2005 Panamerican championship

Information and discussion
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Andre Leclerc

Updated website Panam

Post by Andre Leclerc » Sat Jul 16, 2005 16:04

Our website has been updated with results and game notations. A few pictures have been taken too and they should be added on Sunday or Monday. In the meantime, a picture of Jose Maria Silva Filho is available here:
http://www.fqjr.qc.ca/dames/100/panam20 ... aFilho.jpg[/url]

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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 14:49

Re: Updated website Panam

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Jul 16, 2005 16:21

Andre Leclerc wrote:Our website has been updated with results and game notations. A few pictures have been taken too and they should be added on Sunday or Monday. In the meantime, a picture of Jose Maria Silva Filho is available here:
http://www.fqjr.qc.ca/dames/100/panam20 ... aFilho.jpg


Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:00

PATRICK KOPP onlined games in DAMBO format :

http://membres.lycos.fr/dammeur/pdn/cha ... ip2005.htm
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sun Jul 17, 2005 22:02

3rd round



A. ALEXANDRE should have played and won through :

52. 16-11 13-18 53. 33-29 24x22 54. 11-6 35x24 55. 6-1 19x28 56. 32x23 18x29 57.
1x27 24-30 58. 27-38 29-34 59. 38-43 14-20 60. 43-48 26-31 61. 37x26 20-25 62.
48-37 30-35 63. 37-23 34-39 64. 44x33 35-40 65. 23x45 25-30 66. 45-23 30-35
67. 23-45 35-40 68. 45x34

Instead of that he played 23-18 and drew.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Andre Leclerc


Post by Andre Leclerc » Mon Jul 18, 2005 16:18

Here are the results of round 7 and round 8 played yesterday:

Ronde 7 17-07-2005

Iser Kuperman - Andy Charles 2-0
Paulvin Simon - Louis Gilles 1-1
Adam Andall - Raoul Alias 2-0
Jose Maria Filho - Dickson Maughn 2-0
Anthony Alexandre - Nelsen Angela 0-2
Louiceus Shang Wong - Gilles Carisse 2-0
Frantz Forbin - Alexander Mogiljansk 0-2
Willem Blijheid - Romain Tchicaya 2-0

Ronde 8 17-07-2005

Dickson Maughn - Anthony Alexandre 2-0
Raoul Alias - Jose Maria Filho 0-2
Louis Gilles - Adam Andall 0-2
Iser Kuperman - Paulvin Simon 2-0
Alexander Mogiljansk - Willem Blijheid 2-0
Gilles Carisse - Frantz Forbin 0-2
Nelsen Angela - Louiceus Shang Wong 0-2
Andy Charles - Romain Tchicaya 2-0

Standings After 8 rounds:

Alexander Mogiljansk 13 points
Louiceus Shang Wong 13 points
Jose Maria Filho 12 points
Iser Kuperman 12 points
Adam Andall 11 points
Dickson Maughn 10 points
Andy Charles 9 points
Willem Blijheid 7 points
Anthony Alexandre 7 points
Nelsen Angela 6 points
Frantz Forbin 6 points
Raoul Alias 6 points
Paulvin Simon 5 points
Louis Gilles 5 points
Gilles Carisse 3 points
Romain Tchicaya 3 points

P.S.: In answer to a previous question, Willem Blijheid is originally from Suriname. He now lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Andre Leclerc

Games of rounds 7, 8 and 9

Post by Andre Leclerc » Mon Jul 18, 2005 21:16

Here are the games of the rounds 7, 8 and 9:

Round 7, 9.00 uur
17 Juli 2005

White: Iser Kuperman 2 Time 1.27
Black: Andy Charles 0 Time 1.58

01. 34-29 19-23 02. 40-34 14-19 03. 45-40 10-14 04. 50-45 05-10 05. 31-26 17-21 06. 26x17 12x21 07. 32-28 23x32 08. 37x28 07-12 09. 41-37 01-07 10. 46-41 21-26 11. 38-32 16-21 12. 43-38 21-27 13. 32x21 26x17 14. 37-32 18-23 15. 29x18 12x23 16. 41-37 07-12 17. 49-43 20-24 18. 36-31 15-20 19. 47-41 11-16 20. 31-27 10-15 21. 41-36 23-29 22. 34x23 24-30 23. 35x24 20x18 24. 40-34 04-10 25. 45-40 19-23 26. 28x19 14x23 27. 40-35 10-14 28. 33-28 14-19 29. 39-33 17-22 30. 28x17 12x21 31. 35-30 02-07 32. 44-40 07-11 33. 40-35 09-14 34. 33-29 11-17 35. 37-31 14-20 36. 31-26 20-24 37. 29x20 15x24 38. 38-33 03-09 39. 42-38 09-14 40. 43-39 14-20 41. 30-25 06-11 42. 25x14 19x10 43. 33-28 13-19 44. 48-42 10-14 45. 42-37 14-20 46. 28-22 17x28 47. 26x06 08-13 48. 36-31 20-25 49. 06-01 24-30 50. 35x24 19x30

