Search found 2 matches

by damasmatilde
Tue Oct 18, 2016 23:13
Forum: Draughts, Computer, Internet
Topic: (Free) draughts software
Replies: 31
Views: 94303

Re: (Free) draughts software

Great news Angel, Did you also created the "Matilde" (spanish draughts), right? Welcome back to Draughts community, several developers are active here and sharing many ideas! Could you share your last binary engine versions and some information about them? Then I might add the info and download lin...
by damasmatilde
Mon Oct 10, 2016 19:33
Forum: Draughts, Computer, Internet
Topic: (Free) draughts software
Replies: 31
Views: 94303

Re: (Free) draughts software

Hello. I'm Angel Galan Galan. Some time ago I make an engine to play Spanish checkers with CheckerBoard by Martin Fierz. Also, I make the engines Marujito, Mantello and Marinha to play English, Italian and Brazilian chekers. All are very weak, I'm an amateur programmer. I updated the google sheet wi...