x23 4.11x04 22x31 5.04x37 23x41 6.46x37 x 1-0
A. Akulich (5.5 points)
1.27-21 16x18 2.39-34 30x28 3.47-41 15x33 4.41x01 18-22 5.01-40 35x44 6.50x17 x 1-0
A. Akulich (0 points)
1.23-19 14x32 2.25-20 15x33 3.39x06 30x50 4.49-43 38x49 5.41-37 35x44 6.06-01 12x23 7.01x21 16x27 8.37-32 27x38 9.48-43 38-42 10.47x38 x 1-0
A. Akulich (5 points)
1.47-41 36x47 2.28-23 47x50 3.23x03 35x44 4.03x01 24x35 5.01-06 16-21 6.37-32 35-40 7.45x34 50-45 8.06-17 45x41 9.46x37 21x12 10.37-32 12-17 11.32-27 x 1-0
A. Akulich (0 points)
1.30-24 19x30 2.48-43 37x48 3.26-21 17x37 4.38-32 37x19 5.50-44 40x38 6.16-11 48x23 7.11x04 22x31 8.04x19 x 1-0

Bakumets  Alexander Dzhabrailovich
Total points 72, 7th place

A. Bakumets (8.5 points)
1.42-37 31x33 2.48-42 39x37 3.12-07 02x22 4.13x02 22x24 5.02x09 28x10 6.25x05 03x14 7.05x40 35x44 8.50x37 x 1-0
A. Bakumets (0 points)
1.26-21 16x27 2.48-43 37x48 3.47-42 48x37 4.34-30 25x34 5.29x40 20x49 6.46-41 45x43 7.41x01 49x18 8.01x20 15x24 9.28x06 24-29 10.06-01 29-33 11.01-40 35x44 12.50x28  Х
A. Bakumets ( 0 points)
[ 1.41-37 32x41 2.23x43 14x12 3.39x08 30x50 4.25x03+ - ]
1...38x49 2.41-37 32x41 3.23x32 14x12 4.39x08 30x50 5.25x03 27x38 6.46x37 16x27 7.03-09 49x35 8.08-02 35x08 9.02x47 04x13 10.37-32 27x38 11.47x06 x 1-0
A. Bakumets ( 8 points)
1.33-29 17x06 2.29-24 20x29 3.25-20 14x25 4.47-41 36x47 5.31-26 47x33 6.26x28 27x49 7.30-24 23x41 8.34x05 45x43 9.05x46 49x19 10.48x28 19x32 11.46x02 x 1-0
A. Bakumets (8 points)
1.32-27 21x23 2.37-32 36x47 3.49-44 40x49 4.32-28 23x32 5.38x27 49x21 6.50-44 47x29 7.44-40 34x43 8.25x01 45x34 9.48x19 14x23 10.01x11 16x07 11.26x17 x 1-0
A. Bakumets (0 points)
1.18-12 39x46 2.12x03 09x18 3.20x09 04x13 4.19x08 46x30 5.15x04 02x13 6.49-43 40x38 7.29-23 18x29 8.04x40 35x44 9.27-21 26x17 10.03x02 x 1-0
Derevetsky V.A., total points 55.5, 12th place.

V. Derevetsky (8 points)
1.46-41 36x47 2.20-15 47x49 3.15x04 25x43 4.23-18 13x33 5.04x12 49x08 6.24x02 03-08 7.02x10 05x14 8.50-44 14-19 9.44-39 19-23 10.39-33 x 1-0
V. Derevetskiy (  0 points)
1.46-41 36x47 2.29-24 47x13 3.24x04 27x49 4.35-30 49x24 5.37-31 19x28 6.04-15 26x37 7.15x41 14-20 8.41-14 12-18 9.14x25 x 1-0
V. Derevetskiy (5.5 points)
1.17-12 24x31 2.35-30 27x49 3.30-24 49x19 4.34-29 23x43 5.12x05 16x27 6.05x26 x 1-0 The end game is inaccurate (Comment from the author of the article)
V. Derevetsky (0 points)
1.14-10 36x29 2.10-05 22x42 3.39-34 11x22 4.05-14 26x17 5.14-05 23x14 6.05x48 x 1-0
The original arrangement of the checkers raises questions ; the holder of the composition database does not specify the author's intention.

