Info about International Rating of players

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Info about International Rating of players

Post by » Sat Dec 07, 2002 20:12

[img]images/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/img] As manager of the Buro Development Research and Promotion (DRP) I would kindly request if it is possible to frequently receive information of the international rating on the draught players of my country Suriname. Due to lack of information, or insufficient info by the Suriname Draught Association (SDB), there is no clarity among the players and the draught loving Suriname society. I would kindly accept an helping hand from the FMJD to support the development of the sport in my country by submitting the requested info. It would help a lot and mean a great deal to all Suriname draught players.

Thanking you in advance
Mr. Guno Dors (Buromanager)

p.s. You can contact me at or or at the office: (597) 425135 between 12 and 15.00 hour.

Posts: 2130
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Post by A.Presman » Sat Dec 07, 2002 21:18

Dear Mr. Dors

Last years international rating list was issued once a year.
You can look, search and download rating 01.01.2002 on the page

However this year the counting of the rating has been handed over to Mr. Pawlicki. [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
His important annoncement you can read here
So we will have rating for 1 januari 2003 just at 1 januari and not somewhere in the spring as it was before.
Moreover the ng will be issued quaterly (4 times a year) and there are still many good plans to develop in system.
What is actually important and urgent ( as I see no one tournament or championship of Suriname in the list of tournament 2002 ) is to send till 10 december all tournaments to Mr. J.Pawlicki.
His e-mail about it sent to you already. [img]images/smilies/icon_exclaim.gif[/img]

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