White: Paulvin Simon 2 Time 1.57
Black: Louis Gilles 0 Time 2.02

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 38-32 12-18 03. 33-29 20-24 04. 29x20 15x24 05. 39-33 10-15 06. 34-29 23x34 07. 40x20 15x24 08. 42-38 07-12 09. 47-42 05-10 10. 45-40 01-07 11. 40-34 18-23 12. 34-30 12-18 13. 30-25 17-21 14. 31-26 11-17 15. 43-39 17-22 16. 26x17 22x11 17. 36-31 07-12 18. 41-36 10-15 19. 50-45 14-20 20. 25x14 09x20 21. 44-40 04-09 22. 31-27 11-17 23. 37-31 17-21 24. 31-26 12-17 25. 46-41 17-22 26. 26x17 22x11 27. 41-37 08-12 28. 39-34 20-25 29. 49-43 11-17 30. 34-30 25x34 31. 40x20 15x24 32. 37-31 17-21 33. 43-39 09-14 34. 39-34 21-26 35. 34-30 26x37 36. 42x31 02-07 37. 31-26 07-11 38. 45-40 11-17 39. 36-31 23-29 40. 30-25 03-08 41. 48-43 18-23 42. 27-22 12-18 43. 22x11 16x07 44. 43-39 07-11 45. 31-27 08-12 46. 26-21 11-16 47. 28-22 06-11 48. 33-28 12-17 49. 21x12 18x07 50. 39-33 07-12 51. 35-30 24x44 52. 33x24 19x30 53. 28x06 44-50 54. 25x34 50x17 55. 06-01 17-08 56. 38-33 14-20 57. 34-29 20-25 58. 32-28 25-30 59. 28-22 08-03 60. 29-23 03-20 61. 33-28 20-03 62. 23-19 03-21 63. 01-23 21x43 64. 19-13 43-48 65. 22-18

White: Ada Andall 2 Time 1.14
Black: Raoul Alias 0 Time 1.37

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 31-26 19-23 03. 26x17 12x21 04. 28x19 14x23 05. 37-32 10-14 06. 34-30 07-12 07. 30-25 13-19 08. 41-37 08-13 09. 40-34 01-07 10. 44-40 02-08 11. 50-44 21-26 12. 34-29 23x34 13. 39x30 19-23 14. 44-39 14-19 15. 25x14 19x10 16. 46-41 10-14 17. 40-34 12-17 18. 30-24 17-22 19. 32-27 22x31 20. 36x27 08-12 21. 34-30 14-19 22. 37-32 11-17 23. 33-28 03-08 24. 39-33 17-21 25. 49-44 05-10 26. 44-39 09-14 27. 30-25 19x30 28. 28x19 14x23 29. 35x24 04-09 30. 45-40 10-14 31. 24-20 15x24 32. 32-28 23x32 33. 33-28 32x23 34. 42-37 21x32 35. 37x10 24-30 36. 25x34 09-14 37. 10x19 13x24 38. 38-33 08-13 39. 40-35 18-22 40. 41-37 12-17 41. 34-29

White: Jose Maria Filho 2 Time 1.29
Black: Dickson Maughn 0 Time 1.50

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 37-32 21-26 03. 41-37 11-17 04. 33-29 07-11 05. 28-22 17x28 06. 32x23 19x28 07. 29-24 20x29 08. 34x32 14-19 09. 35-30 10-14 10. 30-25 01-07 11. 39-33 04-10 12. 44-39 11-17 13. 50-44 19-23 14. 40-34 07-11 15. 44-40 14-20 16. 25x14 10x19 17. 49-44 05-10 18. 33-29 10-14 19. 29-24 19x30 20. 34x25 14-19 21. 39-33 17-21 22. 31-27 12-17 23. 40-34 02-07 24. 44-40 07-12 25. 25-20 15x24 26. 34-29 23x34 27. 40x20 09-14 28. 20x09 03x14 29. 43-39 17-22 30. 46-41 22x31 31. 36x27 12-17 32. 33-29 08-12 33. 38-33 14-20 34. 33-28 20-24 35. 29x20 19-24 36. 20x29 17-22 37. 28x19 18-22 38. 27x18 26-31 39. 37x17 11x44 40. 45-40 44x35 41. 32-28 35-40 42. 28-23 40-44 43. 23-19 44-50 44. 19-13 50-28 45. 41-36 16-21 46. 13-08 21-26 47. 08-02 28-23 48. 42-37 23x46 49. 36-31 26x37 50. 47-41 37-42 51. 48x37

White: Anthony Alexandre 0 Time 2.19
Black: Nelsen Angela 2 Time 2.54

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 39-33 11-17 03. 44-39 06-11 04. 50-44 01-06 05. 32-28 16-21 06. 37-32 21-26 07. 41-37 19-23 08. 28x19 14x23 09. 35-30 10-14 10. 40-35 23-28 11. 32x23 22-27 12. 31x22 17x19 13. 44-40 20-25 14. 37-32 11-17 15. 46-41 17-22 16. 41-37 22-27 17. 32x21 26x17 18. 37-32 07-11 19. 42-37 17-22 20. 37-31 19-23 21. 48-42 12-17 22. 42-37 08-12 23. 32-27 03-08 24. 47-42 05-10 25. 31-26 22x31 26. 36x27 17-22 27. 37-32 22x31 28. 26x37 12-17 29. 30-24 14-20 30. 49-44 09-14 31. 33-28 17-22 32. 28x17 11x22 33. 37-31 22-28 34. 42-37 08-12 35. 31-26 04-09 36. 32-27 14-19 37. 38-32 19x30 38. 35x24 06-11 39. 43-38 10-14 40. 37-31 28x37 41. 31x42 23-28 42. 26-21 11-16 43. 38-33 18-23 44. 29x07 20x47 45. 07-01 28-32 46. 27x38 16x27 47. 39-33 27-31 48. 34-29 31-37 49. 29-23 37-41 50. 23-19 14x23 51. 01x34 41-46 52. 34-39 46-05 53. 39-43 47-36 54. 40-35 36-31 55. 44-40 31-26 56. 43-49 26-03 57. 33-28 05x43 58. 49x32 03-26 59. 32-38 26-37 60. 40-34 09-14 61. 38-16 37-28 62. 34-30 25x34 63. 16-21 15-20 64. 21-49 28-37 65. 49-16 37-28 66. 16-49 28-19 67. 49-44 20-25 68. 44-11 19-28