V. Derevetsky (0 points)

The original arrangement of the checkers raises questions ; the holder of the composition database does not specify the author's intention.

V. Derevetsky (5 points)
1.36-31 37x17 2.39-33 28x19 3.29-24 13x31 4.24x04 15x24 5.04x20 25x14 6.50-44 14-19 7.44-39 19-23 8.39-33 x 1-0

A. Erastov, total points 46.5, 15th place

A. Erastov (5.5 points)
1.44-39 22x42 2.47x29 23x14 3.32x03 35x33 4.03x25 19x30 5.25x15 x 1-0
A. Erastov (4 points)
1.32-27 31x22 2.34-29 25x32 3.44-39 35x33 4.29x07 16x27 5.07-02 19x30 6.02x35 27-32 7.35-24 32-37 8.24-47 x 1-0
A. Erastov (6 points)
Screenshot_20241126-015026.jpg (262.66 KiB) Viewed 1052 times
1.17-11 06x17 2.27-22 16x49 3.22x02 49x24 4.02-07 23x41 5.07x03 26x37 6.03x47 x 1-0
A. Erastov (0 points)
A. Erastov (0 points)
A. Erastov (0 points)

The original arrangement of the checkers raises questions ; the holder of the composition database does not specify the author's intention.

Kravtsov Grigory Konstantinovich, total points 66, 10th place
G. Kravtsov ( 0 points)
1.28-23 29x18 2.49-43 40x49 3.32-28 22x33 4.38x20 49x36 5.35x13 36x25 6.48-43 25x31 7.21-17 12x21 8.16x36 26-31 9.36x27 x 1-0
G. Kravtsov (4, 5 points)
1.42-38 36x47 2.14-10 05x25 3.33-28 47x49 4.28x06 49x20 5.06-01 25x34 6.01x03 x 1-0

Malashenko Vladimir Avtonomovich

Total points 44 , 5 , 16_th place

V. Malashenko ( 9 points)
1.24-20 37x50 2.29-23 35x13 3.23x01 33x42 4.01x47 50-45 5.36x09 45x05 6.15-10 04x24 7.47x15 03x14 8.15-10 14-20 9.25x14 x 1-0
V. Malashenko ( 6 points)
1.16-11 06x26 2.42-38 39x48 3.24-20 48x22 4.36-31 26x28 5.30-24 19x39 6.38-32 23x45 7.32x05 25x14 8.05x50 x 1-0
V. Malashenko ( 0 points)
chempionat SSSR, 0 ochkov [39], 1991
1.38-32 27x47 2.36x07 28x17 3.37-31 26x37 4.29-24 47x01 5.24x04 40x29 6.04-09 25x43 7.09x34 01x40 8.45x34 x 1-0
V. Malashenko ( 0 points)
1.23-18 12x23 2.21x01 31-36 3.01x04 36x47 4.49-43 39x48 5.50-44 40x49 6.04-09 49x41 7.09x17 47x21 8.46x37 48x31 9.16x36 x 1-0
V. Malashenko ( 0 points)
V. Malashenko ( 0 points)

Mogilevsky Boris Aleksandrovitch
Total points 15,5 , place 18

B.Mogilevsky , 5 points
1.17-11 16x07 2.29-24 27x16 3.34-30 18x27 4.46-41 37x46 5.26x08 02x13 6.43x21 16x27 7.47-41 46x45 8.49x40 45x20 9.25x03 35x24 10.15-10 05x14 11.03x19 x 1-0
B.Mogilevsky , 0 points
B.Mogilevsky , 0 points
B.Mogilevsky , 0 points
B.Mogilevsky , 0 points
B.Mogilevsky , 0 points
Morkus Benjaminas Tadikovičius
Total points 102 , 2-nd place.

