Italian Draughts Championship
Italian Draughts Championship
Engl: Italian Draughts Championship will be played from 29th of October to 4th of November in Fossano (Cuneo) a city not so far from Turin. We have to thank Mr. Mirko Mancini because he is organizing everything.
You can find more information on the website (site in italian and english language)
A broadcast of live game through webcam is also available.
Good luck!
Rus: chempionat v Italij po-shashkam proizoidet s 29ogo Oktjabrja do 4ogo Nojabrja v Fossane (Cuneo). Etot gorod nahoditsja nedaleko ot Turina. Blagodarim Mirku Mancini potomu, chto on vse organizovaet.
Vse informatzi na sajte (sait na italijanskom i angliskom jazike).
Transljazija matcheij peredast prjamijm efirom cherez webcam.
Ne puha ne pera!
You can find more information on the website (site in italian and english language)
A broadcast of live game through webcam is also available.
Good luck!
Rus: chempionat v Italij po-shashkam proizoidet s 29ogo Oktjabrja do 4ogo Nojabrja v Fossane (Cuneo). Etot gorod nahoditsja nedaleko ot Turina. Blagodarim Mirku Mancini potomu, chto on vse organizovaet.
Vse informatzi na sajte (sait na italijanskom i angliskom jazike).
Transljazija matcheij peredast prjamijm efirom cherez webcam.
Ne puha ne pera!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
Ciao Jacques PERMAL
Hai ricevuto questo messaggio da: Fiumorbo (
Chèr Jacques,
ça fait un bon moment que je ne vois pas de vos nouvelles.
Je voulais vous dire qu'à partir de mardi 30 octobre, à Fossano, dans le Piemonte, on disputera le 43eme championnat italien à 100 cases.
On jouera dans un Hotel qui s'appele.. DAMAHOTEL !!!
On pourra visualiser toutes les parties en directe à travers les 8 webcam qui ont eté installées et de ça il faut remercier le grand travail qui a eté fait par l'organisateur Mirko Mancini et par son collaborateur Ivo Gandolfo.
La presse italienne a donnè beaucoup d'espace à cet evenement et nous aurons un grand plaisir si vous pouvez nous donner un coup de main en publiant la nouvelles sur les sites où vous en avez la possibilitè.
Le site où on pourra voir les parties en directe s'appele
Je suis à votre disposition pour toutes les nouvelles dont vous auriez besoin.
Gianfranco Borghetti
Hai ricevuto questo messaggio da: Fiumorbo (
Chèr Jacques,
ça fait un bon moment que je ne vois pas de vos nouvelles.
Je voulais vous dire qu'à partir de mardi 30 octobre, à Fossano, dans le Piemonte, on disputera le 43eme championnat italien à 100 cases.
On jouera dans un Hotel qui s'appele.. DAMAHOTEL !!!
On pourra visualiser toutes les parties en directe à travers les 8 webcam qui ont eté installées et de ça il faut remercier le grand travail qui a eté fait par l'organisateur Mirko Mancini et par son collaborateur Ivo Gandolfo.
La presse italienne a donnè beaucoup d'espace à cet evenement et nous aurons un grand plaisir si vous pouvez nous donner un coup de main en publiant la nouvelles sur les sites où vous en avez la possibilitè.
Le site où on pourra voir les parties en directe s'appele
Je suis à votre disposition pour toutes les nouvelles dont vous auriez besoin.
Gianfranco Borghetti
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
More about organizers and players here : ... nisti.html
See list of past winners here : ... ndina.html
Last year R. BUBBI and W. RAIMONDI finished jointly first. A play-off was scheduled in march. But none of the two players made the trip. ... nisti.html
See list of past winners here : ... ndina.html
Last year R. BUBBI and W. RAIMONDI finished jointly first. A play-off was scheduled in march. But none of the two players made the trip.
