28th Open International Tournament in Brunssum

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28th Open International Tournament in Brunssum

Post by Brunssum » Tue Jul 05, 2005 20:09

4 till 14 August 2005
28th edition


28 years Brunssum
For 28th time this summer in Brunssum an international dam tournament is organised. This is the oldest open tournament in the world. What ever started as a tournament for talented youth has developed into a top event.
Brunssum draw each year a large number of draught players, top players and recreation players. The youngest participants are about 12 years, the oldest have been pensioned for a long time.
Many participants in Brunssum stay each year on campsite the Hitjesvijver in Heerlerheide. Here participants can camp on a reduced tariff on this campsite. The campsite has been lain on less than three kilometres of the playing room.

There are played 9 rounds according to the Swiss system with 1 round every day.
The playing time by player is 2 hours for the first 50 moves and afterwards 25 moves in one hour.

Playful playing draughts.
On one of the evenings during Brunssum 2005, it will be played draughts with adapted game rules. By round the rules are differently. Fun is more important then winning. Also nice for family and friends who normal don’t play draughts.
On the message board in the playing room it will be announced where and when playful playing draughts is organised.

tournament scheme:
Thursday 4 August as from 12.00u arrival campsite
Friday 5 August as from 11.00u application 13.00u opening and 1st round
Saturday 6 August till Friday 12 August daily at 12.00u a round
Saturday 13 August 10.00u 9th round 16.00u closing ceremony as from 18.00u warm and cold buffet
Sunday 14 August as from 10.00u departure campsite

campsite information
Participants to the Brunssum tournament can stay for € 50.00 by person on campsite the Hitjesvijver in Heerlerheide. This tariff has been based on a stay in its own tent. At stay in a caravan apply the usual campsite tariffs. This is on application available.
The special tariff applies of Thursday 4 till Sunday 14 August. People who want to stay longer must pay for the remaining days the normal tariff.
Supervision as from 12 years.
For youth as from 12 years there is sufficient supervision. The co-ordination on the campsite is in the hands of Henk Stoop and Aat Verhaar.

For € 80,- there the possibility of eating in the group. Breakfast and dinner is on the campsite. A lunch parcel can be prepared at the breakfast. The first meal is dinner on Thursday 4 August, the last the breakfast on Sunday morning 14 August. Seniors (20+) who are using the meals are obliged for cleaning the dishes at least 2 times.

Playing draughts on Sunday.
The 3e round states planned on Sunday 7 August. Participants who play never on Sunday for religious reasons are requested give this up on the inscription form. The organisation strives to let play this the parties of 3e the round of these players on Saturday evening.

For many people it is in fact obvious that drug use in a group is not acceptable. But unfortunately not everyone thinks this way. For this reason we it put here complete clear: DRUGS ON THE CAMPSITE ARE NOT TOLERATED. THIS ALSO APPLIES TO SOFT DRUGS.

price scheme **

1st price € 500,-
2e price € 300,-
3e price € 200,-
4e price € 175,-
5e price € 150,-
6th price € 125,-
7th price € 100,-
8th price € 75,-
9th price € 50,-
10th price € 25,-
11th price € 25,-
12e price € 25,-
Sub classes:
1st price € 60,-
2e price € 40,-
3e price € 25,-
There are sub classes for ladies, juniors, cadets, 55+, players with a (KNDB) rating of maximum 1100 and participants living nearby Brunssum. Every player can win a price in maximum one sub class.
** This is the normal price scheme such as this is usual the last years. In unforeseen circumstances or at less than 80 participants the organisation preserves the right to change the price scheme.
Remaining pricing:
Day prices for the most remarkable victory by round.
A price for the most beautiful combination.

remaining activities
Blitz play draughts with two minutes on the clock.
Playfully play draughts: just like you stand in front the rules change. Because of this everyone has chance of winning this tournament. But winning is not the intention. The first price has been intended for the player who finishes as 3rd.
Blindfold draughts. Who can play draughts best without a board.
Eating pancakes.
To proceed as planned of this programme depends on the circumstances and sufficient participation. Which activity on which day is organised is stipulated based on the weather forecasts.
On Saturday 13th August there is in the evening a warm and cold buffet.

Piet Kole, the Insel 17,6442 AJ Brunssum, +31455256666.
Jac Hannen, j.hannen@home.nl
Internet site: http://www.brunssumdamtoernooi.nl
Playing room:
Rombouts College, Prins Hendriklaan 376, Brunssum.
The Hitjesvijver, Willem Barentzweg 101, 6413 TC Heerlerheide
+31455211353. The campsite lies 3 km from the playing room.
Internet site: http://www.hitjesvijver.nl
Campsite control:
Henk Stoop, Kastanjeboom 1, 4101 VS Culemborg, +31345520457, stooph@xs4all.nl
Aat Verhaar, Zwanebloem 37, 2954 NH Alblasserdam, +31786915225.

1978 T.Brouwers J.Stokkel R.Schippers
1979 H.Ladage F.Verdel M.Everduim
1980 E.Dollekamp T.Schippers P.v.d.Stap
1981 F.Teer B.Bies R.Heusdens
1982 P.Schuitema B.Bies P.Schellekens
1983 B.Bies J.v.d.Borst P.Schuitema
1984 B.Bies P.Geurtsen P.Nitsch
1985 E.Bude P.Oudshoorn E.van Dusseldorp
1986 B.Bies R.Heusdens P.Nitsch
1987 J.v.d.Borst E.Bude B.Bies
1988 R.Heusdens M.Katz M.Mitsjanski
1989 W.Wirny A.Baljakin A.Gantwarg
1990 E.Vatoutin A.Presman A.Tsjizow
1991 N.Samb M.Katz P.Schatsov
1992 G.Sidibe E.Prosman K.Thijssen
1993 E.Vatoutin M.Kemperman R.v.d.Pal
1994 I.Rybakov K.Thijssen F.Fennema
1995 E.Prosman T.Goedemoed L.Sekongo
1996 K.Thijssen M.Adamaszek E.Prosman
1997 E.Prosman I.Rybakov M.Podolski
1998 A.Boelatov I.Rybakov B.Ba
1999 N.Samb B.Ba M.Podolski
2000 E.Prosman I.Tschartoriiski M.Durdyev
2001 R.Heusdens M.Dolfing N.Samb
2002 M.Podolski N.Samb J.Capelle
2003 A.Schwarzman E.Heunen A.Schotanus
2004 J.M.Ndjofang B.Koullen D.Diakite


Post by Brunssum » Tue Jul 12, 2005 13:29

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