Morkus B. T. , 8 points [49]
1.37-32 28x46 2.38-32 17x48 3.47-42 48x10 4.50-45 39x50 5.30x28 46x30 6.25x03 15x24 7.36-31 26x37 8.03x06 x 1-0
Morkus B. T. , 9,5 points [50]
1.49-43 38x49 2.48-42 37x48 3.16-11 48x23 4.11x02 26x17 5.50-44 49x40 6.46-41 36x47 7.02-11 47x03 8.11x44 35x13 9.44x14 03x20 10.25x14 x 1-0
Morkus B. T. , 0 points [51]
1.37-31 39x46 2.31x02 28x37 3.26x08 03x12 4.18x07 29x09 5.14x03 25x23 6.38-32 37x28 7.02-13 01x12 8.03x39 34x43 9.45-40 35x44 10.13x05 x 1-0
Morkus B. T. , 9 points [52]
1.50-45 39x50 2.37-32 26x46 3.36-31 17x37 4.28x06 37x39 5.06-01 24x42 6.15x02 35x44 7.01x09 04x13 8.02x05 x 1-0
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Morkus B. T. , [53] 7,5 points
Screenshot_20241130-121344.jpg (74.77 KiB) Viewed 1040 times
1.15-10 34x43 2.48x39 37x48 3.10-05 48x34 4.05-14 20x09 5.13x04 24x13 6.18x09 27x07 7.09-03 11x22 8.04x11 06x17 9.03x30 25x34 10.50-44 x 1-0
Morkus B. T. , 0 points [54]
1.15-10 36x47 2.49-44 40x49 3.17-12 49x46 4.12x03 47x33 5.50-44 39x50 6.10-05 46x10 7.05x01 25x14 8.01x40 45x34 9.03x17 50x11 10.16x07 02x11 11.26-21 11-16 12.21-17 16-21 13.17x26 06-11 14.26-21 x 1-0
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Last edited by FOMIN on Sun Dec 01, 2024 06:47, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 487
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 100-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Sat Nov 30, 2024 16:53

Muliar V. D. , total points 77,5 , place 4

Muliar V. D. [55 ] 5,5 points
1.23-19 14x43 2.33-28 22x33 3.50-4 ef5 13x22 4.45x12 07x18 5.16x07 01x12 6.21-17 12x32 7.31-27 22x31 8.26x48 18-22 9.48-42 22-27 10.42-37 x 1-0
Muliar V. D., 6 points [56]
1.49-44 12x23 2.44-40 27x18 3.40-35 36x27 4.33-29 24x31 5.35x04 27x38 6.04x42 23x32 7.42-37 31x42 8.47x27 x 1-0
Muliar V. D., 6 points [57]
1.49-44 12x23 2.44-40 27x18 3.40-35 36x27 4.33-29 24x31 5.35x04 27x38 6.04x42 23x32 7.42-37 31x42 8.47x27 x 1-0
Muliar V. D. 7,5 points [58]
1.31-27 22x42 2.11-07 02x22 3.16-11 39x50 4.49-44 50x39 5.40-34 29x40 6.45x43 38x49 7.41-37 32x41 8.36x27 49x18 9.35x33 x 1-0
Muliar V. D. , 5 points [59]
32 , 42 , 38, 35, 4 , 47 x
Muliar V. D. , 7 points [60]
1.47-41 36x47 2.19-14 27x36 3.38-32 47x29 4.24x33 15x24 5.46-41 36x47 6.14-10 47x29 7.10-05 22x33 8.43-38 33x42 9.32-27 21x32 10.05x22 17x28 11.45x32 x 1-0
Perepelkin S. A., total 103,5 points,place 1

S. Perepelkin , 9 points [61],
1.34-29 24x42 2.15x02 27x49 3.26x17 25x43 4.48x39 45x43 5.02-07 01x21 6.06-01 49x40 7.01x44 40x49 8.50-44 49x40 9.35x44 x 1-0
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S. Perepelkin [62] , 0 points
1.39-34 06x17 2.14-09 04x13 3.19x08 02x13 4.49-43 38x49 5.37-32 49x19 6.32x01 15x24 7.27x09 26x37 8.47-42 37x48 9.09-04 48x30 10.04x11 16x07 11.01x10 05x14 12.25x34 14-19 13.34-29 x 1-0
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S. Perepelkin [62] , 8 points [63]
1.12-07 01x21 2.27x07 36x38 3.06-01 02x11 4.50-44 39x50 5.30x39 33x44 6.24x04 15x24 7.04x43 50-45 8.49x40 45x26 9.47-42 26x48 10.01-34 48x30 11.25x34 x 1-0
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S. Perepelkin 8,5 points [64]
1.32-28 36x47 2.38-32 27x20 3.25x03 47x49 4.13-09 04x24 5.15x04 22x33 6.04x22 17x28 7.03x44 49x40 8.35x44 x 1-0
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S. Perepelkin , 9 points [65]
1.21-17 24x44 2.17x10 30x48 3.25x03 48x22 4.23x12 28x46 5.16-11 06x08 6.03x50 05x14 7.45-40 35x44 8.50x05 x 1-0
Screenshot_20241130-204918.jpg (55.92 KiB) Viewed 986 times