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
First Round
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "MACALI Daniele"]
[Black "DI GIACOMO Roberto"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 32-27 18-23 2. 31-26 12-18 3. 37-32 7-12 4. 41-37 20-24 5. 46-41 15-20 6.
36-31 10-15 7. 33-28 24-29 8. 28-22 17x28 9. 41-36 29-33 10. 38x29 11-17 11.
42-38 17-21 12. 26x17 12x21 13. 48-42 2-7 14. 47-41 7-12 15. 35-30 20-24 16.
29x20 15x35 17. 31-26 28-33 18. 39x28 1-7 19. 26x17 12x21 20. 38-33 7-12 21.
42-38 6-11 22. 44-39 35x44 23. 49x40 21-26 24. 36-31 11-17 25. 41-36 17-22 26.
28x17 12x21 27. 33-28 14-20 28. 39-33 5-10 29. 33-29 8-12 30. 27-22 18x27 31.
29x7 3-8 32. 31x22 8-12 33. 7x18 21-27 34. 32x21 26x17 35. 22x11 13x31 36.
36x27 16x7 37. 50-44 20-24 38. 44-39 9-13 39. 39-33 1-1
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "ZORN Walter"]
[Black "BRUCH Elio"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 32-28 18-22 2. 37-32 12-18 3. 41-37 7-12 4. 31-26 1-7 5. 37-31 20-25 6.
46-41 14-20 7. 31-27 22x31 8. 26x37 16-21 9. 36-31 21-26 10. 41-36 10-14 11.
31-27 5-10 12. 27-22 18x27 13. 32x21 17-22 14. 28x17 11x22 15. 21-16 13-18 16.
33-28 22x33 17. 39x28 9-13 18. 38-32 4-9 19. 44-39 18-23 20. 39-33 12-18 21.
43-39 8-12 22. 42-38 3-8 23. 47-42 20-24 24. 49-43 14-20 25. 36-31 10-14 26.
31-27 7-11 27. 16x7 12x1 28. 37-31 26x37 29. 42x31 1-7 30. 31-26 7-11 31.
26-21 2-7 32. 21-16 8-12 33. 50-44 11-17 34. 27-21 17x26 35. 28-22 18x27 36.
32x21 26x17 37. 16-11 7x16 38. 34-30 25x34 39. 40x7 20-25 40. 48-42 6-11 41.
7-2 13-18 42. 35-30 24x35 43. 2x24 17-21 44. 44-40 35x44 45. 39x50 18-22 46.
33-28 22x33 47. 38x29 21-26 48. 42-37 11-17 49. 24-2 14-19 50. 2x35 9-13 51.
35x21 16x27 52. 29-23 27-31 53. 37-32 31-36 54. 23-18 36-41 55. 18-12 41-46
56. 32-27 46-19 57. 12-7 19-13 58. 27-21 26x17 59. 7-2 13-31 60. 2-19 17-21
61. 19-23 21-26 62. 43-39 31-48 63. 39-33 26-31 64. 23-32 31-36 65. 50-44
48-26 66. 33-29 26-17 67. 44-40 17-3 68. 29-23 25-30 69. 23-18 3-20 70. 32-43
20-25 71. 43-32 25-3 72. 18-13 30-35 73. 40-34 3-25 74. 32-49 25x39 75. 45-40
35x44 76. 49x40 1-1
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "REDIVO Daniele"]
[Black "LORUSSO Luca"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 34-30 17-22 2. 31-26 19-23 3. 37-31 14-19 4. 32-28 23x32 5. 38x27 19-23 6.
42-38 11-17 7. 40-34 20-25 8. 33-29 10-14 9. 45-40 6-11 10. 47-42 1-6 11.
42-37 5-10 12. 38-33 14-20 13. 30-24 9-14 14. 50-45 3-9 15. 37-32 22-28 16.
33x22 17x37 17. 41x32 11-17 18. 39-33 6-11 19. 43-39 25-30 20. 34x25 23x43 21.