White: Louiceus Shang Wong 2 Time 1.18
Black: Gilles Carisse 0 Time 1.37

01. 33-29 18-23 02. 29x18 13x22 03. 34-29 12-18 04. 39-33 07-12 05. 44-39 01-07 06. 50-44 17-21 07. 31-26 22-27 08. 26x17 11x22 09. 32x21 16x27 10. 40-34 09-13 11. 34-30 20-25 12. 29-24 25x34 13. 39x30 06-11 14. 44-40 14-20 15. 30-25 19x30 16. 25x34 10-14 17. 34-30 14-19 18. 30-25 19-23 19. 25x14 04-10 20. 14-09 03x14 21. 40-34 11-17 22. 34-30 14-20 23. 45-40 10-14 24. 40-34 14-19 25. 37-31 20-25 26. 34-29 25x34 27. 29x40 23-28 28. 43-39 19-24 29. 31-26 05-10 30. 40-34 07-11 31. 41-37 27-31 32. 36x27 22x31 33. 33x22 17x28 34. 26-21 11-16 35. 37x26 16x27 36. 46-41 18-22 37. 41-37 27-31 38. 26-21 31-36 39. 38-33 02-07 40. 49-44 15-20 41. 42-38 10-15 42. 34-30 07-11 43. 30x19 13x24 44. 37-31 36x16 45. 38-32 28x37 46. 33-29 24x33 47. 39x06 08-13 48. 06-01 37-41 49. 01x25 41-46 50. 44-39 46-10 51. 25-03 10-23 52. 39-33

White: Frantz Forbin 0 Time 2.08
Black: Alexander Mogiljanski 2 Time 2.06

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 33-29 23x32 03. 37x28 17-22 04. 28x17 11x22 05. 39-33 13-18 06. 44-39 19-23 07. 41-37 06-11 08. 37-32 11-17 09. 32-28 23x32 10. 38x27 14-19 11. 50-44 19-23 12. 35-30 10-14 13. 42-38 20-25 14. 30-24 14-19 15. 24x13 08x19 16. 38-32 09-13 17. 46-41 02-08 18. 31-26 22x31 19. 26x37 04-09 20. 48-42 17-21 21. 32-28 23x32 22. 37x28 15-20 23. 28-22 18x27 24. 29-23 19x28 25. 33x31 21-26 26. 41-37 12-18 27. 39-33 07-12 28. 31-27 09-14 29. 44-39 01-07 30. 42-38 14-19 31. 38-32 20-24 32. 33-28 24-30 33. 47-42 30-35 34. 39-33 35x44 35. 49x40 05-10 36. 34-29 10-15 37. 40-34 03-09 38. 45-40 15-20 39. 43-39 20-24 40. 29x20 25x14 41. 40-35 18-23 42. 42-38 14-20 43. 27-22 20-24 44. 36-31 12-18 45. 22-17 07-12 46. 31-27 12x21 47. 34-30 08-12 48. 30-25 09-14 49. 39-34 12-17 50. 35-30 24x35 51. 27-22 18x27 52. 33-29 17-22 53. 29x20 22x31

White: Willem Blijheid 2 Time 0.44
Black: Romain Tchicaya 0 Time 1.53

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 38-32 21-26 03. 34-29 20-25 04. 42-38 18-22 05. 28x17 12x21 06. 32-28 14-20 07. 29-24 20x29 08. 33x24 19x30 09. 35x24 10-14 10. 39-33 14-19 11. 40-35 19x30 12. 35x24 05-10 13. 47-42 10-14 14. 45-40 14-19 15. 40-35 19x30 16. 35x24 09-14 17. 44-40 14-19 18. 40-35 19x30 19. 35x24 21-27 20. 31x22 13-18 21. 22x13 08x30 22. 49-44 04-09 23. 44-40 30-35 24. 40-34 09-14 25. 37-31 26x37 26. 41x32 07-12 27. 32-27 11-17 28. 46-41 17-21 29. 38-32 01-07 30. 43-39 07-11 31. 50-44 21-26 32. 41-37 11-17 33. 42-38 17-21 34. 48-43 14-19 35. 27-22 15-20 36. 22-17 02-08 37. 37-31 26x37 38. 17x26 37-42 39. 38x47 19-23 40. 28x19 25-30 41. 34x14 03-09 42. 14x03 12-17 43. 03x21 16x40 44. 19-13 40-45 45. 13-08 45-50 46. 08-02 50-45 47. 02-16 45-23 48. 16-49 23-37 49. 36-31 37-14 50. 31-27 14-25 51. 27-22 25x48 52. 22-18 48-30 53. 18-12 06-11 54. 33-29 30-39 55. 12-08 39-44 56. 49x40 35x44 57. 08-02 11-16 58. 02-13 44-50 59. 13-27 50-28 60. 29-24 28-14 61. 24-19

Round 8, 15.30 uur
17 Juli 2005

White: Dickson Maughn 2 Time 1.55
Black: Anthony Alexandre 0 Time 0.29

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 31-26 19-23 03. 26x17 23x32 04. 37x28 12x21 05. 41-37 11-17 06. 36-31 14-19 07. 38-32 10-14 08. 43-38 05-10 09. 46-41 21-26 10. 31-27 17-21 11. 27-22 18x27 12. 28-23 19x28 13. 33x31 14-19 14. 31-27 10-14 15. 39-33 07-12 16. 33-28 12-18 17. 44-39 01-07 18. 39-33 07-11 19. 41-36 08-12 20. 50-44 12-17 21. 44-39 17-22 22. 28x17 11x31 23. 36x27 02-07 24. 49-44 07-11 25. 33-28 20-24 26. 38-33 15-20 27. 42-38 18-23 28. 48-43 24-29 29. 33x15 23-29 30. 34x23 26-31 31. 37x17 11x42 32. 47x38 19x37 33. 38-32 37x28 34. 43-38 13-18 35. 35-30 28-32 36. 30-24 32x34 37. 40x29 09-13 38. 44-39 03-09