Posts: 487
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

7_th USSR championship on drafts composition, problems 100 , 1991

Post by FOMIN » Sat Nov 30, 2024 18:57

S.Perepelkin , 0 points [66], 1991
1.20-15 10-14 2.30-24 29x20
[ 2...19x30 3.17-11 28x06 4.39x10 x ]
3.15x24 19x30 4.22-18 13x42 5.47x07 16x38 6.07-02 28-33 7.02x35 x 1-0
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Rikmanis U. , total points 37,5 , 18-th place .

Rikmanis U. [67],0 points

Rikmanis U. [68], 2 points
1.48-43 39x48 2.49-44 48x33 3.44x04 22x13 4.04x25 38-42 У белых выигрыш как угодно 5.41-37 42x31 6.11-07 32-37 7.07-01 27-32 8.36x38 37-41 9.25-39 41-46 10.38-32 46x44 11.50x39 45-50 12.01-06 x 1-0
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Rikmanis U. [69], 0 points
Rikmanis U. [70], 0 points
Rikmanis U. [71], 5 points
1.35-30 24x44 2.34-29 23x34 3.17-11 06x39 4.21-17 12x21 5.38-33 39x28 6.32x01 21x41 7.01x04 36x27 8.04x21 16x27 9.46x37 x 1-0
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Rikmanis U. [72], 5,5 points
1.27-22 16x18 2.33-28 35x31 3.28x06 15x24 4.06-01 30x39 5.01x13 31-37 6.13-36 37-42 7.49-43 39x48 8.36-47 x 1-0
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Stepanov Valentin Getasimovitch
,total points 58,5 ,place 11

Stepanov V. G. [73]b, 6 points
1.17-11 06x19 2.12-08 02x22 3.27x18 38x36 4.47-41 36x47 5.43-38 47x33 6.48-43 39x48 7.50x30 48x13 8.45x03 25x34 9.03x09 04x13 10.15x04 x
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Stepanov V. G. 6 points [74], 1991
1.38-33 28x48 2.49-44 36x47 3.40-34 29x49 4.20x18 12x23 5.50-44 49x40 6.45x34 48x30 7.35x24 47x20 8.25x01 23-28 9.01-29 28-32 10.29-42 04-09 11.42-26 09-13 12.26-48 32-38 13.48-25 38-42 14.15-10 05x14 15.25x48 x 1-0
Stepanov V. G ,6,5 points [75]
1.48-42 38x47 2.49x38 47x44 3.50x39 34x43 4.22-18 11x42 5.18x20 16x38 6.35x02 15x24 7.02x15 38-43 8.15-38 43x32 9.41-37 32x41 10.36x47 06-11 11.47-41 x 1-0
Screenshot_20241201-080930.jpg (52.81 KiB) Viewed 962 times
Last edited by FOMIN on Sun Dec 01, 2024 06:53, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 487
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

7-th USSR championship on drafts composition,1991

Post by FOMIN » Sun Dec 01, 2024 06:39

7-th USSR championship on drafts composition,1991 [77], 1991

V. Stepanov, total points 58,5 , 11 place.

Stepanov V. G. , [76], 0 points

Stepanov V. G. , [77], 0 points
1.45-40 34x43 2.33-29 23x45 3.44-40 45x34 4.22-18 13x31 5.42-37 31x33 6.49x20 16x38 7.35x02 15x24 8.02x05 x 1-0
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I. Talalaev, total points 50 , 14_th place.