49x38 20x29 22. 33x24 18-23 23. 48-43 13-18 24. 27-21 16x27 25. 31x13 8x30 26.
25x34 14-19 27. 44-39 10-14 28. 34-29 23x34 29. 40x29 19-24 30. 29x20 15x24
31. 36-31 14-19 32. 46-41 9-13 33. 41-37 13-18 34. 38-33 18-23 35. 33-28 2-8
36. 39-34 12-18 37. 31-27 7-12 38. 34-30 4-10 39. 45-40 10-14 40. 30-25 11-16
41. 43-38 17-21 42. 26x17 12x21 43. 40-34 8-13 44. 38-33 24-30 45. 35x24 19x39
46. 28x10 39x28 47. 32x12 21x41 48. 10-4 41-46 1-1
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "MARINELLI Alessandro"]
[Black "RAIMONDI Walter"]
[Result "0-2"]
1. 35-30 20-25 2. 40-35 14-20 3. 45-40 20-24 4. 33-29 24x33 5. 38x29 10-14 6.
50-45 5-10 7. 42-38 17-21 8. 31-26 21-27 9. 32x21 16x27 10. 48-42 18-22 11.
37-32 11-16 12. 32x21 16x27 13. 41-37 6-11 14. 46-41 13-18 15. 30-24 19x30 16.
35x24 1-6 17. 37-31 14-19 18. 24x13 8x19 19. 41-37 10-14 20. 37-32 11-16 21.
32x21 16x27 22. 42-37 7-11 23. 37-32 11-16 24. 32x21 16x27 25. 47-42 2-7 26.
42-37 6-11 27. 37-32 11-16 28. 32x21 16x27 29. 38-32 27x38 30. 43x32 22-28 31.
32x23 19x28 32. 49-43 3-8 33. 43-38 9-13 34. 38-33 28-32 35. 29-24 14-19 36.
40-35 19x30 37. 35x24 18-23 38. 45-40 13-18 39. 33-28 32-38 40. 28x19 4-10 41.
39-33 38x20 42. 44-39 10-14 43. 19x10 15x4 44. 39-33 18-23 45. 26-21 20-24 46.
40-35 8-13 47. 31-27 13-18 48. 33-28 23x32 49. 27x38 18-22 50. 38-33 4-10 51.
36-31 12-18 52. 21-16 18-23 53. 31-26 10-14 54. 26-21 14-20 55. 34-29 23x34
56. 33-28 22x33 57. 21-17 33-39 58. 17-11 39-43 59. 11x2 43-48 60. 2x39 48x34
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "TOVAGLIARO Roberto"]
[Black "BERTE Daniele"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 32-28 19-23 2. 28x19 14x23 3. 37-32 10-14 4. 41-37 5-10 5. 47-41 14-19 6.
32-28 23x32 7. 37x28 10-14 8. 41-37 16-21 9. 31-26 18-22 10. 34-29 21-27 11.
37-31 20-24 12. 29x20 15x24 13. 40-34 13-18 14. 45-40 18-23 15. 46-41 23x32
16. 33-29 24x33 17. 39x37 19-23 18. 37-32 11-16 19. 32x21 16x27 20. 35-30 6-11
21. 43-39 14-19 22. 38-33 9-14 23. 42-38 8-13 24. 50-45 12-18 25. 48-43 7-12
26. 30-25 4-10 27. 34-29 23x34 28. 40x29 19-23 29. 44-40 23x34 30. 40x29 14-19
31. 45-40 19-23 32. 40-35 23x34 33. 39x30 10-14 34. 33-29 13-19 35. 30-24
19x30 36. 35x24 1-7 37. 41-37 18-23 38. 29x18 22x13 39. 31x22 17x28 40. 43-39
11-17 41. 36-31 17-22 42. 26-21 12-18 43. 31-26 7-12 44. 37-31 2-7 45. 31-27
22x31 46. 26x37 18-22 47. 37-31 12-18 48. 49-44 13-19 49. 24x13 18x9 50. 44-40
14-20 51. 25x14 9x20 52. 40-34 20-24 53. 38-33 28-32 54. 34-29 24-30 55. 29-23
3-9 56. 23-19 7-12 57. 21-16 12-17 58. 31-26 32-37 59. 26-21 17x26 60. 16-11
37-41 61. 11-7 41-46 62. 19-13 9x18 63. 7-1 30-35 64. 1x29 26-31 65. 39-34
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "MACALI Daniele"]
[Black "DI GIACOMO Roberto"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 32-27 18-23 2. 31-26 12-18 3. 37-32 7-12 4. 41-37 20-24 5. 46-41 15-20 6.