White: Raoul Alias 0 Time 1.14
Black: Jose Maria Filho 2 Time 1.25

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 39-34 15-20 03. 43-39 20-24 04. 33-29 24x33 05. 38x29 17-22 06. 32-27 10-15 07. 37-32 14-20 08. 30-24 19x30 09. 35x24 05-10 10. 40-35 10-14 11. 45-40 11-17 12. 50-45 06-11 13. 42-38 01-06 14. 47-42 13-19 15. 24x13 08x19 16. 49-43 19-23 17. 31-26 22x31 18. 26x37 14-19 19. 32-27 02-08 20. 37-31 08-13 21. 41-37 17-22 22. 37-32 11-17 23. 31-26 22x31 24. 26x37 17-22 25. 36-31 06-11 26. 31-27 22x31 27. 37x26 11-17 28. 46-41 03-08 29. 41-36 17-22 30. 32-27 22x31 31. 36x27 20-24 32. 29x20 25x14 33. 38-33 12-17 34. 42-38 07-12 35. 48-42 17-21 36. 26x17 12x32 37. 38x27 08-12 38. 42-37 12-17 39. 43-38 17-21 40. 38-32 23-28 41. 32x12 21x41 42. 12-07 41-47 43. 33-28 47-36 44. 28-23 19x28 45. 07-02 14-19 46. 34-30 36-47 47. 30-25 09-14

White: Louis Gilles 0 Time 0.39
Black: Adam Andall 2 Time 1.09

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 31-26 19-23 03. 26x17 23x32 04. 37x28 12x21 05. 41-37 11-17 06. 36-31 14-19 07. 38-32 10-14 08. 43-38 05-10 09. 46-41 21-26 10. 31-27 17-21 11. 27-22 18x27 12. 28-23 19x28 13. 33x31 14-19 14. 31-27 10-14 15. 39-33 07-12 16. 33-28 12-18 17. 44-39 01-07 18. 39-33 07-11 19. 41-36 08-12 20. 50-44 12-17 21. 44-39 17-22 22. 28x17 11x31 23. 36x27 02-07 24. 49-44 07-11 25. 33-28 20-24 26. 38-33 15-20 27. 42-38 18-23 28. 48-43 24-29 29. 33x15 23-29 30. 34x23 26-31 31. 37x17 11x42 32. 47x38 19x37 33. 38-32 37x28 34. 43-38 13-18 35. 35-30 28-32 36. 30-24 32x34 37. 40x29 09-13 38. 44-39 03-09

White: Iser Kuperman 2 Time 1.36
Black: Paulvin Simon 0 Time 0.50

01. 32-28 18-23 02. 38-32 12-18 03. 31-27 07-12 04. 43-38 01-07 05. 37-31 20-24 06. 49-43 14-20 07. 41-37 10-14 08. 46-41 05-10 09. 34-29 23x34 10. 40x29 18-22 11. 27x18 12x34 12. 39x30 20-25 13. 44-39 25x34 14. 39x30 15-20 15. 30-25 13-18 16. 31-27 07-12 17. 45-40 09-13 18. 36-31 10-15 19. 41-36 04-09 20. 27-22 18x27 21. 31x22 16-21 22. 43-39 21-26 23. 37-31 26x37 24. 32x41 11-16 25. 22x11 16x07 26. 41-37 12-18 27. 37-32 08-12 28. 36-31 02-08 29. 42-37 18-23 30. 50-45 24-29 31. 33x24 20x29 32. 40-34 29x40 33. 35x44 15-20 34. 31-27 07-11 35. 37-31 12-17 36. 47-41 11-16 37. 31-26 20-24 38. 41-37 08-12 39. 44-40 14-20 40. 25x14 09x20 41. 39-34 03-08 42. 38-33 17-21 43. 26x17 12x21 44. 37-31 21-26 45. 33-29 24x22 46. 27x09 26x28 47. 09-03 08-13 48. 03x25 19-24 49. 40-35 24-29 50. 48-42 29x40 51. 45x34 13-19 52. 34-29 23x34 53. 25x17

White: Alexander Mogiljanski 2 Time 1.48
Black: Willem Blijheid 0 Time 1.46

01. 33-29 17-22 02. 39-33 11-17 03. 44-39 06-11 04. 31-26 16-21 05. 29-24 20x29 06. 33x24 19x30 07. 34x25 01-06 08. 36-31 11-16 09. 41-36 07-11 10. 46-41 22-27 11. 31x22 18x27 12. 39-33 12-18 13. 50-44 14-20 14. 25x14 10x19 15. 40-34 05-10 16. 43-39 09-14 17. 35-30 04-09 18. 48-43 02-07 19. 30-25 07-12 20. 45-40 15-20 21. 40-35 10-15 22. 34-30 20-24 23. 44-40 18-22 24. 40-34 12-18 25. 34-29 08-12 26. 29x20 15x24 27. 39-34 27-31 28. 36x27 22x31 29. 34-29 03-08 30. 29x20 21-27 31. 32x21 16x27 32. 33-29 11-16 33. 30-24 19x30 34. 35x24 31-36 35. 20-15 27-31 36. 37-32 31-37 37. 42x31 36x27 38. 32x21 16x27 39. 41-37 27-31 40. 37-32 31-36 41. 32-27 06-11 42. 15-10 14x05 43. 29-23 18x20 44. 25x03 05-10 45. 03-25 11-16 46. 25-39 17-21 47. 26x17 12x32 48. 38x27