I. Talalaev [79], 5,5 points
1.47-41 38x47 2.37-31 26x46 3.36-31 46x34 4.31x02 47x29 5.02x23 29x18 6.40-34 18x40 7.45x34 x 1-0
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I. Talalaev [80], 3 points
1.30-24 23x34 2.47-42 36x47 3.49-44 40x49 4.25-20 49x32 5.27x38 16x27 6.38-33 47x29 7.24x04 15x24 8.04x40 45x34 9.50-44 x 1-0
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I. Talalae [81], 4 points
1.29-23 18x49 2.31-27 49x21 3.16x09 03x25 4.33x24 25-30 5.24x35 x 1-0
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I.Talalaev [82], 0 points
I. Talalaev :4,5 points [83]
1.45-40 20x29 2.42-38 33x42 3.47x38 36x47 4.30-25 47x33 5.25-20 15x24 6.35-30 24x44 7.50x17 11x31 8.34x01 31-37 9.01-23 37-42 10.23-37 42x31 11.26x37 x 06-11 1-0
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I.Talalaev [84], 0 points
Last edited by FOMIN on Sun Dec 01, 2024 08:30, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 487
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

7-th USSR championship on drafts composition,1991

Post by FOMIN » Sun Dec 01, 2024 07:56

Ust'ianov Stanislav Yurievitch , total points 72 , 6 place
S. Ust'ianov 6,5 points [85], 1991
1.25-20 14x34 2.23x21 26x48 3.47-42 48x33 4.38x49 39-44 5.49x40 45x34 6.50-44 x 1-0

S. Ust'ianov 6,0 points [86]
1.13-08 02x24 2.23-19 24x13 3.29-23 28x19 4.42-37 31x42 5.47x07 36x47 6.44-40 47x01 7.40-34 01x40 8.45x05 19-24 9.05-23 13-19 10.23x10 35-40 11.39-34 40x29 12.10-15 x 1-0[/size]
Screenshot_20241201-095132_1.jpg (54.58 KiB) Viewed 936 times
Ust'ianov S.
5 points [87], 1991
1.26-21 22x31 2.13-09 04x22 3.35-30 24x44 4.33x04 44x42 5.04x36 16x27 6.36x47 x 1-0
Screenshot_20241201-100350.jpg (49.58 KiB) Viewed 934 times
6 points [88], 1991
Screenshot_20241201-101342.jpg (66.85 KiB) Viewed 931 times

1.40-34 12x32 2.37x10 26x46 3.34x14 46-28 4.10-04 28x10 5.04-09 10-04 6.09-36 05-10 7.36-31 04x36 8.15x04 x 1-0
Ust'ianov S. 5,5 points [89], 1991
1.26-21 17x10 2.49-44 40x49 3.48-43 49x38 4.33x31 24x33 5.31-27 15x24 6.27x20 x 1-0
Ust'ianov S. 5,5 points [90], 1991
1.47-41 36x47 2.38-33 27x40 3.16x20 47x24 4.45x34 24-35 5.34-30 35x24 6.20x29 x 1-0
L.Haykin , total points 50 , place 13 .

L. Haikin [91], 0 points
1.11-07 02x11 2.23-18 34x21 3.37-32 17x39 4.38-33 26x46 5.33x04 13x22 6.04x05 46-41 7.05x46 x 1-0
L. Haikin [92], 5,5 points
1.37-31 26x28 2.38-32 27x40 3.16x18 25x43 4.33x02 12x23 5.02x32 23-29 6.32-28 29-34 7.28-44 x 1-0

L. Haikin [93], 0 points
1.18-13 09x07 2.17-12 26x08 3.38-33 29x27 4.47-41 36x38 5.16-11 23x41 6.11x04 35x24 7.04x10 05x14 8.48-43 14-19 9.43-39 19-23 10.39-33 x 1-0
L. Haikin [94] , 6,5 points

1.22-18 12x32 2.34-30 25x23 3.43-38 32x34 4.17-12 20x38 5.12x05 26x17 6.05x07 01x12 7.06-01 04-09 8.01x04 36-41 9.04-10 41-47 10.35-30 47-36 11.10-41 36x47 12.30-24 47x20 13.15x24 x 1-0