36-31 10-15 7. 33-28 24-29 8. 28-22 17x28 9. 41-36 29-33 10. 38x29 11-17 11.
42-38 17-21 12. 26x17 12x21 13. 48-42 2-7 14. 47-41 7-12 15. 35-30 20-24 16.
29x20 15x35 17. 31-26 28-33 18. 39x28 1-7 19. 26x17 12x21 20. 38-33 7-12 21.
42-38 6-11 22. 44-39 35x44 23. 49x40 21-26 24. 36-31 11-17 25. 41-36 17-22 26.
28x17 12x21 27. 33-28 14-20 28. 39-33 5-10 29. 33-29 8-12 30. 27-22 18x27 31.
29x7 3-8 32. 31x22 8-12 33. 7x18 21-27 34. 32x21 26x17 35. 22x11 13x31 36.
36x27 16x7 37. 50-44 20-24 38. 44-39 9-13 39. 39-33 1-1
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "ZORN Walter"]
[Black "BRUCH Elio"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 32-28 18-22 2. 37-32 12-18 3. 41-37 7-12 4. 31-26 1-7 5. 37-31 20-25 6.
46-41 14-20 7. 31-27 22x31 8. 26x37 16-21 9. 36-31 21-26 10. 41-36 10-14 11.
31-27 5-10 12. 27-22 18x27 13. 32x21 17-22 14. 28x17 11x22 15. 21-16 13-18 16.
33-28 22x33 17. 39x28 9-13 18. 38-32 4-9 19. 44-39 18-23 20. 39-33 12-18 21.
43-39 8-12 22. 42-38 3-8 23. 47-42 20-24 24. 49-43 14-20 25. 36-31 10-14 26.
31-27 7-11 27. 16x7 12x1 28. 37-31 26x37 29. 42x31 1-7 30. 31-26 7-11 31.
26-21 2-7 32. 21-16 8-12 33. 50-44 11-17 34. 27-21 17x26 35. 28-22 18x27 36.
32x21 26x17 37. 16-11 7x16 38. 34-30 25x34 39. 40x7 20-25 40. 48-42 6-11 41.
7-2 13-18 42. 35-30 24x35 43. 2x24 17-21 44. 44-40 35x44 45. 39x50 18-22 46.
33-28 22x33 47. 38x29 21-26 48. 42-37 11-17 49. 24-2 14-19 50. 2x35 9-13 51.
35x21 16x27 52. 29-23 27-31 53. 37-32 31-36 54. 23-18 36-41 55. 18-12 41-46
56. 32-27 46-19 57. 12-7 19-13 58. 27-21 26x17 59. 7-2 13-31 60. 2-19 17-21
61. 19-23 21-26 62. 43-39 31-48 63. 39-33 26-31 64. 23-32 31-36 65. 50-44
48-26 66. 33-29 26-17 67. 44-40 17-3 68. 29-23 25-30 69. 23-18 3-20 70. 32-43
20-25 71. 43-32 25-3 72. 18-13 30-35 73. 40-34 3-25 74. 32-49 25x39 75. 45-40
35x44 76. 49x40 1-1
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "REDIVO Daniele"]
[Black "LORUSSO Luca"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 34-30 17-22 2. 31-26 19-23 3. 37-31 14-19 4. 32-28 23x32 5. 38x27 19-23 6.
