Salou 2006

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Salou 2006

Post by P.Pippel » Sat Dec 31, 2005 19:55

9th International Open Draughts Tournament in SALOU
May 21 - May 29 2006

We invite you to participate in our 9th international open draughts tournament in Salou, that will be played from Sunday, May the 21st until Monday, May the 29th, 2006.

The tournament will be played in the Swiss system with 9 rounds. The complete program is shown below. As all former years the tournament turns out to be a great event. After the enormous success of last year, we are sure the participants will succeed in having a good time, because of the combination of a good holiday near to the beach (50 m), a fine hotel-accommodation and most of the time a spectacular draughts tournament in which excellent draughts players as well as the weaker ones participate.
The accommodation for the tournament is the same as the last three years, namely Hotel Cala Font in Salou.

The participation fee for the tournament is ˆ 55,--. The money prices (in number and height) will depend on the number of participants. The first price will be at least ˆ 600,--. Other prices will be paid for highest classifications, the best woman, best senior (over 55 years), best combination or best game and a “surprise – price” for one of the weaker players.

Hotel-accommodation is available for the price of ˆ 290,-- (including the tournament) and is based on a two-person room. For persons, who don’t participate in the draughts tournament, the price is ˆ 255,--. A reduction of 5% will be given to the people, who already participated in one of the former tournaments in Salou.
The hotel accommodation is Hotel Cala Font and breakfast, lunch and dinner are included.

There will be transfers from the airport of Barcelona to Salou and the airport of Reus to Salou on May 20th and from Salou to Barcelona and Reus on May 30th. The price for both transfers (together) is for the airport of Barcelona ˆ 35,-- per person and for the airport of Reus ˆ 15,--.

Contact person: Peter Pippel
Email: (until the 17th of May)
Grutto 7
Tel.: +31 182 374546 (in the evening and the weekends)
+31 30 2861259 (Monday till Friday from 10.30 till 18.30)
+31 0644 684939


Program 9th International Open Draughts Tournament of Salou
May 21 – May 29
Place: Hotel Cala Font
Les Dunes 2 Salou
Tel.: 0034 977 370454
Fax: 0034 977 371804

Sunday May 21 14.00 opening ceremonies
Sunday May 21 15.30 1st round
Monday May 22 15.30 2nd round
Tuesday May 23 09.00 3rd round
Tuesday May 23 15.30 4th round
Wednesday May 24 15.30 5th round
Thursday May 25 15.30 6th round
Saturday May 27 15.30 7th round
Sunday May 28 15.30 8th round
Monday May 29 15.30 9th round
Monday May 29 23.00 Closing-ceremonies

There will be played with FMJD-rules (2 hours per player for 50 moves, then ½ hour for 25 moves and 5 minutes for the rest of the game).

Friday May 26 is a day off. Maybe we will organise some excursions, like a trip to Barcelona or a Jeep-safari or a boat cruise (not included in the prices).
Maybe there will be a blitz-tournament on Friday May 26 (maximum number of participants 32).

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