White: Gilles Carisse 0 Time 2.05
Black: Frantz Forbin 2 Time 1.55

01. 34-29 17-22 02. 31-26 11-17 03. 37-31 06-11 04. 40-34 19-23 05. 32-28 23x32 06. 38x27 14-19 07. 34-30 01-06 08. 30-25 10-14 09. 42-38 05-10 10. 45-40 20-24 11. 29x20 15x24 12. 40-34 19-23 13. 34-29 23x34 14. 39x19 14x23 15. 35-30 10-14 16. 33-29 23x34 17. 30x39 13-19 18. 38-33 08-13 19. 50-45 02-08 20. 41-37 04-10 21. 44-40 10-15 22. 40-34 19-23 23. 34-29 23x34 24. 39x30 14-19 25. 46-41 09-14 26. 45-40 19-23 27. 40-35 15-20 28. 33-29 23x34 29. 30x39 20-24 30. 39-33 14-19 31. 43-39 19-23 32. 49-44 23-28 33. 44-40 17-21 34. 26x17 12x32 35. 40-34 07-12 36. 34-29 11-17 37. 29x20 32-38 38. 33x42 28-32 39. 37x28 22x44 40. 20-15 03-09 41. 42-38 44-50 42. 38-32 17-21 43. 35-30 09-14 44. 30-24 18-23 45. 25-20 14x25 46. 32-28 50x11 47. 31-27 21x32 48. 15-10 11-50 49. 10-04 12-18 50. 36-31 23-29 51. 24x33 50x36 52. 04-15 36-22 53. 15-29 32-37

White: Nelsen Angela 0 Time 3.21
Black: Louiceus Shang Wong 2 Time 2.59

01. 32-28 16-21 02. 31-26 18-22 03. 34-30 20-25 04. 37-32 25x34 05. 40x29 11-16 06. 35-30 06-11 07. 30-25 19-24 08. 29x20 15x24 09. 36-31 01-06 10. 31-27 22x31 11. 26x37 12-18 12. 45-40 07-12 13. 40-34 21-26 14. 50-45 14-19 15. 41-36 17-21 16. 44-40 21-27 17. 32x21 26x17 18. 46-41 16-21 19. 37-32 21-26 20. 41-37 17-21 21. 36-31 21-27 22. 31x22 18x27 23. 32x21 26x17 24. 38-32 10-14 25. 43-38 24-30 26. 34-29 30-35 27. 49-44 13-18 28. 29-23 18x29 29. 33x13 09x18 30. 38-33 08-13 31. 42-38 02-08 32. 28-23 18x29 33. 33x24 12-18 34. 24-20 14-19 35. 47-41 05-10 36. 20-15 10-14 37. 39-33 08-12 38. 44-39 35x44 39. 39x50 17-22 40. 48-42 11-17 41. 50-44 19-23 42. 44-40 13-19 43. 33-29 23x34 44. 40x29 19-23 45. 37-31 23x34 46. 32-28 22x33 47. 38x40 18-22 48. 40-34 06-11 49. 45-40 12-18 50. 41-36 17-21 51. 34-29 11-17 52. 40-34 22-28 53. 34-30 17-22 54. 30-24 14-19 55. 24x13 18x09 56. 25-20 21-27 57. 42-37 03-08 58. 20-14 09x20 59. 15x24 08-13 60. 24-20 27-32 61. 31-26 32x41 62. 36x47 22-27 63. 20-14 13-18 64. 29-24 28-33 65. 24-20 33-39 66. 20-15 39-44 67. 14-10 18-23 68. 10-05 23-29 69. 05-37 44-49 70. 37-41 49-40 71. 41-14 40-49 72. 14-41 29-33 73. 41-19 33-39 74. 19-46 49-40 75. 46-41 40-45 76. 41-19 45-29 77. 47-41 39-44 78. 41-36 44-49 79. 19-14 29-01 80. 14-46 01-06 81. 46-05 06-17 82. 05-46 49-40 83. 46-05 40-01 84. 05-14 17-03 85. 14-19 01-06 86. 19-02 27-32 87. 02-24 03-21 88. 26x17 06x20 89. 15x24 32-37

White: Andy Charles 2 Time 1.24
Black: Romain Tchicaya 0 Time 2.22

01. 32-28 17-21 02. 37-32 21-26 03. 32-27 26x37 04. 41x32 11-17 05. 46-41 17-22 06. 28x17 12x21 07. 41-37 07-12 08. 37-31 01-07 09. 42-37 21-26 10. 47-42 07-11 11. 33-28 19-23 12. 28x19 14x23 13. 39-33 10-14 14. 44-39 14-19 15. 50-44 05-10 16. 34-30 20-24 17. 40-34 10-14 18. 33-28 11-17 19. 27-21 16x27 20. 31x11 06x17 21. 36-31 02-07 22. 31-27 07-11 23. 44-40 11-16 24. 39-33 17-22 25. 28x17 12x21 26. 33-28 14-20 27. 30-25 24-30 28. 25x14 30x39 29. 43x34 19x10 30. 28x19 13x24 31. 38-33 09-13 32. 49-44 04-09 33. 33-28 18-22 34. 28x17 21x12 35. 32-28 10-14 36. 42-38 12-17 37. 37-32 14-20 38. 34-30 13-18 39. 30x19 18-22 40. 27x18 09-13 41. 18x09 03x23 42. 28x19 26-31 43. 48-42 17-21 44. 44-39 21-27 45. 32x21 16x27 46. 39-33 31-36 47. 42-37 27-31 48. 37x26 36-41 49. 40-34 20-25 50. 26-21 25-30 51. 35x24 41-46 52. 21-17 46x14 53. 17-11 14-09 54. 33-28 08-12 55. 11-06 12-18 56. 34-29 09-03 57. 06-01 18-22 58. 28x17 03x49 59. 01-07 49-21 60. 45-40 21-27 61. 40-35 27-43 62. 07-11 43-27 63. 11-50 27-43 64. 50-44 43-16 65. 44-39 16-07 66. 39-34 07-16 67. 29-23 16-21 68. 23-18 21-49 69. 18-12 49-44 70. 12-07