L. Haikin [95] , 4,5 points
1.40-34 29x49 2.50-44 49x40 3.47-41 36x47 4.17-11 47x20 5.11x04 35x24 6.04x10 15x04 7.25x14 x 1-0

L. Haikin [96] , 0 points
1.40-34 29x49 2.50-44 49x40 3.47-41 36x47 4.17-11 47x20 5.11x04 35x24 6.04x10 15x04 7.25x14 x 1-0

Posts: 487
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

7-th USSR championship on drafts composition,1991

Post by FOMIN » Mon Dec 09, 2024 22:16

Shapoval Nikolay Ivanovich: total. points 43 , place 17 .

Shapoval N. I. {USSR championship 0 points [97], 1991}
1.14-10 39x37 2.16-11 05x14 3.11x13 32x43 4.25-20 14x25 5.13-09 03x14 6.24-19 14x23 7.29x07 40x29 8.07-01 25x34 9.45-40 34x45 10.01x50 x 1-0
Shapoval N. 5,5 points [98]
1.24-20 15x42 2.48x10 28x46 3.23x01 05x14 4.01-23 46x19 5.30-24 19x30 6.35x24 x 1-0
Shapoval N. 0 points [99],
1.29-23 20x49 2.15-10 25x43 3.45-40 19x39 4.10x06 26x37 5.06-01 35x44 6.01x48 x 1-0
Shapoval N. 6,5 points [100]
1.49-43 14x25 2.43-39 40x49 3.32-28 21x34 4.16-11 23x41 5.11x04 26x37 6.33-28 22x33 7.04x30 25x34 8.50-44 49x40 9.35x44 x 1-0

Shapoval N. 0 points [101]

Screenshot_20241210-004016.jpg (52.48 KiB) Viewed 623 times
1.14-09 04x24 2.23-19 12x14 3.25-20 16x18 4.20x09 03x14 5.43-38 32x43 6.48x10 05x14 7.45x03 37x48 8.03x42 48x37 9.15-10 37x05 10.26x37 05x41 11.46x37 07-12 12.37-32 12-18 13.32-28 x 1-0
[Shapoval N. , 2,5 points [102]/size]
Screenshot_20241210-004525.jpg (51.95 KiB) Viewed 618 times
2,5 points [102]
1.12-07 02x11 2.18-13 19x08 3.37-31 28x48 4.47-41 26x46 5.38-33 46x19 6.33-29 24x44 7.15x02 48x39 8.02x10 04x15 9.25x43 15-20 10.43-39 20-24 11.39-34 x 1-0
P. Shkludov, total points 74,5 , place 5 .
P. Shkludov, [103]6,5 points
1.16-11 06x28 2.32-27 31x13 3.37-31 26x39 4.10-04 33x42 5.04x34 35-40 6.34x01 40-45 7.49-44 45-50 8.01-23 50x46 9.23x05 x 1-0
P. Shkludov, [104] ,6 points
1.44-39 18x49 2.17-12 35x33 3.12x01 49x16 4.01x21 16x46 5.36-31 26x37 6.47-41 37-42 7.48x37 x 1-0
P. Shkludov  : [105] 6,5 points
1.46-41 39x46 2.49-43 40x38 3.29-24 46x30 4.35x11 12x23 5.11-07 01x12 6.17x08 03x12 7.06-01 26x17 8.01x26 17-21 9.26x20 25x14 10.48-43 14-19 11.43-39 19-23 12.39-33 x 1-0
P. Shkludov , [106] 0 points
1.42-38 33x31 2.24x22 40x38 3.41-36 15x24 4.13-08 03x14 5.30x10
04x15 6.35-30 27x18 7.36x07 01x12 8.39-33 38x29 9.30-24 29x20 10.25x03 x 1-0
P. Shkludov , [107] , 0 points
1.36-31 27x47 2.48-42 47x20 3.25x01 16x27 4.17-12 18x07 5.01x09 04x13 6.15-10 13-18 7.10-04 18-23 8.04-15 23-28 9.15-42 x 1-0
P. Shkludov , [108] 6 points
1.23-19 14x41 2.38-33 29x40 3.42-38 34x32 4.50-45 13x22 5.45x03 26x37 6.03x47 x 1-0
Ivatsko Ivan Dmitrievitch
Total points 0.,place 20