42-38 11-17 7. 40-34 20-25 8. 33-29 10-14 9. 45-40 6-11 10. 47-42 1-6 11.
42-37 5-10 12. 38-33 14-20 13. 30-24 9-14 14. 50-45 3-9 15. 37-32 22-28 16.
33x22 17x37 17. 41x32 11-17 18. 39-33 6-11 19. 43-39 25-30 20. 34x25 23x43 21.
49x38 20x29 22. 33x24 18-23 23. 48-43 13-18 24. 27-21 16x27 25. 31x13 8x30 26.
25x34 14-19 27. 44-39 10-14 28. 34-29 23x34 29. 40x29 19-24 30. 29x20 15x24
31. 36-31 14-19 32. 46-41 9-13 33. 41-37 13-18 34. 38-33 18-23 35. 33-28 2-8
36. 39-34 12-18 37. 31-27 7-12 38. 34-30 4-10 39. 45-40 10-14 40. 30-25 11-16
41. 43-38 17-21 42. 26x17 12x21 43. 40-34 8-13 44. 38-33 24-30 45. 35x24 19x39
46. 28x10 39x28 47. 32x12 21x41 48. 10-4 41-46 1-1
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "MARINELLI Alessandro"]
[Black "RAIMONDI Walter"]
[Result "0-2"]
1. 35-30 20-25 2. 40-35 14-20 3. 45-40 20-24 4. 33-29 24x33 5. 38x29 10-14 6.
50-45 5-10 7. 42-38 17-21 8. 31-26 21-27 9. 32x21 16x27 10. 48-42 18-22 11.
37-32 11-16 12. 32x21 16x27 13. 41-37 6-11 14. 46-41 13-18 15. 30-24 19x30 16.
35x24 1-6 17. 37-31 14-19 18. 24x13 8x19 19. 41-37 10-14 20. 37-32 11-16 21.
32x21 16x27 22. 42-37 7-11 23. 37-32 11-16 24. 32x21 16x27 25. 47-42 2-7 26.
42-37 6-11 27. 37-32 11-16 28. 32x21 16x27 29. 38-32 27x38 30. 43x32 22-28 31.
32x23 19x28 32. 49-43 3-8 33. 43-38 9-13 34. 38-33 28-32 35. 29-24 14-19 36.
40-35 19x30 37. 35x24 18-23 38. 45-40 13-18 39. 33-28 32-38 40. 28x19 4-10 41.
39-33 38x20 42. 44-39 10-14 43. 19x10 15x4 44. 39-33 18-23 45. 26-21 20-24 46.
40-35 8-13 47. 31-27 13-18 48. 33-28 23x32 49. 27x38 18-22 50. 38-33 4-10 51.
36-31 12-18 52. 21-16 18-23 53. 31-26 10-14 54. 26-21 14-20 55. 34-29 23x34
56. 33-28 22x33 57. 21-17 33-39 58. 17-11 39-43 59. 11x2 43-48 60. 2x39 48x34
[Event "43 Campionato Assoluto Dama Inter.le"]
[Site "Fossano"]
[Date "2007.10.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "TOVAGLIARO Roberto"]
[Black "BERTE Daniele"]
[Result "1-1"]
1. 32-28 19-23 2. 28x19 14x23 3. 37-32 10-14 4. 41-37 5-10 5. 47-41 14-19 6.
32-28 23x32 7. 37x28 10-14 8. 41-37 16-21 9. 31-26 18-22 10. 34-29 21-27 11.