Round 9, 9.00 uur
18 Juli 2005

White: Paulvin Simon 1 Time 0.34
Black: Andy Charles 1 Time 1.30

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 34-29 23x34 04. 40x29 10-14 05. 37-32 05-10 06. 41-37 14-19 07. 46-41 10-14 08. 45-40 17-21 09. 50-45 21-26 10. 40-34 11-17 11. 44-40 17-21 12. 29-23 19x28 13. 32x23 18x29 14. 34x23 13-19 15. 38-32 19x28 16. 32x23 09-13 17. 43-38 04-09 18. 49-43 13-19 19. 38-32 19x28 20. 32x23 08-13 21. 33-29 02-08 22. 42-38 06-11 23. 35-30 11-17 24. 31-27 21x32 25. 38x27 17-21 26. 30-24 21x32 27. 37x28 26-31 28. 36x27 16-21 29. 27x16 07-11 30. 16x18 13x35 31. 43-39 20-25 32. 39-34 08-13 33. 41-37 35-40 34. 37-32 14-19 35. 23x14 09x20 36. 32-28 40-44 37. 45-40 44x35 38. 48-43 03-09 39. 28-23 09-14 40. 23-18 13x22 41. 24-19 14x23 42. 29x27 20-24 43. 27-22 25-30 44. 34x25 35-40 45. 22-18 40-45 46. 18-13 45-50 47. 13-08 50-44 48. 08-03 44-35 49. 03-12 35-49 50. 43-39

White: Adam Andall 1 Time 2.10
Black: Iser Kuperman 1 Time 1.26

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 33-28 23x32 04. 37x28 10-14 05. 41-37 16-21 06. 39-33 21-26 07. 37-32 26x37 08. 42x31 14-19 09. 44-39 05-10 10. 46-41 17-22 11. 28x17 11x22 12. 50-44 06-11 13. 41-37 10-14 14. 48-42 01-06 15. 33-28 22x33 16. 39x28 20-24 17. 44-39 18-23 18. 38-33 12-18 19. 42-38 08-12 20. 34-29 23x34 21. 40x20 15x24 22. 49-44 18-23 23. 44-40 11-16 24. 40-34 07-11 25. 34-29 23x34 26. 39x30 13-18 27. 47-42 18-23 28. 31-27 09-13 29. 30-25 02-08 30. 37-31 12-18 31. 27-22 18x27 32. 31x22 04-09 33. 33-29 23x34 34. 22-18 13x33 35. 38x20 08-13 36. 42-38 13-18 37. 35-30 11-17 38. 30x39 09-13 39. 20x09 13x04 40. 25-20 06-11 41. 36-31 17-22 42. 39-33 19-23 43. 32-28 23x32 44. 38x27 11-17 45. 31-26 22x31 46. 26x37 03-09 47. 45-40 18-23 48. 40-34 17-22 49. 33-29 23-28 50. 34-30 22-27 51. 43-38 16-21 52. 30-25 21-26 53. 29-24 27-31 54. 24-19 31x33 55. 20-14 09x20 56. 25x14 33-39 57. 19-13 39-43 58. 13-08 43-48 59. 08-02

White: Jose Maria Filho 1 Time 2.51
Black: Louis Gilles 1 Time 2.32

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 17-21 05. 31-26 14-19 06. 26x17 12x21 07. 36-31 21-26 08. 31-27 07-12 09. 34-29 23x34 10. 39x30 20-25 11. 30-24 19x30 12. 35x24 05-10 13. 33-28 01-07 14. 43-39 11-17 15. 27-21 16x27 16. 32x21 17-22 17. 28x17 07-11 18. 21-16 11x22 19. 46-41 10-14 20. 38-33 13-19 21. 24x13 08x19 22. 40-34 06-11 23. 16x07 12x01 24. 33-28 22x33 25. 39x28 04-10 26. 37-32 02-07 27. 41-37 19-23 28. 28x19 14x23 29. 32-27 10-14 30. 44-39 14-19 31. 39-33 09-14 32. 37-32 03-08 33. 45-40 07-12 34. 42-38 08-13 35. 33-28 23-29 36. 34x23 18x29 37. 48-42 19-24 38. 49-44 14-20 39. 38-33 29x38 40. 32x43 24-29 41. 43-39 25-30 42. 39-33 29x38 43. 42x33 20-24 44. 44-39 15-20 45. 47-42 20-25 46. 40-34 13-19 47. 28-22 01-07 48. 34-29 07-11 49. 29x20 25x14 50. 33-29 14-20 51. 42-38 11-16 52. 38-33 30-35 53. 50-44 20-25 54. 33-28 12-17 55. 22x11 16x07 56. 28-22 07-11 57. 39-33 25-30 58. 33-28 11-16 59. 22-17 16-21 60. 27x16 26-31 61. 16-11 31-37 62. 11-07 37-42 63. 07-01 42-47 64. 17-11 47x15 65. 11-06 15-04 66. 01-40 04-10 67. 28-22 10-15 68. 22-17 19-24 69. 40-23 15-04 70. 06-01 04-15 71. 01-06 15-04 72. 06-01 04-15 73. 17-12 15-04 74. 12-08 04-22 75. 01-06 22x50 76. 08-02 24-29 77. 23x25 50-45 78. 06-01 45-50 79. 25-34 50-28 80. 34-45