I.Ivatsko 109 , 0 points
1.35-30 28x48 2.30x10 31x22 3.46-41 36x47 4.21-17 47x33 5.17x08 02x13 6.34x01 48x45 7.10-04 33x50 8.04x06 x 1-0

I. Ivatsko[110], 0 points
1.34-30 07x18 2.16x07 01x12 3.47-41 37x46 4.44-40 46x19 5.49-43 38x49 6.20-15 49x35 7.15-10 14x05 8.29-23 18x20 9.25x03 35x24 10.03x10 05x14 11.36x29 x 1-0
I. Ivatsko[111], 0 points
1.50-45 36x47 2.38-33 28x19 3.29-23 47x50 4.23x03 15x24 5.03x06 x 1-0
I. Ivatsko[112], 0 points
1.22-18 13x22 2.41-37 32x41 3.36x47 27x36 4.47-41 36x47 5.50-44 47x33 6.39x08 02x13 7.43-39 34x43 8.25x34 29x40 9.20x09 04x13 10.49x38 40x49 11.15x04 49x21 12.16x27 07-12 13.04x07 01x12 14.27-22 x 1-0
I. Ivatsko[113], 0 points
1.47-41 36x38 2.37-31 23x32 3.48-42 38x47 4.49-43 39x48 5.26-21 17x37 6.08-03 06x17 7.03x24 47x20 8.45x34 48x30 9.15x35 x 1-0
I. Ivatsko[114], 0 points
1.33-28 17x48 2.28x17 48x10 3.15x04 12x21 4.04x46 03-09 5.35-30 09-14 6.46x10 05x14

Nikolaev Alexander Vyacheslavovich
total points 90 , 3-rd place

Nikolaev A. V. [115] , 8 points
1.19-13 17x48 2.13x15 48x45 3.20x09 28x19 4.15-10 45x23 5.35-30 25x34 6.09-03
Black's move: a unique zugzwang position has arisen on the board:
(01-06 / 01-07 A) 7.03x31 23x05 8.31-37 05x41 9.46x37 x
A (34-40) , 7.03x36 23x05 8.36-411-7 9.41-37 05x41 10.46x37 1-0
Nikolaev A. ,7 points [116]
1.37-31 26x37 2.29-23 21x43 3.23x01 40x29 4.01x24 19x30 5.16x07 30-34 6.07-01 34-39 7.50-44 39x50 8.01-06 x 1-0
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Nikolaev A. , 6,5 points [117]
1.26-21 17x28 2.24-19 23x21 3.19x08 35x24 4.08-02 11-16 5.02x15 21-27 6.15-10 x 1-0
Screenshot_20241214-111702.jpg (51.75 KiB) Viewed 474 times
Nikolaev A. 7,5 points [118]
1.38-32 37x48 2.32x23 17x19 3.26x17 12x32 4.33-28 24x22 5.31-26 40x29 6.39-34 48x30 7.25x03 14x25 8.03x17 11x22 9.35-30 25x34 10.44-39 34x43 11.49x09 04x13 12.15x04 16-21 13.04x16 06-11 14.16x07 02x11 15.26-21 x 1-0
Screenshot_20241214-111318.jpg (60.38 KiB) Viewed 474 times
Nikolaev A. - 0 points [119]
1.30-24 39x19 2.38-33 29x49 3.42-38 45x34 4.32-28 23x43 5.47-42 36x38 6.16-11 21x41 7.11x04 26x37 8.04x09 03x14 9.50-44 49x40 10.35x44 x 1-0
Nikolaev A. - 7 points [120]
1.30-24 19x30 2.47-41 36x40 3.37-32 27x29 4.22-17 11x33 5.50-45 26x37 6.45x03 37-41
[ 6...14-19 7.03x01 x ]
7.03x36 x 1-0
Last edited by FOMIN on Sat Dec 14, 2024 07:20, edited 1 time in total.

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