37-31 20-24 12. 29x20 15x24 13. 40-34 13-18 14. 45-40 18-23 15. 46-41 23x32
16. 33-29 24x33 17. 39x37 19-23 18. 37-32 11-16 19. 32x21 16x27 20. 35-30 6-11
21. 43-39 14-19 22. 38-33 9-14 23. 42-38 8-13 24. 50-45 12-18 25. 48-43 7-12
26. 30-25 4-10 27. 34-29 23x34 28. 40x29 19-23 29. 44-40 23x34 30. 40x29 14-19
31. 45-40 19-23 32. 40-35 23x34 33. 39x30 10-14 34. 33-29 13-19 35. 30-24
19x30 36. 35x24 1-7 37. 41-37 18-23 38. 29x18 22x13 39. 31x22 17x28 40. 43-39
11-17 41. 36-31 17-22 42. 26-21 12-18 43. 31-26 7-12 44. 37-31 2-7 45. 31-27
22x31 46. 26x37 18-22 47. 37-31 12-18 48. 49-44 13-19 49. 24x13 18x9 50. 44-40
14-20 51. 25x14 9x20 52. 40-34 20-24 53. 38-33 28-32 54. 34-29 24-30 55. 29-23
3-9 56. 23-19 7-12 57. 21-16 12-17 58. 31-26 32-37 59. 26-21 17x26 60. 16-11
37-41 61. 11-7 41-46 62. 19-13 9x18 63. 7-1 30-35 64. 1x29 26-31 65. 39-34
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3574
- Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 13:05
- Location: Harlingen
To see the games in applet on <a href= target=blank>Toernooibase</a>:
<a href= ... d=646&jr=8 target=blank>Kampioenschap van Italie</a> and then the link Partijen OR Partij.
<a href= ... d=646&jr=8 target=blank>Kampioenschap van Italie</a> and then the link Partijen OR Partij.
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
Results of 2nd round
L. LORUSSO - W. ZORN : 0-2
W. RAIMONDI and W. ZORN took the lead.
Now Round 3 live here :
Results of 2nd round
L. LORUSSO - W. ZORN : 0-2
W. RAIMONDI and W. ZORN took the lead.
Now Round 3 live here :
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
Third round
D. BERTE - E. BRUCH : 1-1
W. RAIMONDI lead with one point ahead of R. DI GIACOMO and A. MARINELLI. ... rtite.html
Applets as soon as possible : ... d=646&jr=8
D. BERTE - E. BRUCH : 1-1
W. RAIMONDI lead with one point ahead of R. DI GIACOMO and A. MARINELLI. ... rtite.html
Applets as soon as possible : ... d=646&jr=8
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
Fourth round
W. RAIMONDI won E. BRUCH and has two points ahead D. BERTE, R. DI GIACOMO and A. MARINELLI
W. RAIMONDI won E. BRUCH and has two points ahead D. BERTE, R. DI GIACOMO and A. MARINELLI
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
Sixth round ... d=646&jr=8
R. DI GIACOMO reduced the gap with leader W. RAIMONDI after his victory against E. BRUCH. ... d=646&jr=8
R. DI GIACOMO reduced the gap with leader W. RAIMONDI after his victory against E. BRUCH.
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
Seventh round
Victories of leader W. Raimondi, R. Di Giacomo (one point behind) and A. Marinelli (gap of two points).
Next round this afternoon.
Victories of leader W. Raimondi, R. Di Giacomo (one point behind) and A. Marinelli (gap of two points).
Next round this afternoon.
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
Eighth round
WALTER RAIMONDI won sixth national title !!! ... d=646&jr=8
W. RAIMONDI won R. DI GIACOMO and is three points ahead of nearest challengers. He is the 2007 champion before last round.
WALTER RAIMONDI won sixth national title !!! ... d=646&jr=8
W. RAIMONDI won R. DI GIACOMO and is three points ahead of nearest challengers. He is the 2007 champion before last round.
Information : my first priority !!
L'info en première ligne !!
L'info en première ligne !!
- Posts: 3384
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY
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- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15
- Location: ROUEN - NORMANDY