White: Anthony Alexander 1 Time 0.41
Black: Raoul Alias 1 Time 1.34

01. 35-30 20-25 02. 40-35 15-20 03. 33-29 10-15 04. 44-40 05-10 05. 50-44 17-21 06. 31-26 20-24 07. 29x20 15x24 08. 26x17 12x21 09. 36-31 21-26 10. 31-27 07-12 11. 39-33 01-07 12. 32-28 18-23 13. 27-22 23x32 14. 37x28 14-20 15. 44-39 09-14 16. 42-37 16-21 17. 37-32 11-17 18. 22x11 07x16 19. 41-37 12-18 20. 28-23 18x29 21. 34x23 25x34 22. 40x29 19x28 23. 32x23 06-11 24. 46-41 11-17 25. 48-42 04-09 26. 45-40 08-12 27. 40-34 12-18 28. 23x12 17x08 29. 29-23 13-18 30. 23x12 08x17 31. 34-30 02-08 32. 30x19 14x23 33. 39-34 10-15 34. 33-29 08-13 35. 29x18 13x22 36. 35-30 09-14 37. 38-33 22-27 38. 43-39 14-19 39. 30-25 20-24 40. 49-44 17-22 41. 44-40 19-23 42. 40-35 23-28 43. 25-20 27-32 44. 20x29 22-27 45. 33x31 03-08 46. 37x28 26x48

White: Louiceus Shang Wong 1 Time 2.02
Black: Dickson Maughn 1 Time 2.10

01. 33-29 19-23 02. 35-30 14-19 03. 40-35 10-14 04. 30-25 20-24 05. 29x20 15x24 06. 44-40 04-10 07. 50-44 24-30 08. 35x24 19x30 09. 32-28 23x32 10. 37x28 30-35 11. 41-37 13-19 12. 37-32 08-13 13. 46-41 02-08 14. 41-37 17-21 15. 39-33 21-26 16. 31-27 10-15 17. 43-39 05-10 18. 49-43 19-23 19. 28x19 14x23 20. 33-28 09-14 21. 28x19 14x23 22. 39-33 13-19 23. 43-39 08-13 24. 33-28 10-14 25. 39-33 12-17 26. 33-29 03-09 27. 38-33 17-22 28. 28x17 11x31 29. 36x27 07-11 30. 44-39 35x44 31. 39x50 11-17 32. 45-40 17-22 33. 47-41 22x31 34. 41-36 06-11 35. 36x27 11-17 36. 42-38 17-22 37. 48-42 22x31 38. 33-28 31-36 39. 29-24 19x39 40. 28x08 18-23 41. 40-34 39x30 42. 25x34 23-29 43. 34x23 09-13 44. 08x10 15x04 45. 23-18 04-09 46. 50-45 26-31 47. 37x26 36-41 48. 18-12 09-13 49. 32-28 41-47 50. 28-22 47-41 51. 45-40 41-23 52. 22-18 13x22 53. 12-08 23x45 54. 08-03 22-28

White: Frantz Forbin 2 Time 1.46
Black: Nelsen Angela 0 Time 1.45

01. 32-28 20-24 02. 37-32 18-23 03. 41-37 12-18 04. 34-30 07-12 05. 30-25 17-21 06. 31-27 14-20 07. 25x14 09x20 08. 39-34 04-09 09. 44-39 21-26 10. 49-44 02-07 11. 34-29 23x34 12. 40x29 20-25 13. 29x20 25x14 14. 44-40 18-23 15. 35-30 15-20 16. 30-25 20-24 17. 37-31 26x37 18. 42x31 12-18 19. 47-42 07-12 20. 46-41 10-15 21. 41-37 12-17 22. 39-34 05-10 23. 34-29 23x34 24. 40x20 15x24 25. 27-22 18x27 26. 32x12 08x17 27. 37-32 13-18 28. 50-44 18-23 29. 44-40 10-15 30. 43-39 17-21 31. 31-27 21-26 32. 36-31 26x37 33. 42x31 14-20 34. 25x14 09x20 35. 39-34 20-25 36. 40-35 03-08 37. 48-42 11-17 38. 31-26 08-12 39. 42-37 15-20 40. 27-22 06-11 41. 22-18 01-06 42. 18x29 12-18 43. 37-31 17-22 44. 28x17 11x22 45. 32-28 16-21 46. 26x17 22x11 47. 38-32 11-17 48. 32-27 06-11 49. 31-26 11-16 50. 45-40

White: Willem Blijheid 2 Time 0.45
Black: Gilles Carisse 0 Time 1.55

01. 32-28 19-23 02. 28x19 14x23 03. 37-32 10-14 04. 41-37 14-19 05. 35-30 20-25 06. 33-29 15-20 07. 30-24 19x30 08. 40-35 20-24 09. 29x20 25x14 10. 34x25 17-22 11. 31-27 22x31 12. 36x27 11-17 13. 38-33 05-10 14. 43-38 07-11 15. 46-41 17-21 16. 49-43 11-17 17. 39-34 06-11 18. 44-39 21-26 19. 34-29 23x34 20. 39x30 17-21 21. 50-44 12-17 22. 43-39 01-06 23. 45-40 17-22 24. 41-36 22x31 25. 36x27 11-17 26. 33-28 18-23 27. 28x19 14x23 28. 38-33 13-18 29. 33-28 09-14 30. 28x19 14x23 31. 39-33 17-22 32. 44-39 22x31 33. 33-28 21-27 34. 28x19 27x38 35. 42x33 31x42 36. 48x37 18-22 37. 40-34 16-21 38. 30-24 21-27 39. 34-30 27-31 40. 37-32 31-36 41. 39-34 26-31 42. 34-29 22-27 43. 32x21 31-37 44. 25-20 08-13 45. 19x08 02x13 46. 21-17 36-41 47. 47x36 37-42 48. 17-12 06-11 49. 30-25 42-47 50. 24-19 13x15 51. 29-24 47x20 52. 25x05

White: Romain Tchicaya 0 Time 1.28
Black: Alexander Mogiljanski 2 Time 1.17

01. 34-30 20-25 02. 31-26 25x34 03. 39x30 15-20 04. 30-25 18-23 05. 44-39 12-18 06. 50-44 07-12 07. 33-29 23x34 08. 39x30 01-07 09. 44-39 19-23 10. 39-34 14-19 11. 25x14 09x20 12. 30-25 04-09 13. 25x14 09x20 14. 37-31 10-14 15. 43-39 05-10 16. 26-21 17x28 17. 39-33 28x30 18. 35x04 11-17 19. 38-33 19-24 20. 49-44 13-19 21. 04x11 06x17 22. 44-39 03-09 23. 36-31 16-21 24. 41-37 17-22 25. 37-32 23-28 26. 32x23 19x28 27. 40-34 21-27 28. 31-26 14-20 29. 47-41 12-18 30. 45-40 07-12 31. 48-43 08-13 32. 40-35 13-19 33. 43-38 28-32 34. 41-37 32x43 35. 39x48 20-25 36. 48-43 09-13 37. 34-29 19-23 38. 29x20 25x14 39. 46-41 23-28 40. 43-39 18-23 41. 41-36 12-17 42. 37-31 02-08 43. 35-30 13-19 44. 39-34 28x39 45. 34x43 14-20 46. 30-25 08-12 47. 25x14 19x10 48. 42-38 23-28 49. 43-39 12-18 50. 39-34 10-14 51. 34-29 14-19 52. 38-32 28x37 53. 31x42 18-23 54. 29x18 22x13 55. 42-38 19-23

Andre Leclerc

Standings after 9 rounds

Post by Andre Leclerc » Mon Jul 18, 2005 21:19

And now the standings after 9 rounds:

13e Championnat Panaméricain
13th Panamerican Championships
Montreal, 12-22 juillet 2005

Ronde 9 18-07-2005

Paulvin Simon - Andy Charles 1-1
Adam Andall - Iser Kuperman 1-1
Jose Maria Filho - Louis Gilles 1-1
Anthony Alexandre - Raoul Alias 1-1
Louiceus Shang Wong - Dickson Maughn 1-1
Frantz Forbin - Nelsen Angela 2-0
Willem Blijheid - Gilles Carisse 2-0
Romain Tchicaya - Alexander Mogiljansk 0-2

Ronde 10 19-07-2005

Dickson Maughn - Frantz Forbin -
Raoul Alias - Louiceus Shang Wong -
Louis Gilles - Anthony Alexandre -
Iser Kuperman - Jose Maria Filho -
Paulvin Simon - Adam Andall -
Gilles Carisse - Romain Tchicaya -
Nelsen Angela - Willem Blijheid -
Andy Charles - Alexander Mogiljansk -

Land AW + = - Pt
1 Alexander Mogiljansk USA 9 6 - 3 - 0 15
2 Louiceus Shang Wong Haiti 9 6 - 2 - 1 14
3 Jose Maria Filho Brazil 9 5 - 3 - 1 13
Iser Kuperman USA 9 4 - 5 - 0 13
5 Adam Andall Grenada 9 4 - 4 - 1 12
6 Dickson Maughn Trinidad & Tobago 9 3 - 5 - 1 11
7 Andy Charles Trinidad & Tobago 9 3 - 4 - 2 10
8 Willem Blijheid USA 9 3 - 3 - 3 9
9 Frantz Forbin Guadeloupe 9 3 - 2 - 4 8
Anthony Alexandre Haiti 9 3 - 2 - 4 8
11 Raoul Alias Curacao 9 1 - 5 - 3 7
12 Nelsen Angela Curacao 9 2 - 2 - 5 6
Paulvin Simon Canada 9 0 - 6 - 3 6
Louis Gilles Canada 9 0 - 6 - 3 6
15 Gilles Carisse Canada 9 0 - 3 - 6 3
Romain Tchicaya Canada 9 0 - 3 - 6 3

Wedstrijden: 72 Winstpartijen: 43 59.7%

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 18, 2005 22:11



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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 18, 2005 22:18



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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 18, 2005 22:22



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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 18, 2005 22:28



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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 18, 2005 22:38



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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 18, 2005 22:43



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Other games will be onlined by PATRICK KOPP here :

http://membres.lycos.fr/dammeur/pdn/cha ... ip2005.htm
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Incorrect game notation for Maugh - Alexandre in round #8

Post by Gimmli » Tue Jul 19, 2005 03:03

In Round 8, the game between Dickson Maughn and Anthony Alexandre is incorrectly the same as the one that took place between Louis Gilles and Adam Andall. I recall that the game between Dickson Maughn and Anthony Alexandre was a lengthy battle of epic proportions, and was in fact looking forward to seeing exactly that game - can someone correct the mistake? [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img]

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Tue Jul 19, 2005 21:42



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Last edited by Jacques PERMAL on Tue Jul 19, 2005 23:27, edited 1 time in total.
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